Use in sentence of “come down”

How to use in-sentence of “come down”:

– Now Elijah was sitting on a hill, and the captain called out, “Man of God, the king says, ‘Come down!'” but Elijah replied, “If I am a man of God, may fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men!” he did like this the second time, too.

– In two-player games, clearing more than one line at once causes “garbage” blocks to come down on the opponent’s side of the field.

– The natives believe they come down with the rain.

– He can also come down at a steep angle and pound the ground to knock enemies out.

– He emphasized the importance of Sukyung area because it is placed in the North part and kept in check Gu Ran that made an effort to come down to Goryeo.

Use in sentence of come down
Use in sentence of come down

Example sentences of “come down”:

– The other spirits in Gälûñ’lätï were eager to come down to the new earth.

– The rubber merchants loaned them money to come down the river and buy tools.

– During the eight centuries BC, the Phoenix bird is mentioned in nine references, eight of which have come down to us through quotations from later authors, and only one case by Herodotus, a Greek historian from 484 to 424 BC, is preserved in full.

– He portrayed a vampire gimmick and would wear fangs, come down to the ring with a goblet of blood and drink from it and gave other wrestlers blood baths.

– There were four feeder roads one kilometre away from each other on which Afgan horsemen could come down to battle field and if needed could retreat behind the shadow of five feet high covering road.

– Over time, we have come down from 16 or 17 editors to six, with many who put up new pages regularly not taking part.

– The teachings of each of these schools have come down through different successions of masters since the time of Gampopa.

– In two-player games, clearing more than one line at once making combos causes “garbage” blocks to come down on the opponent’s side of the field.

– The Goddess orders golden stairs to come down from the sky.

– Building designers and architects are very similar.  The choice of designer should come down to the client confidence that a particular designer is capable, can demonstrate that capability, has aligning philosophies and creative abilities to fulfil the desired project outcomes.  A relationship needs to develop for the best outcomes, so easy communication between all parties is the most important factor.

– He will come down from heaven.

– They will wait and watch for a person to put food down and as soon as the person walks away they will come down from their hiding place and take it.

– In fact, they rarely come down to the ground.

– He took the scythe, and lay in wait for Uranos to come down to Earth to lie with Gaia.

– Since its discovery, the cost of building a RAID system has come down a lot.

– Within about ten years, the cost of complete genome analysis will have come down so far that individual people will be able to have their own genome analysed.

- The other spirits in Gälûñ'lätï were eager to come down to the new earth.

- The rubber merchants loaned them money to come down the river and buy tools.
- During the eight centuries BC, the Phoenix bird is mentioned in nine references, eight of which have come down to us through quotations from later authors, and only one case by Herodotus, a Greek historian from 484 to 424 BC, is preserved in full.

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