Use in sentence of “conflicting”

How to use in-sentence of “conflicting”:

– Many contributors of the English Route Diagram Template project during the implementation of Routemap have conflicting opinions about the justification of replacing all maps of legacy BS row templates by the Lua-based Routemap.

– It is the discomfort felt by a person who holds conflicting ideas, beliefs or values at the same time.

– The central theme is the conflicting human impulses toward civilization and toward the will to power.

– Disputes arise when there are conflicting needs, values or ideas.

– The presence of random or conflicting atoms stop the ice from being completely frozen.

– The Heads of States and Governments stated their firm belief that the absence of two conflicting blocs in no way reduces the need to strengthen the movement as a mechanism for the political coordination of developing countries.

Use in sentence of conflicting
Use in sentence of conflicting

Example sentences of “conflicting”:

- How he got his scars is left ambiguous due to two conflicting stories.

- Walker reports that studies looking for long-term radiation effects resulting from the accident have reached conflicting conclusions, but it seems that any increase in cancers is slight enough to have occurred by chance.

– How he got his scars is left ambiguous due to two conflicting stories.

– Walker reports that studies looking for long-term radiation effects resulting from the accident have reached conflicting conclusions, but it seems that any increase in cancers is slight enough to have occurred by chance.

– Later, Saul dies at the battle against the Philistines, and falls on his own sword because he does not want to be abused by the ‘uncircumcised’ Philistines.1 Samuel and 2 Samuel give conflicting accounts of Saul’s death.

– Lots of people came and said conflicting things about Jesus to make him look bad.

– Despite conflicting orders from the United States Secretary of the NavySecretary of the Navy, the resignation of many of his USS “Merrimack’.

– It highlights differences between the editor’s and the conflicting changes to make it easy to copy and paste pieces of the text and resolve the conflict.

– There are conflicting reports on how he died.

– Here, are tuples of the conflicting parameters.

– After the completion of the very successful first series of the revamped “Doctor Who”, the British media regularly released conflicting reports about how long Piper would be staying with the programme.

– The Mods and Rockers were two conflicting British youth subcultures of the early-mid 1960s…

– By using the two conflicting terms, people usually have to argue with my facts first rather than assuming a gender and disregarding what I have to say.

– Anons regularly have conflicting opinions,Kelly, Brian.

– A key aspect of the work of the International Commission on Stratigraphy is to reconcile this conflicting terminology and define universal horizons that can be used around the world.

– In case of conflicting reliable sources, list all values or an appropriate value range.

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