Use in sentence of “openly”

How to use in-sentence of “openly”:

+ He ran for the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1961, making him the first openly gay candidate for public office in the United States.

+ The Palais-Royal was where the Régent held his court and lived openly with his mistress.

+ Weingarten is openly lesbian.

+ She was openly a lesbian.

+ She is openly lesbian and lives in London.

Use in sentence of openly
Use in sentence of openly

Example sentences of “openly”:

+ He is openly gay and some of his songs have LGBT themes.

+ Andrei Sakharov openly said the action of Soviet Army in Afghanistan was wrong.

+ It is even more similar to German languageGerman and Dutch, partly because of the Hanseatic League of the Middle Ages, when Sweden traded very openly with Germany.

+ In “Eclipse”, Jacob openly tells Bella that he loves her even if she does not love him back.

+ He is also credited as being the first openly gay mainstream heavy metal star when he came out as gay in 1998.

+ Albee was openly gay and stated that he first knew he was gay at age 12 and a half.

+ Sloan, who is bisexualitybisexual, has an affair with the openly gay William.

+ Grenell also briefly served as national security spokesman for Mitt Romney in his 2012 campaign for President, becoming the first openly gay spokesman for a Republican presidential candidate.

+ Higgins was openly gay.

+ He is openly gay, and married his husband Justin Mikita in 2013.

+ He is openly gay and some of his songs have LGBT themes.

+ Andrei Sakharov openly said the action of Soviet Army in Afghanistan was wrong.
+ It is even more similar to German languageGerman and Dutch, partly because of the Hanseatic League of the Middle Ages, when Sweden traded very openly with Germany.

More in-sentence examples of “openly”:

+ Gaddafi openly supported independence movements like Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress, Palestinian Liberation Organization, the Irish Republican Army, the Polisario Front and more.

+ She has openly stated, “I am a Christian.

+ He had diabetes which he speaks openly about in his commercials for Liberty Medical.

+ Sarria became the first openly gay candidate for public office in the United States.

+ In 2008, Skofterud said she was openly lesbian.

+ He is a camp camp, openly gay man.

+ Information regarding the measures, formula, and gains is regularly and openly shared with all employees.

+ Mary CheneyMary is openly lesbian and Dick supports same sex marriage along with Mary.

+ Horta was openly gay.

+ She is the first openly transgender person to be elected to the Virginia General Assembly, and in January 2018 became the first to both be elected and serve while openly transgender in any U.S.

+ Thompson was using Acosta — a prominent Mexican-American political activist and attorney — as a central source for the story, and the two found it difficult for a brown-skinned Mexican to talk openly with a white reporter in the racially tense atmosphere of Los Angeles, California.

+ The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010 allowed homosexual men and women to serve openly in the armed forces.

+ In the Soviet Union, during the following years, no one openly questioned the decision to send a dog into space.

+ As Fr33kman says, if you do want to know more then please ask and I will gladly answer your questions freely and openly etc.

+ On May 9, 2012, he became the first sitting US President to openly support legalizing same-sex marriage.

+ Hunter is openly gay and was raised by his Iranian Muslim father and African American mother in New Jersey.

+ He never went to prison for crimes during the war even though he openly said he murdered Jews.

+ He Trans mantransitioned to male in 1997, and became the first openly transgender scientist in the US National Academy of Sciences in 2013.

+ Chester began to talk more openly about some of his struggles.

+ He is the first openly gay candidate to be elected to legislative office in the Bronx.

+ Schumacher was openly gay.

+ Watson is a Christian who talks openly about how much his faith means to his life.

+ Burma’s social mores about human sexuality have been described as being “extremely conservative.” Aung Myo Min is an openly gay man and has been involved in the All Burma Students Democratic Front.

+ All of the members have been openly lesbian since the band started.

+ In the Virginia elections, 2017November 7, 2017, general election, Marshall lost by nine percentage points by Democrat Danica Roem, the first openly transgender candidate elected to a state legislature in the United States.

+ She was editor-in-chief of HASIK, PLM’s student publication that openly criticized the Marcos administration.

+ Gaddafi openly supported independence movements like Nelson Mandela's African National Congress, Palestinian Liberation Organization, the Irish Republican Army, the Polisario Front and more.

+ She has openly stated, "I am a Christian.
+ He had diabetes which he speaks openly about in his commercials for Liberty Medical.

+ If elected, he would have become the world’s first openly gay head of state.

+ Eichner is openly gay.

+ Crocker has been openly gay since a very young age.

+ Richie was openly bisexual.

+ Can I honestly and openly ask for comment please? I have spoken to a user here who seems to be having extreme difficulty with getting the message about writing articles in Simple English.

+ The cafés, which attract millions of tourists each year, allow customers to buy marijuana over the counter and openly smoke it.

+ Waterhouse is openly gay.

+ He was the first openly gay member of the Parliament of Australia and the first openly gay leader of a political party in Australia.

+ Stiers was openly gay.

+ Meanwhile, Christian openly declared Vibeke as his mistress.

+ Nickelodeon President Cyma Zarghami openly stated his belief that the franchise “could become their “Harry Potter””.

+ When Louis Napoleon grabbed complete power in 1851, establishing an anti-parliamentary constitution, Hugo openly declared him a traitor to France.

+ In the letter, Paul tells Timothy not to have a “spirit of fear” and not to “be shameashamed to talk openly about our Lord.

+ He wept openly at his deathbed.

+ Frank, a resident of Newton, Massachusetts, is considered the most prominent openly gay politician in the United States.

+ Probably he did not, but he discussed it fairly openly on a number of occasions.

+ Bettel is openly gay.

+ The US did not want a country in the Caribbean to be openly allied with the USSR.

+ During the 1990s, she published her autobiography and other books in which she spoke openly about her political views on such things as immigration and Islam in France, miscegenationmixed marriages and homosexuality, which created considerable controversy.

+ His songwriting openly deals with the topics of politics, drugs and love.

+ In Spalato, the city of Emperor Diocletian, in the year 1910 there were 1,046 Italians officially counted, when in the same year more than 3,000 were enrolled in the cultural and patriotic public association “Dante Alighieri.” In Zara a group, under the leadership of irredentists Desanti and Boxich, founded the newspaper “Il Risorgimento” in 1908, promoting openly the unification to Italy of Dalmatia, but was closed in 1914.

+ Lambert was runner-up on the eighth season of American Idol and is the first openly gay mainstream pop artist to launch a career on a major label in America.

+ During September of that year, Pena openly admitted to a magazine that she and the famous Puerto Rican rapper Bermudez have been having a serious relationship.

+ He became the first president to openly express support for gay marriage, proposed gun control as a result of the Sandy Hook school shooting.

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