Use in sentence of “stay away”

How to use in-sentence of “stay away”:

– Sikhs try to stay away from these things.

– He was asked to stay away from IRC until he was unbanned to show that he had changed.

– So, Prem used to get hit from Ashok various times to stay away from Rashmi.

– Hello all, I have some exams coming up soon, so it is very important that I stay away from here, sometimes I cant help myself coming here.

– A small hunch tells me that this is Kalajan, but his socks try to stay away from me.

– Away from the “core planets” people like the crew of the cargo ship “Serenity Serenity” can make a living if they stay away from Alliance ships and the Reavers – space-faring cannibals who raid the planets of “the Rim.” One of the Alliance’s projects is the creation of a group of warriors with mental powers.

Use in sentence of stay away
Use in sentence of stay away

Example sentences of “stay away”:

– Loons warn others to stay away from their nests by dancing on the water.

– People should stay away from crowded places if they can, because being close to big groups of people can easily spread the virus.

– Nikkatsu could not stay away from the lucrative business.

– The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office urged individuals to stay away from the location at 2:13p.m.

– Can cause embarrassment during sexual intercourse otherwise making men stay away from any sort of sexual relationship.

– Are there any types of things I should try to stay away from when creating these? I realize that I shouldn’t make the article sound like an advertisement for the website, and I know about keeping a NPoV, but are there any other things I have to be careful about when making these ie.

– Some even stay away from the number four, which sounds like “death” in Chinese.

– All roads into Oslo’s downtown area were closed as police moved people from the area and warned Oslo residents to stay away from the city center.

– Before, the black-footed ferret lived in lots of habitats prairies with short grass, Prairieprairies with different types of grasses, burrows of prairie dog to raise their young ones, stay away from predators, and to keep themselves warm.

– Chief Powhatan warns Pocahontas to stay away from the British because of their weapons.

– Stories were commonly told to children to make them stay away from dangerous areas of water.

– They tend to stay away from smoking, drinking and other things known to be harmful or mind-altering.

– Kerchak warns the other gorillas to stay away from the humans, but Tarzan says that the humans are not dangerous.

– These are from traditional Pitjantjatjara stories told to children to make sure they stay away from trouble.

– He shows them his home, an underwater city built by Gungans to stay away from humans.

– Upon meeting the heir, several odd things happen: an unsigned note is delivered to Henry Baskerville warning him to stay away from the moor; then Henry’s shoes beginning missing and turning up; first a new shoe and then an old one; lastly Holmes spots a stranger in a cab following Henry and Dr Mortimor.

– When you return, try to stay away from areas that have been quite heated for you, not necessarily permanantly, but definitely for a few weeks/months.

– This was to tell Russians to stay away from Mongolia as it still belonged to China.

- Loons warn others to stay away from their nests by dancing on the water.

- People should stay away from crowded places if they can, because being close to big groups of people can easily spread the virus.
- Nikkatsu could not stay away from the lucrative business.

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