Use in sentence of “climax”

How to use in-sentence of “climax”:

– The music ends with a great climax for trombones.

– The writers, directors, and Clark decided on a climax to the fourth series.

– They are often used when there is a big climax for example in the “Academic Festival Overture” by Johannes Brahms, but they can also sometimes be played very quietly.

– The climax of the movie occurs on the Australian and New Zealand Army CorpsAnzac battlefield at Gallipoli.

– As the dance reaches a climax we hear the Dies Irae which is a wild fugue.

Use in sentence of climax
Use in sentence of climax

Example sentences of “climax”:

- The interest in the notes regarding Hamsun, reached a climax in 2001, when several groups wanted to use the notes.

- The Battle of Deptford Bridge took place on 17 June 1497 on a site in present-day Deptford south-east London, near the River Ravensbourne and was the climax of the Cornish Rebellion.
- This reaches its climax when the one parent taking care of the child is forced to work all day and doesn't have time for the child.

– The interest in the notes regarding Hamsun, reached a climax in 2001, when several groups wanted to use the notes.

– The Battle of Deptford Bridge took place on 17 June 1497 on a site in present-day Deptford south-east London, near the River Ravensbourne and was the climax of the Cornish Rebellion.

– This reaches its climax when the one parent taking care of the child is forced to work all day and doesn’t have time for the child.

– As intercourse continues, these feelings grow stronger and stronger until the man reaches a sexual climax called an orgasm.

– They are well known as a climax vegetation in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere.

– The successful opening night marked the climax of Wilde’s career but also heralded his downfall.

– A barrage of particularly large impacts known as the Late Heavy Bombardment represents the climax of this violent era.

– The climax usually near to the end of the story, because the whole story has been building up to it.

– This equilibrium was thought to occur because the climax community is composed of species best adapted to average conditions in that area.

– He is known for making movies with contemporary supernatural plots that climax with a twist ending.

– In ecology, climax community is a term for a stable biological community of plants, animals and fungi.

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