Use in sentence of “nonetheless”

How to use in-sentence of “nonetheless”:

– Based on their general shape and size, all of these are nonetheless generally regarded as trees.

– In 2016 Summer Olympics, he and his U-23 men obtained as many as four points at the group stage, nonetheless ending up at only the third place behind Nigeria and Colombia in group stage.

– This idea is much less popular, but nonetheless mentionable.

– Seyß-Inquart was nonetheless found guilty of all charges except conspiracy.

– The pamphlets were banned in France, but nonetheless had a strong impact there.

– Calvin comes from a large family that does not really care about him, but he nonetheless demonstrates a strong capacity for love and affection, and shows a burgeoning romantic interest in Meg.

– While Boudica’s army assaulted in Verulamium, Suetonius put together a force with his own Legio XIV Gemina, some detachments of the Legio XX Valeria Victrix, and any available auxiliaries.Tacitus, “Annals” Nonetheless the Governor was able to call on almost ten thousand men.

Use in sentence of nonetheless
Use in sentence of nonetheless

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