Use in sentence of “communism”

How to use in-sentence of “communism”:

– LibertarianismLibertarians and classical liberals think communism is against Liberty because communism is most of the times against the individual basic rights.

– The party was created in October 2001, wanting to bring Communism and the Soviet Union back.

– Skullhead was a Rock Against Communism band from Newcastle upon TyneNewcastle, England.

– When communism no longer existed in Romania, the anthem “Trei culori” was replaced with “Deșteaptă-te, române!” in 1990.

– Mao’s ideas on communism are usually called Maoism or Mao Zedong Thought.

– He played a significant role in the peaceful transition from communism to capitalism in Hungary and founded Europe’s Central European University in Budapest, providing the initial endowment to open the first campus.

– They feared that communism would come to their countries also if the communists were successful so they helped fight against the communists’ Red Army.

– Gaddafi was against communism because he thought it was not respectful to religion.

Use in sentence of communism
Use in sentence of communism

Example sentences of “communism”:

– During Communism 1947-1989, the country had planned economy.

– He was ordained by Pope Paul VI in 1970 but was banned under communism rule in Czechoslovakia and was jailed for ten years.

– After Stalin’s death in 1953, Mao saw himself as the leader of worldwide communism until he died in 1976.

– After the Allies took over Germany, the Soviets set up the German Democratic Republic in the east that that followed communism as a socialist state.

– The people who were against the SED and communism did not want to use violence, and so these events are also known as the Peaceful Revolution.

– This sorted out the problems of mass starvation and Famine which War communism had caused.

– The Soviet Union wanted to spread communism around the world.

– The idea of freedom in communism is different than how people in a democracy think freedom should be.

– They mainly argued over fair border lines and the spread of communism therefore starting the war.

– Some of the most well-known people that have been important in the development of communism include Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, and Leon Trotsky.

– When Communism collapsed and the Soviet Union broke up, the quartet still continued to be very famous.

– In October 1945, he was return to his country, he was appointed to Central Committee of People’s Committee Association of the South Pyongan Province and joint to Chosun communism party and Chosun labor party.

– Every movie with content which is considered to oppose or distort the Vietnam War, the Vietnam Communist Party or Communism is replaced by a black screen.

– War Communism was introduced for many reasons.

– The book does not talk about or predict how communism would be in the future.

– In March 1921, four months after the defeat of the White Army in the Crimea, the Lenin administration abandoned the policy of War Communism and instead formulated the New Economic Policy which allowed denationalisation of agriculture and industry, but most financial institutions retained state ownership with a deregulation in such sectors.

– Critics of the Unification Church have accused the organization of being closely involved with covert CIA-authored operations against communism in Korea during the 1960s.

– He wrote this because of the McCarthyism of the 1950s, the fear that communism would take over America.

– This page looks like someone explaining to a child why communism is bad.

- During Communism 1947-1989, the country had planned economy.

- He was ordained by Pope Paul VI in 1970 but was banned under communism rule in Czechoslovakia and was jailed for ten years.

More in-sentence examples of “communism”:

- His presidency occurred during Hungary's transition from Communism to democratic government.

- This group fell apart in 1989 with the fall of communism in Europe.
- In the American domino theory they feared that if communism took hold in Vietnam, it would spread to other countries nearby.

– His presidency occurred during Hungary’s transition from Communism to democratic government.

– This group fell apart in 1989 with the fall of communism in Europe.

– In the American domino theory they feared that if communism took hold in Vietnam, it would spread to other countries nearby.

– After this war Communism spread to Central and Eastern Europe, including the relatively new Eastern European countries of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, and in Asia North Vietnam and North Korea, and, slightly later, to Cuba in the Carribean Sea very near to North America.

– After the collapse of communism and the Soviet Union she and her husband were allowed to return from exile and live in Russia again.

Communism became less attractive when it became clear that it could promote economic growth less effectively than the capitalistic Western states and that it was not suited for a reform “The illusion that Communism was reformable, that Stalinism had been a wrong turning, a mistake that could still be corrected that illusion was crushed under the tanks on August 21st 1968 and it never recovered.” Then the United States was the only superpower left.

– At times he preached against communism and its system of brainwashing youth.

– However, after the fall of communism in 1989 many of these factories faced severe problems and subsequently closed down.

– The city is being changed from a place thrown back in time by the collapse of communism into a modern, industrial and technology-rich city.

– A lot of protests led to created a “Solidarność”, which in 1989 caused fall of communism in Poland.

– Some Marxists say that modern “communism” is not communism at all.

– It was written in 1925 at the height of the New Economic PolicyNEP period, when Communism seemed to be weakening in the Soviet Union.Cornwell, Neil Nicole Christian 1998.

– He helped to bring about communism in Russia and defend it during the Russian Civil War.

– He wrote many books on Communism and how he was against it.

– The Soviet Union’s highest mountain was Communism Peak in Tajikistan measured at.

– The United States saw Kennedy as the hero who had fought Communism and won.

– Since the fall of communism many private-funded institutions of higher educations were founded and their number is still increasing.

– In the atheist Soviet Union the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism was a set of rules that resembled the Ten Commandments.

– The first supported liberal democracy and capitalism, while the second favored communism and an economy planned by the government.

– I’d like to request that Communism be semi-protected to do high amounts of vandalism from I.P addresses in the past month.

– Now that communism died, Russia could elect a President.

– The political philosophyway of thinking of communism states that the proletariat should have a revolution and take over the means of production.

– Eisenstein’s vision of communism brought him into conflict with officials in the ruling system of Joseph Stalin.

– Others share an idea, such as Democracy in the United States or Communism in China.

– Because of this, the governments became separated from the people, making communism difficult.

– Many people believed that capitalism and communism were both disrespectful of Islam and allowed other countries to control them.

– This created differences with communism in the USSR and Cuba.

– Some people think that communism in those countries did not work because Marx’s ideas, though nice in thought, did not really work.

– This made him hate communism because he believed that it was a government and economic system made by “parasites”.

– Rosa Luxemburg made many new communist ideas that continue to influence communism today.

Communism became less popular when it became clear that it could not promote economic growth as well as Western states and that it was not suited for a reform “The illusion that Communism was reformable, that Stalinism had been a wrong turning, a mistake that could still be corrected that illusion was crushed under the tanks on August 21, 1968 and it never recovered.” Then the United States was the only superpower left.

– When Communism ended in Poland there were many improvements in human rights, such as freedom of speech, democracy, etc.

– They became one of the first white power punk bands and played a leading role in the Rock Against Communism movement.

– Philosopher Jason Stanley of Yale University says it is “a cult of the leader who promises national restoration in the face of humiliation brought on by supposed communists, Marxists and minorities and immigrants who are supposedly posing a threat to the character and the history of a nation.” That is, fascism focuses on one person as leader, fascism says communism is bad, and fascism says that at least one group of people is bad and has caused the nation’s problems.

– Gide also opposed colonialism and exploitation of slavery in Africa and was interested in communism and visited Soviet Union, but he expressed critical idea on the totalitarian regime.

– He was a member of the international advisory council of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, and a member of the International Council of the New York City-based Human Rights Foundation.

– At that time, communism was growing in Vietnam, and these five countries were also facing problems inside their own countries.

– He said, “The servant of God Lojze Grozde is just one of innumerable innocent victims of Communism that raise the palm of martyrdom as an indelible memory and admonition.

– The ethics of communism still appeal to me.

– The color red is a symbol of communism around the world.

– Ismoil Somoni Peak was once called Communism Peak before being renamed in honour of Isma’il ibn AhmadIsmail Samani, a ruler of the Samanid dynasty.

– Many people were afraid that communism would stop the American way of life.

– The Moral Code of the Builder of Communism was a set of twelve rules.

– The Soviets replaced the royal monarchy with Communism in 1947 before they withdrew from Bulgaria in 1949.

– Some later Communist organizations such as the Red Army Faction used the name, and anti-communists sometimes used the name for any left-wing group which they said was trying to promote communism and was paid for by the USSR.

– Bangladesh’s next major ruler was General Hossain Mohammad Ershad, who gained power in a bloodless coup in 1982 and ruled until 1990, when he was forced to resign under western donor pressure in a major shift in international policy after the end of communism when anti-communist dictators were no longer felt necessary.

– He is currently the Chairman of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.

– According to ML, socialism was more “advanced” than capitalism, but communism was more “advanced” than socialism.

– This decade also saw the Soviet Union fight a war that seemed endless in Afghanistan, civil war in Ethiopia, and the fall of the Berlin Wall which started the end of the Cold War and of Communism in Eastern Europe.

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