Use in sentence of “mechanics”

How to use in-sentence of “mechanics”:

– It may be a simple matter of preference whether one wants to see one’s universe as part of a system like biology or like mechanics – clockwork.

– Another fundamental of quantum mechanics is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

– Isaac NewtonSir Isaac Newton realized that the same rules of mechanics that he had found on the surface of the Earth also could be used to predict how the planets moved.

– Physicists also try to develop theories at an even more fundamental level, like string theory, loop quantum gravity, or other methods, to find out why our current theories of gravity and quantum mechanics cannot be combined.

– In the field of Quantum Mechanics physicists have produced tiny worm holes but we they don’t warp space time in the same way the “warp drive” concept does, rather they connect two separate points of spacetime through quantum entanglement.

– It is a law of mechanics and physics discovered by Robert Hooke.

Use in sentence of mechanics
Use in sentence of mechanics

Example sentences of “mechanics”:

- Rhetoric is the mechanics of discourse.

- The celestial mechanics of Kepler and Newton is a way of predicting and explaining planetplanetary motions in the Solar System.
- In quantum mechanics things are different.

– Rhetoric is the mechanics of discourse.

– The celestial mechanics of Kepler and Newton is a way of predicting and explaining planetplanetary motions in the Solar System.

– In quantum mechanics things are different.

– The game also added new mechanics like extra lives, wall-climbing, air-dashing, swinging from monkey bars, and swinging from grappling hooks.

– By the 1920s, to probe the operating of the electromagnetic field at minuscule scales of space and time, quantum mechanics was developed.

– The area of mechanics which is used for these studies is called celestial mechanics.

– Quantum mechanics also explains the way that a photon can interference interfere with itself, and many other things never imagined in classical physics.

– By 1859, Ararat had a newspaper, hospital, churches, courthouse and a mechanics institute.

– Lagrange’s treatise on analytical mechanics, first published in 1788, was the best treatment of classical mechanics since Newton, and helped the development of mathematical physics in the nineteenth century.

– He said that the two electrons must have been spin-up or spin-down all along, but that quantum mechanics could not predict which characteristic each electron had.

– In November 2011, the fluid mechanics applied to aerodynamics laboratory created in 2009 has adopted a new calculation tool allowing for the end of 2011 the commissioning of a digital wind tunnel.

– Because of this uncertainty and other factors, you cannot use classical mechanics to predict the motion of quantum particles.

– Stanley Ipkiss an everyday person sees it floating, after he has a bad day of dealing with mechanics who ripped him off by giving him an old car and he is then denied entry inside the nightclub called the Coco Bongo, which he thought was someone in danger but discovers that it was actually an mask instead.

– It was first introduced around 1750.Truesdell, C., “The rational mechanics of flexible or elastic bodies 1638-1788″, Venditioni Exponunt Orell Fussli Turici.

More in-sentence examples of “mechanics”:

- Quantum mechanics helps chemists to use what physics said about electrons to work out how the electrons behave in molecules.

- Thus quantum mechanics is the physics of the chemical bond and of chemistry.
- It succeeded to the municipal chairs of experimental physics, applied chemistry and mechanics that were established in 1817.

– Quantum mechanics helps chemists to use what physics said about electrons to work out how the electrons behave in molecules.

– Thus quantum mechanics is the physics of the chemical bond and of chemistry.

– It succeeded to the municipal chairs of experimental physics, applied chemistry and mechanics that were established in 1817.

– Thus quantum mechanics explains how computers work, because computers are electronic machines.

– Hilbert and his students supplied much of the mathematics needed for quantum mechanics and general relativity.

– Fluid mechanics provides the theoretical foundation for hydraulics, which focuses on the engineering uses of fluid properties.

– This is using quantum mechanics to understand valency.

– At the beginning of his career, Einstein did not think that Isaac NewtonNewtonian mechanics was enough to bring together the laws of classical mechanics and the laws of the electromagnetic field.

– The team mechanics tried to fix the car.

– Logic is the mechanics of thought and analysis.

– When the things are too small, classical mechanics is not good.

– The two parts are classical mechanics and quantum mechanics.

– Quantum chemistry, a branch of theoretical chemistry, deals with the application of quantum mechanics to questions in chemistry.

– His massive 5-volume work on the mechanics of the Solar System explained many of the regularities which observations had discovered.

– In mechanics and fluid dynamicsdynamics, a system is stable if it will not change motion of its own accord, and will resist small efforts to change its direction or position.

– Experiments done in quantum mechanics work the same way.

– A problem in modern physics is that some conclusions of quantum mechanics do not seem to agree with the theory of general relativity.

– Quantum suicide is a thought experiment in quantum mechanics and the philosophy of physics.

– Dirac worked out a formulation of quantum mechanics, which includes Erwin Schrödinger’s wave mechanics and Werner Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics in 1926.

– Therefore, Einstein said, quantum mechanics had a big hole in it.

– This ability to make macroscopic predictions based on microscopic properties is the main asset of statistical mechanics over thermodynamics.

– Being unable to predict, only being able to look at one of them with the right experiment, meant that quantum mechanics could not account for something important.

– He came back to Italy at the end of 1924 and became Lecturer in Mathematical Physics and Mechanics at the University of Florence.

– Continuum mechanics for engineers.

– Using quantum mechanics, the formula that describes the spring is exactly the same as the Newtonian mechanics version except only certain energies or energy levels are allowed.

– It has 29 riders, 9 physiotherapists or nurses, 9 mechanics and service persons, and has 22 partners.

– The laws of mechanics of Galileo and Newton are valid in a Galilean coordinate system.

– Research at IPSA is realized in 2011 by three laboratories : 3D computer graphics – calculation, mechatronics and fluid mechanics applied to aerodynamics.

– Quantum mechanics later grew to explain the internal structure of atoms.

– So, string theory successfully brings General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics together.

– Quantum mechanics is based on the knowledge that a photon of a certain frequency means a photon of a certain amount of energy.

– The greatest theoretician of the 18th century was Laplace, who worked on the mechanics of the planets and Solar System.

– Grammar is the mechanics of the language.

– Along with the university administration, four of the main faculties – Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, the Faculty of Geology, the Faculty of Geography, and the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts – now are in the Main building.

– In addition to oil changes, Jiffy Lube mechanics are trained to inspect cars and suggest service when needed.

– The solution to this problem is especially important for physicists, as it has applications in quantum mechanics and particle physics, two very important branches of physics.

– Auto mechanics almost always work in places called garages, that are made for the work that auto mechanics do.

– People who believe in free will argue that the laws of quantum mechanics do not predict what will happen but only what is more and what is less likely to occur.

– Schrödinger said that quantum mechanics seemed to say that if something was determined by a quantum event, then its state would be determined by the state that resulted from the quantum event, but only at the time that somebody looked at the state of the quantum event.

– Quantum mechanics helps us understand how molecules are made, and what their properties are.

– Dunham sculpted the current version of Melvin’s head himself, and hired an effects company called Renegade Effects Groups to create the rubber mold and complete the puppet, before then installing the mechanics himself.

– In 1867 the family moved to Munich, and Planck enrolled in the Maximilians gymnasium gymnasium school, where he came under the tutelage of Hermann Müller, a mathematician who took an interest in the youth, and taught him astronomy and mechanics as well as mathematics.

– The engineering behind instrumentation deals with mechanics and use of measuring instruments.

– In physics, kinematics is the part of classical mechanics that explains the movement of objects without looking at what causes the movement or what the movement affects.

– Quantum mechanics formulae and ideas were made to explain the light that comes from glowing hydrogen.

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