Use in sentence of “lightly”

How to use in-sentence of “lightly”:

+ This was the first time that tanks had been used in World War I, but because they were only armed lightly and the mechanics of them often went wrong they did not make a great impact.

+ Terracotta, if uncracked, will ring if lightly struck, but not as brightly as will ware fired at higher temperature, which is called stoneware.

+ This is really not important, but I thought I’d tread lightly and ask first in case anybody else is interested.

+ She lays four or five bright glossy blue eggs which are lightly spotted with black or purple.

+ The AS-90 is a lightly armoured self-propelled artillery gun.

+ It is a sweet, lightly fermented palm wine.

+ However, even a reduced-depth phalanx proved unstoppable to the lightly armed Persian infantry.

+ It is a lightly populated residential district.

Use in sentence of lightly
Use in sentence of lightly

Example sentences of “lightly”:

+ In females, hair will cover the outer lips of the vagina; in males, hair will grow around the base of the penis and lightly cover the scrotum.

+ Dropping it on ice can make the ice explode, however it is safe to drop it into a three liter beaker filled with lightly moist sand.

+ In females, hair will cover the outer lips of the vagina; in males, hair will grow around the base of the penis and lightly cover the scrotum.

+ Dropping it on ice can make the ice explode, however it is safe to drop it into a three liter beaker filled with lightly moist sand.

+ They are found in bands of about twenty in lightly wooded country.

+ It looks greenish blue, black and purple glossed crow-like with red iris, lightly crinkled bluish short upper breast and neck feathers.

+ Other nearby Inca sites are: Pachacuti’s presumed winter home Machu Picchu, which can be reached by a lightly maintained Inca road systemInca trail; the “fortress” at Ollantaytambo; and the “fortress” of Sacsayhuaman which is approximately two kilometers from Cusco.

+ Hold the chopsticks upright with one of the tips lightly touching the table, and gently push the chopsticks down or gently loosen your grip for a moment to let both tips become equal in length.

+ To read the disc, a titanium needle was placed very lightly on the outer edge of the disc.

+ They are lightly built so they are easy to moved around on the battlefield.

+ They are slender, lightly built birds with long, forked tails, narrow wings, long bills, and short legs.

+ Likewise, the Germans used a mass-produced anti-tank rifle, the Mauser 1918 TuF Gewehr, to knock out lightly armored British tanks.

+ It was a thyreophoran, a lightly plated, herbivorous dinosaur about 4 metres long.

+ The fort was lightly held by only 200 Confederate troops as most were in Petersburg at the time.

+ After English defeat at Bannockburn the northern border of England was very lightly defended.

+ Many anglers set the brake lightly to allow more distance.

+ During courtship, the male walks alongside the female, licking and lightly biting her side.

+ It was a lightly built biped, with a large head and sharp, serrated teeth in powerful jaws.

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