“upheld” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “upheld”:

– Garvey won ‘unfair dismissal’ legal proceedings against the government, which was upheld in the Irish Supreme Court Ireland in the Twentieth Century, Tim Pat Coogan This outcome required the passing of the Garda Síochána Act 1979 to retrospectively validate the actions of Garvey’s successor since he had become Commissioner.

– In Japan’s feudal past the Samurai class upheld the honor of their family, clan, or their lord by “katakiuchi or revenge killings.

– The court upheld the rulings that crossing into Liberland from Croatia is illegal, but found the convictions for entering Liberland from Serbia were not correct.

– The 3 year old blockade was upheld by Flotilla 13.

– The court upheld the verdict, but sent the case back to Mauritania’s supreme court.

– She upheld the essence of struggle brighter and sharper than any volume in public life.

upheld how to use in sentences
upheld how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “upheld”:

- Delara's sentence was upheld by Iran's Supreme Court.

- In March 2005, the BundesgerichtshofFederal Supreme Court in Karlsruhe upheld the prison sentence against a band member.
- Several appeals were made during this period and the High Court upheld the decision.

– Delara’s sentence was upheld by Iran’s Supreme Court.

– In March 2005, the BundesgerichtshofFederal Supreme Court in Karlsruhe upheld the prison sentence against a band member.

– Several appeals were made during this period and the High Court upheld the decision.

– The law was upheld by the Tennessee Supreme Court, and remained on the books until 1967 when it was repealed.

– He appealed against the verdict, but the sentence was upheld on April 12, 2007, by the Supreme Court of Mississippi.

– A after war between France, Poland and Austria apeace was concluded in October 1735 and upheld in the Treaty of Vienna in November 1738.

– Each law was challenged to a voter referendum in the 2012 general election and upheld by a majority of the voting public.

– This upheld his isolationist policy, or separation from the rest of the world.

– On September 13, 1956, the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the lower court.

– In 2013 their decision was appealed on the ground that the Bugatti was a modified versionGuinness upheld the appeal and initiated a review of their production car definition.

– Martin withdrew the second count, but the Court upheld the accusation of witchcraft.

– The court upheld Georgia’s refusal to enforce the South Carolina judgment.

– The death penalty was upheld by the Bombay High Court and the Supreme Court of India.

– In “Ex parte Milligan the Supreme Court ruled that the suspension of “habeas corpus” in a time of war was lawful, but military tribunals did not apply to citizens in states that had upheld the authority of the Constitution and where civilian courts were still operating.

– In 2010, a judge in Sheikhupura sentenced Asia to death, which was upheld by the Lahore High Court.

– The final judgment upheld Livingstone’s appeal and stated that the Adjudication Panel had misdirected itself, although the judge stated that the Mayor should have apologised.

– While two of the criminal fraud charges were dropped on appeal, a conviction for felony fraud and obstruction of justice were upheld in 2010.

– The state court upheld the decision he had to pay the tax.

– Earlier, in a historic 2009 ruling, the Supreme Court of Pakistan ruled in favour of civil rights for transgender citizens, and further court rulings upheld and increased these rights.

– This relationship was upheld by a recent phylogenetic anlysis.

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