Use in sentence of “emphasize”

How to use in-sentence of “emphasize”:

+ Repetition is used for many things but is mainly used in books to emphasize or to give you clues into the storyline.

+ The word software was first used in the late 1960s to emphasize on its difference from computer hardware, which can be physically observed by the user.

+ All emphasize and generalize the essential features of the human figure and show an increasingly accurate understanding of human anatomy.

+ Others would emphasize reading the Bible, prayer, going to church and telling others about Jesus.

+ During the late 1890s Freud, who never abandoned his belief in the sexual cause of neuroses, began to emphasize fantasies built around the Oedipus complex as the primary cause of hysteria and other neurotic symptoms.

+ The term is often used by feminists to emphasize aspects of solidarity between males.

+ I’m nominating myself at an European hour to emphasize the fact that most North American fellows are asleep at this time.

+ Certain musical genregenres tend to emphasize the off-beat; especially rock and roll and Ska music.

Use in sentence of emphasize
Use in sentence of emphasize

Example sentences of “emphasize”:

+ In Canada, however, it has been used for important and controversial cases to emphasize that the entire Court is speaking with a single voice.

+ In 2008, several neotropical animals like a two-toed sloth, a blue-and-gold macaw, and boa constrictors were added to emphasize the relationship between plants and animals.

+ Unlike Jungian or Freudian dream interpretation, Cayce did not emphasize highly the importance of symbols.

+ Zaman, who happens to be an expert in Islamic History, said that “You can’t look at something that already existed – and there is a shrine devoted to it – and now say it was unacceptable.” In March 2012 at the Human Rights Council, Hina Jilani, who was then also Chair of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan and former said, “it was very important to emphasize that a serious obstacle was the persistent denial of protection for people from violence on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

+ Rather than focusing on the “Book of Changes” like other Neo-Confucians, he chose to emphasize the Four Books: the “Great Learning”, the “Doctrine of the Mean”, the “Analects of Confucius”, and the “Mencius” as the core curriculum for aspiring scholar officials.

+ Today, French schools emphasize the study of novels, theater and poetry.

+ The difference lies in that because of the Chinese influence, the Japanese moves tend to emphasize more fluidity than most of the other Japanese styles.

+ They may do it to emphasize something.

+ In Canada, however, it has been used for important and controversial cases to emphasize that the entire Court is speaking with a single voice.

+ In 2008, several neotropical animals like a two-toed sloth, a blue-and-gold macaw, and boa constrictors were added to emphasize the relationship between plants and animals.

+ The main aim is to emphasize the importance of women and men as individuals and that in all senses, they should be equal despite their natural differences.

+ In the relationship between humans and their creator, Mu`tazilites emphasize human free will over predestination and God’s justice over God’s omnipotence.

+ They emphasize making the message easy to read and comprehend and also grab attention and make memorable.

+ A mans clothing is modest and loose so as not to emphasize the shape of the body.

+ Most traditional models of personality traits emphasize biology of the person to be very relevant to their personality traits, and even emphasize that this aspect of the person is unchangeable.

+ Using either quotation marks or italics can emphasize that an instance of a word refers to the word itself, rather than its associated concept.

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