Use in sentence of “roost”

How to use in-sentence of “roost”:

– In the United Kingdom all bats are protected by law, and even disturbing a bat or its roost can be punished with a heavy fine.

– The bat has a brief activity period, leaving its roost for only 30 minutes in the evening and 20 minutes at dawn.

– Individuals roost high on walls or roof domes, far apart from each other.

– Members of each ring tend to roost together at night, fly to similar habitats and at the same time of year.

– They roost within the Spanish moss itself or under the dead hanging fronds of palm trees.

– The chicks roost on either side of the peahen, and she extends her wings to cover them during the night, thus protecting them from rain, hail, and visits from owls.

– The Roost Centre covers the central and northern regions.

– During feeding periods, the young either stays in the roost or remains attached to the mother at one of her two vestigial pubic nipples.

Use in sentence of roost
Use in sentence of roost

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