“urinary” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “urinary”:

+ In the United States, urinary tract infections lead to nearly seven million office visits, a million emergency department visits, and 100,000 hospitalizations every year.

+ The disease can cause blindness, pneumonia, urinary tract infections and reproductive tract infections.

+ Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a relatively rare condition that usually presents with an intermittent UTI-type picture and that is defined as recurrent urinary tract infections in men originating from a chronic infection in the prostate.

+ The illness can cause severe pneumonia and infections of the urinary tract, bloodstream and other parts of the body.

+ These urinary tract problems are most common in people who have abused ketamine daily for a long time.

+ She was hospitalized under critical condition at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and she developed a urinary tract infection and sepsis.

urinary in sentences?
urinary in sentences?

Example sentences of “urinary”:

+ There is little evidence that using preventative antibiotics decreases urinary tract infections in children.

+ Inside the lorica are the usual organs in miniturised form: a brain, an eye-spot, jaws, stomach, kidneys, urinary bladder.

+ Laxman died from multiple organ failure caused by a urinary tract infection in Pune, Maharashtra, India, aged 93.

+ These bacterial causes are not common and usually happen when the person has an abnormal urinary system or the person has a urinary catheterization tube inserted into the bladder.

+ She was Diagnosisdiagnosed in early January 2009 with a urinary tract infection.

+ The urethra is part of the urinary system in mammals.

+ There is little evidence that using preventative antibiotics decreases urinary tract infections in children.

+ Inside the lorica are the usual organs in miniturised form: a brain, an eye-spot, jaws, stomach, kidneys, urinary bladder.

+ Ibáñez Serrador died from a urinary tract infection on 7 June 2019 in Madrid.

+ A urinary tract infection in the lower urinary tract is known as a bladder infection.

+ For example, cocaine use during pregnancy can cause microcephaly and problems with the way the fetus’s urinary system and genitals grow.

+ There is one tube that goes out of the urinary bladder.

More in-sentence examples of “urinary”:

+ Chronic renal failure can be a sign of other diseases, like IgA nephritis, glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, and urinary retention.

+ The labia majora are thick areas of skin and fat located to the side of the urinary and vaginal openings.

+ Antibiotics are used to treat simple cases of urinary tract infections.

+ Men with this disease often have chills, fever, pain in the lower back and genital area, urinary frequency and urgency often at night, burning or painful urination, body aches, and a demonstrable infection of the urinary tract, as evidenced by white blood cells and bacteria in the urine.

+ It extends into a long urinary tubule,that is surrounded by a network of renal capillaries.

+ This fluid passes through the fetus’s digestive system and urinary system and gets urinated out into the amniotic fluid.

+ LH can be detected by urinary test kits.

+ A urinary tract infection is an infection caused by bacteria in part of the urinary tract.

+ Ureteral cancer is cancer of the ureters, muscular tubes that propel urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

+ Braga died at a hospital in João Pessoa on May 8, 2020 of COVID-19 while being hospitalized for a urinary tract infection, aged 85.

+ Some of the most common physical causes are infections of the vagina, Urinary tract infectionurinary tract, ovarian cysts and tumors.

+ Huq died at a Dhaka hospital on 24 October 2020 from problems caused by anemia and a urinary tract infection, aged 84.

+ There are 110 reports of people with problems in their urinary tract due to using ketamine.

+ The urinary bladder is a soft container.

+ Using a catheter increases the risk for urinary tract infections.

+ The urinary tubules of nephrons in each kidney join to form a common tube called the ureter.

+ The urinary bladder is an Organ organ in the human body in charge of storing urine.

+ Kidney stone disease, also known as urolithiasis, is when a calculus happens in the urinary tract.

+ As a part of urinary system, it pased urine out of the body.

+ Ten percent of women develop urinary tract infections each year.

+ It is usually an infection of the urinary system and genitals.

+ Jobim was hospitalised in New York City from a urinary tract infection in late November 1994.

+ These changes show a urinary tract infection.

+ Rogéria died in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from sepsis caused by urinary tract infection on 4 September 2017 at the age of 74.

+ The urinary system is linked to the sex organs of men and women.

+ On 15 December 2020, he was hospitalized in Buenos Aires for a urinary tract infection.

+ People who have complicated urinary tract infections sometimes have to take antibiotics for a longer time, or might take antibiotics intravenously.

+ In the upper urinary tract, it is a kidney infection.

+ Sulfa drugs are still widely used for conditions such as acne and urinary tract infections.

+ In women, urinary tract infections are the most common form of bacterial infection.

+ Then the urine goes down from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

+ It is the only urinary organ different in men and women.

+ He also had an enlarged prostate, urinary infection and other problems.

+ Elastin is also very important in the lungs, ligaments, the skin, the urinary bladderbladder, and elastic cartilage.

+ Tandon was hospitalized in June 2020 for a urinary tract infection.

+ Genitals and the urinary system make the genitourinary or urogenital system.

+ They are found behind the urinary bladderbladder of males.

+ In young children, fever can be the only symptom of a urinary tract infection.

+ Symptoms from a lower urinary tract infection include painful peeing and frequent peeing or wanting to pee.

+ Lower urinary tract infection is also known as a bladder infection.

+ The urinary includes several organs: the kidneys, ureters, the urinary bladder, and urethra.

+ Prostatitis researcher Dr Anthony Schaeffer commented in a 2003 editorial of The Journal of Urology that: “It is well recognized that even if pathogenic bacteria are present in the prostate, as in men with established chronic bacterial prostatitis, they do not cause chronic pelvic pain unless acute urinary tract infection develops.

+ A urinary catheter is a tube that is put into the bladder to drain the urine.

+ A UTI in the upper urinary tract is known as pyelonephritis or kidney infection.

+ In the lower urinary tract, it is simple cystitis.

+ Chronic renal failure can be a sign of other diseases, like IgA nephritis, glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, and urinary retention.

+ The labia majora are thick areas of skin and fat located to the side of the urinary and vaginal openings.
+ Antibiotics are used to treat simple cases of urinary tract infections.

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