“upwards” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “upwards”:

– Its main feature is the large sail on its back formed by elongated spines extending upwards from the vertebrae.

– It extends upwards from the skull.

– As input numbers get arbitrarily small, the output will simply get arbitrarily large, and if we draw this on a graph, the line will stretch upwards without bound before it touches 0 on either axis.

– A number of shells are thrown, with those landing aperture upwards indicating the actual number rolled.

– The moisture makes the cumulus cloud “mushroom” upwards and turn into a tall cumulus cloud.

upwards how to use?
upwards how to use?

Example sentences of “upwards”:

- The wrestler strikes the opponent's chin with their elbow upwards similar to an uppercut.

- For example, the third tunnel sloped slightly upwards as it progressed southward, to prevent water stagnation.
- It may cause the first seizure between the second day upwards to 6 months after birth, and usually stops within the first 12 months.

– The wrestler strikes the opponent’s chin with their elbow upwards similar to an uppercut.

– For example, the third tunnel sloped slightly upwards as it progressed southward, to prevent water stagnation.

– It may cause the first seizure between the second day upwards to 6 months after birth, and usually stops within the first 12 months.

– They quickly snap upwards to capture prey.

– In the Sahara Desert region of North Africa, where it originates, it is the prevalent atmosphere, extending from the surface upwards several kilometers.

– If a person pushes upwards against the underneath of the object with one finger they will feel the weight of the object.

– This is important so water gets upwards during the night when transpiration is low.

– A throat thrust, throat strike, sword stab, or an open-hand uppercut is a move where a wrestler strikes at the opponent’s throat with their open hand and usually with their palm facing upwards and with all five fingers together.

– One way to avoid this problem is to round each value “y” upwards with probability equal to its fraction, and round it downwards with the complement of that probability.

– It did not angle upwards very far.

– In general, THC smoked or orally consumed, upwards of 3 grams seems to be relatively safe even though 3 grams of pure THC is around 100 moderately strong edibles.

– He also said that “although in constant use for upwards of six weeks on a rocky coast it never required the slightest repair” and “ought to form part of the equipment of every expedition”.

– Other finger-based techniques include slap-and-pop, in which the player strikes the lower-pitched strings firmly with their thumb, and pulls higher-pitched strings upwards and lets them snap against the fretboard, and tapping, in which the player hammers downward with their fingertips on the fretboard.

– Summer population explodes upwards to thirty thousand persons because the city is a resort community with beaches, bars, and clubs.

– Although it forms under the surface of the Earth, there are many places where it has been forced upwards by tectonic movement.

– If it is imagined that a man is standing upright and there is a horizontal line stretching out from the base of his penis, most men’s erect penises point upwards from the line at a certain angle.

– They also killed upwards of 800 people.

– Historians like Raoul Pupo or Roberto Spazzali estimated the total number of victims at about 5,000; Guido Rumici calculates from 11,000 upwards including all people died in concentration camps; Almost all historians calculate hundreds of victims real assassinated by hard pushes to foibe while the estimated number of total people killed in concentration camps is disputed and varies in thousands; probably only a part of total cadavers was hided in foibe but a lot of bodies were accumulated in mass graves.

– Hewing is started from the bottom of the trem stem upwards toward what was the top of the tree.

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