Use in sentence of “blown”

How to use in-sentence of “blown”:

+ He thinks he sees the Headless Horseman, a dead soldier of the Revolution whose head was blown off by a cannon ball.

+ Power was knocked out to most of the Houston area and windows were blown out of skyscrapers in downtown Houston.

+ Travelling between the lines of fighting armies the despatch rider could easily be blown up by a land minemine, shot by gunfire, or captured by the enemy.

+ Well-made houses leveled; buildings and other things with weak foundations blown away very far; skyscrapers and highrises destroyed.

+ Dave warns Alvin to not have too much fun but Alvin does not listen and him and the other chipmunks get blown away while holding onto a kite and they end up stranded on a deserted island.

+ Six weeks into the voyage, Denham reveals to Englehorn and Jack that their destination is, in fact, an uncharted island with a Skull Islandmountain that looks like a skull, of which he has come to knowledge from a Norwegian skipper who discovered a canoe blown off course with only one native left alive.

Use in sentence of blown
Use in sentence of blown

Example sentences of “blown”:

+ In 2017, he made a statement about Scotland having a "full blown mental health emergency" citing the hiring of mental health staff by a charity.

+ Harold Godwinson of England was blown ashore at Ponthieu in 1064.

+ In 2017, he made a statement about Scotland having a “full blown mental health emergency” citing the hiring of mental health staff by a charity.

+ Harold Godwinson of England was blown ashore at Ponthieu in 1064.

+ The outer edges of the Sun’s corona are constantly being blown away by the open magnetic flux generating the solar wind.

+ These “soridia” can be blown by wind.

+ On 12 June 1972, the flight went into explosive decompression after a cargo door was blown out from the airplane.

+ It is usually made of wood and it has to be blown like a flute to play it.

+ At dusk they become active, gliding from trunk to trunk like sheets of paper blown on the wind.

+ There is speculation that this spike was attached to a flap of skin that covered the nostrils and could be blown up for displays and noise-making.

+ Three trains on the Circle and Piccadilly lines were blown up.

+ In November 2012 a bus driver had to be rescued after his double decker bus blown over into a ditch trapping him in the bus in Cliffe, there were no one on board except the driver.

+ In the novel, a conch shell is blown to call the other boys together.

+ On the south side, the buildings of the Maranatha Christian Reformed Church and the were destroyed, and the only fatality occurred when a vehicle on Highway 401 was blown off the road and the lone occupant killed.

+ The weakness of their flight means they are easily blown off course, so they are common vagrants.

+ A very hot blast of air is blown in, where it causes the coke to burn.

+ Weenie, but their cover is blown and are kidnapped by Fifi and the other pets.

+ To further confuse predators, when the leaf insect walks, it rocks back and forth, to mimic a real leaf being blown by the wind.

+ A blown cloud of spores burned rapidly and brightly, but with little heat.

+ In an interview with ABC7 reporter Alan Wang, Ayers said that “Now that’s being blown into dishonest narratives about hurting people, killing people, planning to kill people.

More in-sentence examples of “blown”:

+ If they are successful, the defending team’s base is blown up.

+ The plot was to have blown up the King at such time as he should have been sat in his royal throne, Nobility and Commons and with all Bishops, Judges and Doctors at one instant, and the blast to have ruined the whole estate and kingdom of England.

+ The Royal Naval Bomb Disposal Squad removed the bomb and it was safely blown up.

+ The outer layers of these stars are blown away at speeds of many thousands of kilometers an hour.

+ Small golden and silver tickets are blown around the dome and they must try and catch as many as they can.

+ Bušić reminded Captain Carey that the aircraft could be blown up at any time if the demands were not met and that the passengers released at Newfoundland, if failed to distribute leaflets as ordered, the remaining passengers’ fate would be on their consciences.

+ For the American market, figures were blown depicting comic book characters as well as patriotic subjects such as Uncle Sams, eagles, and flags.

+ The blown off cloudiness split into 2 separate systems, but Danas re-absorbed the other one, while the one in the South China Sea intensified into Tropical Depression Goring, where it affected Taiwan and Batanes.

+ This side was also plastered over with paintings in the Baroque times, but when a bridge nearby was blown up in World War II the plaster fell off, so it is now kept with the original medieval walls showing.

+ Several bridges have blown down because that was not properly taken into consideration.

+ Some examples include catastrophising where small problems are blown out of proportion and all-or-nothing thinking which involves thinking in extremes.

+ Notice that the sound “hu” is unknown in Japanese, so ふ is pronounced “fu” with an “f” which is blown lightly, like someone blowing out a candle.

+ NEAR scientists have found that most of the bigger rocks scattered across Eros were blown from a single crater in a meteorite collision approximately 1 billion years ago.

+ But, again, it was blown off course and he ended up landing at Mount Lao in what is now Shandong in northern China, east of the city of Qingdao.

+ The little drop is blown by a strong wind inside the cloud to where it meets with some extremely cold water drops.

+ I admit that the recent debacle regarding flood flag was blown out of proportion – and that I am partly to blame – and I think now that the guidelines around this tool have been made clearer such an incident won’t happen again.

+ Another example of an unconditioned response is when wind is blown in a person’s eyes and they blink automatically to prevent dust or something from getting into them.

+ Many of the workers at Parkland Hospital reported that a large portion of the back of the President’s head appeared to have been blown out.

+ The light, fluffy seeds are then blown to the ground by the wind, where they all begin to grow again.

+ Any attempt to get the children out will result in the bomb being blown up.

+ These souls are blown around in a giant storm which will last forever.

+ Fallout from a nuclear explosion can be blown by the wind over large distances from where the explosion occurred, and can remain dangerous for long periods of time.

+ Charon was found by astronomer James Christy on June 22, 1978, when he was looking at highly blown up picture of Pluto on a photographic plate that taken a couple of months before.

+ Also referred to as a Blown Spot.

+ When the piston is at bottom dead centre, fuel-air mixture is blown in under slight pressure.

+ If they are successful, the defending team's base is blown up.

+ The plot was to have blown up the King at such time as he should have been sat in his royal throne, Nobility and Commons and with all Bishops, Judges and Doctors at one instant, and the blast to have ruined the whole estate and kingdom of England.
+ The Royal Naval Bomb Disposal Squad removed the bomb and it was safely blown up.

+ Of the two bridges now remaining between Kampfgruppe Peiper and the Meuse, the bridge over the Lienne was blown by the Americans as the Germans approached.

+ The Engineer himself is weak, and poorly placed Sentries can be blown up by smart Soldiers and Demomen.

+ Even after the Americans withdrew the “Carolina” kept up the bombardment until it was blown up by Heated shot and sunk on December 27th.

+ When hot air is blown in the blast furnace, the coke will burn and reduce the oxygen off the ore, producing bare iron and carbon dioxide.

+ Harrison added the sound of bubbles being blown into a glass of milk using a straw.

+ Oxygen is then blown into the iron.

+ In the 2010 World Cup, vuvuzelas were in the news all over the world because it was normal in South Africa for them to be blown at football matches.

+ The planet’s first atmosphere must have been completely blown away by the enormous amount of energy released.

+ He curses them until he is blown off as the plane takes off.

+ Thirty million cubic meters of lava in the form of pumice and ash were blown to a height of up to 36 kilometers above the island.

+ Two airplanes circling overhead were blown apart by the heavy shrapnel.

+ The impostor’s group was blown by storm to the island of Kythnos, one of the lesser islands of the Cyclades, which had only one community worthy of the appellation “polis” in antiquity—the city of Cythnus.

+ You can see the flames on several ghee lamps flicker as if blown by moving air.

+ For instance spear grass has spiky tips that can get stuck in passing animals or blown by a strong wind to a new place.

+ Air is blown over the water to evaporate the iodine.

+ The fuel to give it a large surface area, and is then blown into a large boiler with lots of air.

+ The momentum of a heavy ship, such as “Ever Given”, is difficult to counteract if blown off course.

+ Harryhausen’s was originally going to be blown up but due to the September 11 attacks, the explosion was replaced with a plasma containment orb.

+ Some researchers believe that Dactyl formed from debris blown off from Ida because of cratering, while others suggest that Ida and Dactyl formed as a pair a billion or more years ago when Ida’s parent body was disrupted.

+ She then watches happily in the sky as the rocket gets blown up in the sun.

+ A comet’s tail does not trail behind it, but points directly away from the Sun, because it is blown by the solar wind.

+ The Pevensie children are called to Narnia by Susan’s horn, which is blown by Prince Caspian.

+ People died everywhere, blown up by the blast, decapitated by flying metal, sliced by falling glass, burned by flaming metal and chemicals, crushed by falling buildings.

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