Use in sentence of “papua”

How to use in-sentence of “papua”:

– It lives in both Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, no more than 1500 meters above sea level.

– In late 2019, an 2019 Bougainvillean independence referendumindependence referendum was held with 98.31% voting for independence rather than continued autonomy within Papua New Guinea.

– Scientists saw it in the Torricelli Mountains in Papua New Guinea and in Cenderawash Bay in Indonesia.

– Scientists saw it in Papua New Guinea near the Fly River and Milne Bay, and they think it might also live in Indonesia.

– Some birds, like those of the bird of paradise in Papua New Guinea have such beautiful feathers that they have been hunted for them.

– The archipelago big-eyed tree frog is a tree frog from Papua New Guinea.

Use in sentence of papua
Use in sentence of papua

Example sentences of “papua”:

– He vowed never to return to his native land if it were still occupied by Indonesia, but nevertheless resettled to West Papua in 2010 to die there.

– It lives in both Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

– Peter O’Neill, CMG was the prime minister of Papua New Guinea from 2011 to 2019.

– The sandy big-eyed tree frog is a tree frog from Papua New Guinea.

– The Papua frog is a frog from New Guinea.

– Jouwe died in West Papua on 16 September 2017 at age 93.

– Fe’i banana or Orange banana is a cultivar of banana that occurs on Pacific islands, the Moluccas, and in Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea national football team is the national football football team of Papua New Guinea.

– In March 1944, he was killed in action in Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea at the age of 30.

– In February of 2006, an expedition led by Conservation International found a population of them in what they described as a “lost world” of wildlife in the Foja Mountains of Papua Province, Indonesia.

– They are a sea-faring people, and engaged in trade with peoples of Papua New Guinea.

– The desert tree frog, naked tree frog, seagull frog, red tree frog, little red tree frog or brown tree frog is a frog from Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and northern Australia.

– The dwarf rocket frog is a frog from Papua New Guinea.

– Bulmer’s tree frog is a tree frog from Papua New Guinea.

– On the west side of the island are the Indonesian provinces of Papua Papua and West Irian Jaya.

– The Americas, Greenland, Iceland, South Africa, Madagascar, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea, all come together to create the country of Oceania.

– The Brown tree snake is an arboreal colubrid snake the lives in parts of coastal Australia, Papua New Guinea, and islands in northwestern Melanesia.

– It is also an introduced species to Irian Jaya, Borneo the Lesser Sunda Islands, Maluku, Sulawesi, Australia, Mauritius, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Réunion.

- He vowed never to return to his native land if it were still occupied by Indonesia, but nevertheless resettled to West Papua in 2010 to die there.

- It lives in both Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

More in-sentence examples of “papua”:

– It has been introduced to Irian Jaya, Borneo, the Lesser Sunda Islands, Maluku IslandsMaluku, Cocos Islands, Nauru, Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, New Britain, and New Ireland.

– Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Melanesia are to the south of Micronesia.

– Should a tropical low intensify into a tropical cyclone between the Equator and 10°S and between 141°E and 160°E are assigned names by the Tropical Cyclone Warning Center in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

– Telek sang with various bands in Papua New Guinea early in his career, most notably with the group Painim Wok, famous in the 1980s.

– The Northern New Guinea tree frog is a tree frog from Papua New Guinea.

– In the United Nations’ geographic regions, Oceania includes Australia and the nations of the Pacific from Papua New Guinea east, but not the Malay Archipelago or Indonesian New Guinea.

– Sir Michael Ogio was a Papua New Guinean politician.

– It lives in the southern part of the island of New Guinea, in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

– The bridled frog, bridle frog or tawny rocket frog is a frog from Australia and Papua New Guinea.

– A small number are part of Papua New Guinea.

– After Papua New Guinea gained independence from Australia in 1975, most of the Unserdeutsch speakers decided to take on Australian citizenship and to emigrate to Australia, especially Queensland, because offices and posts in their homeland were to be filled by indigenous Papuans.

– Aircraft search project in Papua New Guinea.

– In the past, it was a national holiday in Papua New Guinea or Samoa.

– India has the fourth largest number of spoken languages per country in the world, only behind Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and Nigeria.

– The Governor-General of Papua New Guinea is the representative of Monarchy of Papua New GuineaPapua New Guinean monarch, known in Tok Pisin as ‘Missis Kwin’.

– The Arfakiana tree frog is a tree frog from Papua New Guinea.

– As of 2006, it is internationally recognised as Papua Papua, a province of Indonesia.

– In later chapters, Suzuki adopts a memoir style, writing about themes such as his relationship with Australia, his experiences in Brazil and Papua New Guinea, the founding of the David Suzuki Foundation, and his thoughts on climate change, celebrity status, technology, and death.

– The current members in the ARF are: Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Australia, Canada, the People’s Republic of China, the European Union, India, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Russia, East Timor, United States, and Sri Lanka.

– Scientists say this frog looks a lot like the Papua big-eyed tree frog but with more webbing on its feet and clearer lines on its lower eyelids.

– Pulau Ayu is a very small Indonesian island in West Papua province.

– Somare died on 26 February 2021 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea from pancreatic cancer, aged 84.

– This brightly colored parrot lives on the east coast of Australia, eastern Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.

– The Trauna River tree frog is a frog from Papua New Guinea.

– Scientists believe it lives in the hills and lower sides of the mountains in both Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

– He has been a member of the National Parliament of Papua New Guinea since July 2007, representing the electorate of Tari-Pori Open.

– Sir Michael Thomas Somare was a Papua New Guinean politician.

– The Brown River tree frog is a frog from Papua New Guinea.

– The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, is Papua New Guinea’s head of government.

– On 20 March, the first case in Papua New Guinea was confirmed.

– The Kassam tree frog is a tree frog from Papua New Guinea.

– The Papua gray frog is a frog from New Guinea.

– They are widely distributed throughout the Australasian region, including south-eastern Asia, Polynesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and Australia, and the majority have very brightly coloured plumage.

– Rabaul Creole German is a creole language spoken in Papua New Guinea, and parts of Australia.

– The population of Papua New Guinea are mostly the Indigenous peoples of the island.

– Beck’s tree frog is a large tree frog from Papua New Guinea.

– The average population density in the Highlands and Islands is lower than that of Sweden, Norway, Papua New Guinea and Argentina.

– At that time, Papua New Guinea was a German colony.

– He was the Chief Archeologist of Papua New Guinea from 2008 until his death in 2014.

– The common big-eyed tree frog is a group of species of tree frog from Papua New Guinea.

– The West Sepik tree frog is a small frog from Papua New Guinea.

– Indonesia’s neighbors are Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, and East Timor which share land borders with Indonesia.

– Four of the species are endemic to Australia, with one species also occurring in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

– He served as the ninth Governor-General of Papua New Guinea from 20 December 2010 until his death.

– The Papua big-eyed tree frog is a tree frog from Papua New Guinea.

– James Marape is a Papua New Guinea politician.

– In this area 80% is in Indonesia, 11% in Malaysia, 6% in Papua New Guinea, with pockets in Brunei, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Thailand.

– Japan then began its plan to take over Papua New Guinea again, while the United States planned to attack the Solomon Islands.

– Tok Pisin is a Lingua francamarket language used in parts of the South Pacific, mainly Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, but also in areas of Vanuatu, where a second language known as Bislama is also spoken.

– Nduga Regency is one of the Regencies of Indonesiaregencies in Papua Province of Indonesia.

- It has been introduced to Irian Jaya, Borneo, the Lesser Sunda Islands, Maluku IslandsMaluku, Cocos Islands, Nauru, Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, New Britain, and New Ireland.

- Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Melanesia are to the south of Micronesia.

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