“unstable” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “unstable”:

– Since the S1 reaction involves formation of an unstable carbocation intermediate in the rate-determining step, anything that can help this will speed up the reaction.

– These structures form at the high-pressure depths of Lake Vostok; they would become unstable if brought to the surface.

– They are never found in nature uncombined because they are unstable and they react fast to other elements.

– It is built of unstable volcanic and has dumped clay and rock several meters deep into the Perberton Valley at least three times during the last 7,300 years.

– Carradine had an unstable childhood.

– Although Septimius Severus successfully restored peace following the upheaval of the late 2nd century, the dynasty was disturbed by unstable family relationships, and constant political turmoil.

unstable how to use?
unstable how to use?

Example sentences of “unstable”:

- Her character is known for the unstable relationship she enters with Michael after the second-season episode, "The Client", until the fourth-season episode "Dinner Party".

- Francium has a very unstable nucleus and undergoes nuclear decay rapidly.
- Because it is unstable it is no longer used for that purpose..

– Her character is known for the unstable relationship she enters with Michael after the second-season episode, “The Client”, until the fourth-season episode “Dinner Party”.

– Francium has a very unstable nucleus and undergoes nuclear decay rapidly.

– Because it is unstable it is no longer used for that purpose..

– In this context it is used for an irresponsible and unstable lifestyle.

– Meager is an unstable volcano.

– Bitcoin has often been criticized for its unstable price, its network’s high electricity consumption, and for its high transaction fees.

– It requires more brains to control unstable flight than it does for stable flight.

– Chloric acid, by comparison, is very unstable and dangerous.

– By contrast, a stable isotope has a long half-life, much longer than that of an unstable isotope.

– The stability of an isotope is related to radioactivity: an unstable isotope can be highly radioactive.

– It is an unstable and toxic compound.

More in-sentence examples of “unstable”:

– Many transuranium elements are unstable and are not found in nature.

– Bismuth oxide is an unstable red solid.

– He was crowned in 1371 and had 1 child, Robert III or “Robert the Lame” with Elizabeth Mure, he was mentally unstable and was born as John Stewart, he changed his name to Robert as he would be crowned John II recognizing John Balliol’s claim as legitimate which would spark war.

– They react with acids to make the toxic and unstable gas stibine.

– Here an unstable portion of cold root of the lithosphere drips down into the mantle, decreasing the density of the lithosphere and causing buoyant uplift.

– It was unstable though, easily igniting.

– Countries around the world who already have their own bombs include Britain, France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea; as all kinds of technology tend to become cheaper and easier to get and use, there is a fear that nuclear weapons could become available to countries with unstable governments.

– Normally stable, but can become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures.

– This would be an unstable situation and one in which the conservation of energy principle would be disobeyed.

– A banana republic is a politically unstable country whose economy depends on the export of one product in limited supply, such as bananas or minerals.

– It is too unstable to be used, although people think that this is what makes iodine a disinfectant.

– The orbits of quasi-satellites are unstable and over time they will break free from the planet’s gravity.

– An element that is unstable will split into two or more other elements.

– It forms the unstable chlorous acid when reacted with a strong acid.

– Among other factors, citizens had made Fez an unstable place because of their desire to rebel.

– Xenon has 8 stable isotopes and more than 30 unstable isotopes.

– Rigel is the brightest star in it, and Betelgeuse is a huge, rather unstable red supergiant.

– New Earth-based observations published in 2005 appeared to show that Neptune’s rings are a lot more unstable than thought before.

– After numerous fires caused by unstable nitrate films, safety film started to be used from the 1930s in the case of X-ray stock and from 1948 for motion picture film.

– Merge sort is an example of a stable sorting algorithm, quicksort is an example of an unstable sorting algorithm.

– Because of the unstable political climate, this force was later increased to 2000 people.

– Their nuclei are unstable because the arrangement of protons and neutrons in them are unsteady.

– The coracle is an unstable craft.

– Other historians blame the unstable system of leadership.

- Many transuranium elements are unstable and are not found in nature.

- Bismuth oxide is an unstable red solid.

– However, the mesons are very unstable and quickly turn into other particles.

– The reaction product is a very unstable ortho-quinodimethane.

– While it had good weapons, it was known for being very unstable and could lose control easily.

– An unstable isotope has a short half-life, in which half of it decays to lighter elements.

– Radioactive atoms have unstable nuclei.

– The exile of Perón in 1955 lead to an unstable government.

– Celluloid was unstable and highly flammable, sometimes exploding when people were making it.

– The people were tired of radical changes and the unstable governments.

– Perbromic acid is a very unstable acid.

– These unstable supergiants or hypergiants are also known as S Doradus variables.

– No one has ever written more powerfully of nature, of a rural childhood, and of the alienated and unstable self.” Bate, Jonathan “John Clare: a biography”.Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

– Its population may have reached 90,000 people, which is surprising because the swampland at Tikal was unstable for habitation or agriculture.

– River banks became unstable and collapsed into the water.

– The restricted combination leads to an unstable state.

– He was the president of the Council of Ministers, as well as Foreign ministerMinister of Foreign Affairs, between November 2000 and July 2001, during the unstable period following Fujimori’s resignation over corruption charges.

– Many of these hydrides are unstable in air or water or when heated.

– This avoids having anchor points in unstable ground.

– They were on an unstable gantry above a blaze in the basement.

– Unhexoctium is likely to be too unstable to be detected, which would allow very little study of it.

– Scientists have created four other hydrogen isotopes, but these isotopes are very unstable and do not exist naturally.

– However, along with calcium-46, it is theoretically unstable but with a half-life so long it has never been observed to decay.

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