Use in sentence of “fit to”

How to use in-sentence of “fit to”:

– Its motto is “All the news that’s fit to print”.

– If the first text-word is too long, no text will fit to complete the left-hand side, so beware creating a “ragged left margin” when not enough space remains for text to fit alongside floating-tables.

– However, the land remained contaminated from the nuclear waste and was not fit to be lived in.

– For example, on a scatter graph, people draw a line of best fit to show the direction of the correlation.

– For example, when a merchant sells something, he or she is expected to give a warranty, guaranteeing that the product is fit to be sold, even if there is nothing in writing to this effect.

Use in sentence of fit to
Use in sentence of fit to

Example sentences of “fit to”:

- Spartans saw little moral value in the concept of childbirth; unless the child was fit to become a Spartan, he would die.

- In their current state they are not fit to be shown to our readers.
- His health broke down and he was not fit to sail until February 1807.

– Spartans saw little moral value in the concept of childbirth; unless the child was fit to become a Spartan, he would die.

– In their current state they are not fit to be shown to our readers.

– His health broke down and he was not fit to sail until February 1807.

– Brawl” saw it fit to change his character design by combining parts of his looks from the promotional artworks of both Kid Icarus titles with new ideas.

– His trial began in April 2015, after the court had ruled that, at the age of 93, he was still fit to stand trial.

– In summary, Purplebackpack saw fit to request a semi-protection after a raft of vandalism from one user in one day.

– Ironically, the Millses discovered a better fit to the Haley oral history in the written record than Haley himself had found.

– The doctor believed he only had a mild cold and was fit to return to work.

– Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, in virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution, and the laws, have thought fit to call forth, and hereby do call forth, the militia of the several States of the Union, to the aggregate number of seventy-five thousand, in order to suppress said combinations, and to cause the laws to be duly executed.

– This is mainly a statement or vote which states that a person in a superior position, be it government, managerial, etc., is no longer deemed fit to hold that position.

– For example, when one finds something dirty or not fit to eat.

– I believe I will get active from now on, and would like to help with these tools, if the community sees fit to grant them to me.

– Meat that is not fit to eat is called “treif”.

– After counting all the men who are over twenty and fit to fight, the Israelites began to travel in well-ordered divisions, with God in the middle of the Ark of the Covenant.

– They also had to be fit to fight well and cope with any injuries.

– Richilde son Roger, from her first marriage, was thought by her not fit to be the next count of Hainaut.

– Not everyone is fit to be an admin or higher.

– The MV Rhosus had been abandoned in the port, after the Lebanese government said it was no longer fit to travel by sea.

– His older brothers, Yangnyeong and Hyoryeong, thought they were not fit to be king and that it was their duty to make Sejong the king, even though he was younger than them.

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