Use in sentence of “clockwise”

How to use in-sentence of “clockwise”:

+ For this reason, an upside down throw is typically released with either clockwise rotation and the left edge up, or counterclockwise rotation and the right edge up.

+ In such a situation, the sign says whether the angle is in the clockwise or counterclockwise direction.

+ Coriolis effect causes winds to blow counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in southern hemisphere.

+ There are two ways for something to spin, clockwise and anti-clockwise.

+ Rotation around a point in one plane can be in a clockwise direction or an anticlockwise direction.

Use in sentence of clockwise
Use in sentence of clockwise

Example sentences of “clockwise”:

+ Rivers are listed in clockwise order, starting at the north end of the island.

+ They are listed by island in clockwise order, starting at the north end of each island.

+ The opposite of clockwise is counterclockwise or anticlockwise.

+ The lock is usually opened by rotating the dial clockwise to the first number, counterclockwise past the first number and to the second number, and clockwise to the third number.

+ Cyclones rotate clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere and anti-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.

+ The clockwise circulation of the large transoceanic high-pressure cell or anticyclone centered near the Azores islands impels easterly waves away from the coastal areas of Africa to North America.

+ Office numbers go clockwise around each of the rings, and have two parts: a nearest-corridor number, so office numbers range from 100 to 1099.

+ They are to rotate to serve in a clockwise direction when facing the net.

+ Rivers are listed in clockwise order, starting at the north end of the island.

+ They are listed by island in clockwise order, starting at the north end of each island.
+ The opposite of clockwise is counterclockwise or anticlockwise.

+ Because the Earth is Rotationrotating, ocean currents in the northern hemisphere tend to move in a clockwise direction and currents in the southern hemisphere in an anti-clockwise direction.

+ Rather than continuously running around the circle, trains now travel from Hammersmith to Edgware Road, generally going around the circle once before terminating at Edgware Road, and returning via the same route; occasionally, trains may also continue clockwise through Edgware Road to additional stations.

+ The “draw” round begins with the player to left of the dealer and continues clockwise until everyone has drawn, including the dealer.

+ Symmetrically, the line “y” that forms the same angle θ between “PB” and itself but clockwise from “PB” will also be asymptotic.

+ As we get sharper and sharper we go clockwise round the circle.

+ Listed clockwise around the English coast from the Scottish border.

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