Use in sentence of “committees”

How to use in-sentence of “committees”:

– Two Legislative Council Committees asked her to give evidence for them.

– Citizens of the town also joined the vigilance committees that aided the Civil authoritycivil authorities in protection against raiding and the lawless bands of thieves that infested the border counties.

– There are committees in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Oceania.

– The Campaign Committees debt are shown in red if the campaign is technical insolvent.

– This means that a group of committees can be shown as technical insolvent even though it is not the case of all of them.

– The Coordinating Bureau, also based at the UN, is the main instrument for directing the work of the movement’s task forces, committees and working groups.

– A total of 9,704 athletes from 45 National Olympic Committees competed in 476 events from 42 sports and disciplines, making it the biggest event in the history of Asian Games.

– There is a mixed system of control by local and central government, and local committees act in advice and supervision.

Use in sentence of committees
Use in sentence of committees

Example sentences of “committees”:

– Boehner served as chair of several important committees before becoming Minority Leader in 2006.

– National Paralympic Committees can have their own rule for races they organize.

– The 389 members of the Constituent Assembly formed many committees to examine in detail all the issues relating to the country.

– He has served on several committees including the most recent International Obesity Consortium with TUFTS University.

– Both Houses have their own committees to review drafts of European Union directives: the European Union Committee in the House of Lords, and the European Scrutiny Committee in the House of Commons.

– The third meeting of the Exekutive committees of the Soviet Union changed the flag on 12 November 1923 into the more well-known version.

– The current House committees were created from the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946.

– In October 1893, a group of them founded the Bulgarian Macedono-Adrianopolitan Revolutionary Committee in Salonica…It engaged in creating a network of secretive committees and armed guerrillas in the two regions as well as in Bulgaria, where an ever-growing and politically influential Macedonian and Thracian diaspora resided.

– Controversially, the Canadian government became involved on its own accord in the referendum despite the provisions of the provincial “Referendum Act”, which tightly restricted all campaigning to the designated “Yes” and “No” committees with set budgets.

– There are two main types of United States congressional committeecongressional committees in the standing committees and select committees.

– The co-ops were started by ordinary workers, but the government distribution committees and draft tribunals were usually run by members of the upper classes and gentry.

– Like all metropolitan counties, the county council was abolished in 1986, and its functions given either to the individual boroughs or shared by new joint committees of the five boroughs.

– The BMA has a range of representative and scientific committees and is recognised by National Health Service employers as sole contract negotiators for physicians.

– They started 12 peace committees 6 and 1 central Shura in each district.

– By late 1918, hundreds of Cheka committees had been created in the cities.

– Each Board Member also serves on committees that help solve higher education issues.

– Loyal and hard-working workers were treated with great respect and relatively high wages and good working conditions; Cadbury also pioneered pension schemes, joint works committees and a full staff medical service.

– Several national and international committees and organizations decide how everyone should measure the flash point.

- Boehner served as chair of several important committees before becoming Minority Leader in 2006.

- National Paralympic Committees can have their own rule for races they organize.
- The 389 members of the Constituent Assembly formed many committees to examine in detail all the issues relating to the country.

More in-sentence examples of “committees”:

– Members are in committees that give annual prizes to help new artists.

– The creation of committees that are rarely needed is such a case.

– Temples act as places of worship, and temple committees play a crucial role in temple administration and festivals which play important role in social life.

– Threats were received from the group Vilayat Dagestan, which had claimed responsibility for the Volgograd bombings under the demands of Umarov, and a number of National Olympic Committees had also received threats via e-mail, threatening that terrorists would kidnap or “blow up” athletes during the Games.

– Articles for older minor committees with little prose might not benefit much from an infobox, and if unsure if one should be added, see WP:DISINFO for useful guidelines.

– Beyond the Central offices of ANCA are in Washington DC, Boston and Los Angeles, ANCA has more than fifty local chapters and thousands of activists, it is cooperating with a large web of regional Armenian National Committees in Armenia, Russia, France, the Middle East, Canada and Australia.

– He was a member of many scientific committees such as the Flore de Corse or the National Botanical Conservatory of Bailleul.

– In October 2019, three Congressional committees deposed witnesses.

– The committee has broad jurisdiction and strong legislative authority, which makes it one of the most influential and powerful committees in the House.

– House of Representatives, and ten total members of United States CongressCongress, who do not take campaign contributions from Political Action Committees or corporations.

– One historian calculated that, between 1801 and 1845, there had been 114 commissions and 61 special committees enquiring into the state of Ireland.

– The Commission’s work was continued by the Congressional Committees Investigating The Iran-Contra Affair, which were formed in January 1987 and published a report in November 1987; and by Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh, appointed 1 December 1986 and publishing a final report in 1993.

– Some of the National Olympic Committees no longer exist, such as Czechoslovakia, the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic, the USSR, the United Arab Republic, and the West Indies Federation.

– The Committees then elect the next Congresses, which then elect the State Committees, which run the government.

– Buhe was a member of the 12th and the 13th Central Committees of the CPC.

– Outside groups are Independent expenditure only committees also called PACs and SuperPACs.

– He is also on smaller committees that are part of these committees.

– The Expansion Era Committee chooses from among 12 people, while the other committees choose from among 10.

– In some provinces committees have established industrial parks.

– Under the direction of the two French committees responsible for listed buildings, The National Historic Landmark Commission and the Bâtiments de France both the outside and inside have been restored.

– The Assembly includes 25 standing committees to debate and report on introduced bills and to overlook the activities of the ministers.

– Lately the Non-Aligned Movement has collaborated with other organisations of the developing world, primarily the Group of 77, forming a number of joint committees and releasing statements and document representing the shared interests of both groups.

Committees may exist as “sessional” committees, or as “ad-hoc” committees with a specific timeline by which to complete their work, after which they stop existing, such as the recent Lords Committee on Public Service and Demographic Change.

– He has also served on diocesan, national and international committees for liturgy, worship and ecumenism.

– She documented human rights in Syria for the Local Coordination Committees of Syria.

– Fisher played a major role in this movement, and served in several official committees to promote it.

– Solow was a member of the Writers Guild of America, the Directors Guild of America and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and served on the Foreign Film, Documentary, and Special Effects Committees of AMPAS.

– In practice, international committees make decisions about naming species in difficult cases.

– After World War II, the Ford Foundation gave money to committees studying education.

– Specialized committees of the KWP are responsible for this.

– He served on the House Appropriations and Calendars committees during his three two-year terms in office.

– The committee was called the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments, and it was created in 1927 to combine 11 separate Committees on Expenditures that had overseen the spending of various federal departments.

– On November 15, 2006, Senate majority-leader-in-waiting Harry Reid assigned Webb to three committees: the committees on Foreign Relations, Veterans’ Affairs, and Armed Services.

– Nine of the committees are dedicated to special types of measurement such as Electricity and Magnetism, Length, Photometry Photometry and Radiometry, Thermometry and Time and Frequency.

– In the same year, he was appointed as Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the House of Commons of CanadaHouse of Commons.

– Some larger cities have “Bahá’í Centers” which can be used for community meetings, classes, or for meetings of committees and other councils.

– It has members on United Nations committees and other international organizations.

– The House of Commons select committees are responsible for overseeing the work of Ministry government departments and agencies.

– He was a governor of the Police College and of Atlantic College, and a member of the committees of the Police Advisory Board, the National Police Fund, the Royal Humane Society, the National Rifle Association, the National Scout Council and the Thames Group Hospitals.

– Brooks is on two United States congressional committees in the House.

– Two more modern developments have also helped shape the Legislature: the increase in importance of legislative committees and the development of longer tenures for the legislative leadership.

– It was one of several local committees formed to support the National Famine Relief Committee.

– From 1955 to 1970, he worked in Paris as secretary general of the programming committees of Radiodiffusion-Télévision Française,.

– The Secretary General is responsible for coordinating the workings of the alliance, leading NATO’s international staff, chairing the meetings of the North Atlantic Council and most major committees of the alliance, with the notable exception of the NATO Military Committee, and acting as NATO’s spokesperson.

– He eventually became the Acting Director of the Steelworkers Research Department and used his skills in creating joint labor/management improvement committees to help the war effort for WWII.

- Members are in committees that give annual prizes to help new artists.

- The creation of committees that are rarely needed is such a case.
- Temples act as places of worship, and temple committees play a crucial role in temple administration and festivals which play important role in social life.

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