“unrelated” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “unrelated”:

– Other mammals are called “rat” by many people, but those are not true rats, many are unrelated to the true Old World rat.

– She is also known by the seemingly unrelated names Perche and Eucharis.

– There are one or two breeding females, an unrelated male, offspring and other family members and unrelated individuals.

– Also similar but unrelated is the Teen Choice Awards.

– The few unrelated asteroids that have been found are all small, 2952 Liliputia, 3533 Toyota, 3850 Peltier, 3875 Staehle, 4278 Harvey, 4396 Gressmann, and 4750 Mukai.

unrelated use in-sentences
unrelated use in-sentences

Example sentences of “unrelated”:

– James Bond Stockdale’s given names–“James Bond”–are unrelated to James Bond, the hero of Ian Fleming’s spy novels.

– This template is only for talk pages that have received “large” amounts of chatter unrelated to the improvement of the article or other such off topic spam.

– They got their name from the smell, but are completely unrelated to culinary mustard.

– They are unrelated to the vampire bats.

– Synesthesia that comes from events unrelated to genes is called adventitious synesthesia.

– The European Broadcasting Union, and unrelated to the European Union, was formed on 12 February 1950 by 23 broadcasting organizations from Europe and the Mediterranean at a conference in the coastal resort of Torquay in Devon, England.

– There is another unrelated family of flies, the Tephritidae, which includes species also known as “small fruit flies”.

– In the early 1950s, other scientists started to use this radiation for experiments unrelated to the “atom smashing” collisions that were the primary goal of the machines.

- James Bond Stockdale's given names--"James Bond"--are unrelated to James Bond, the hero of Ian Fleming's spy novels.

- This template is only for talk pages that have received "large" amounts of chatter unrelated to the improvement of the article or other such off topic spam.
- They got their name from the smell, but are completely unrelated to culinary mustard.

– The events need to be unrelated to each other.

– Two unrelated young girls who happen to look identical meet by chance.

– In general, an insult that is unrelated to the building of the encyclopedia is a personal attack.

– The same relationship occurs in many other rankings, unrelated to language, such as the population ranks of cities in various countries, corporation sizes, income rankings, etc.

– Although it has an orbit similar to the Flora family asteroids, it was found to be an unrelated asteroid.

More in-sentence examples of “unrelated”:

- This is because unrelated asteroids are hard to distinguish from family members because the family is of the same spectral type that dominates the closer main belt overall.

- Satan grants her first wish and offers her another, saying the first wish was unrelated to Margarita's own desires.
- However, Kitami learns that a large number of industrial cylinders were unrelated to the dam construction have been purchased and Klima has secretly confined his secretary, and threatened to produce poison gas.

– This is because unrelated asteroids are hard to distinguish from family members because the family is of the same spectral type that dominates the closer main belt overall.

– Satan grants her first wish and offers her another, saying the first wish was unrelated to Margarita’s own desires.

– However, Kitami learns that a large number of industrial cylinders were unrelated to the dam construction have been purchased and Klima has secretly confined his secretary, and threatened to produce poison gas.

– Chemically, it is a unique tricyclic amine unrelated to any nucleic acid precursor, but inhibits replication of influenza A virus.

– Aldebaran is completely unrelated to the Hyades, because it is much closer to Earth and just happens to lie along the same line of sight.

– Some of the unrelated ‘oysters’ are the pearl oyster, “Pinctada”, which is a clam, and a few mussels which look a bit like oysters when they are taken out of their shells.

– It is unrelated to a custom called fiery cross, which was common in Northern Europe.

– These two berries completely unrelated to grapes.

– While the neurodegenerative condition Parkinson’s disease is the most common cause of parkinsonism, a wide range of other causes may lead to a similar set of symptoms, including some toxins, a few metabolic diseases, and a handful of neurological conditions unrelated to Parkinson’s disease.

– Some biologists use Tenrecomorpha as the name for the tenrec-golden mole clade, but Gary Bronner and Paulina Jenkins argue that Afrosoricida is more appropriate, despite their misgivings about the similarity between the name “Afrosoricida” and the unrelated shrew subgenus “Afrosorex”.

– It is a known issue from the checkuser over at enwiki that a the school IP is a known source of vandalism at should at the very least be soft blocked here and b there are at least two different people involved, one of which is using the same IP range as that which per your own checkuser here was unrelated to Ben.

– A lot of the movie brings up unrelated subplots that do not get solved.

– He claimed that most of his travels were unrelated to the record, and that only since 2001, on the suggestion of friends, did he have the Guinness Record in mind when planning his travels.

– The rest link to unrelated things including a dab page, a French person, and a town in England.

– In some places, harvestmen are known by the name “daddy longlegs”, but this name is also used for two other unrelated arthropods: the crane fly.

– In In two unrelated accidents, several spectators and mechanics were also injured during the race.

– Charles Spearman, an early statistician and psychologist, found that school children’s grades across unrelated subjects were strongly related to each other.

– They have evolved a variety of ways to communicate with mates in courtships: steady glows, flashing, and the use of chemical signals unrelated to photic systems.

– A superficially similar flowering plant, unrelated to the genus “Equisetum”, is occasionally misidentified as a horsetail.

– Apple Corps was most recently in the news, because of a lawsuit between Apple Corps and Apple Computer Inc., an unrelated company.

– Between 1991 and 1994, several accidental and unrelated employee deaths happened.

– Admins feel free to adapt the list entry I added, but I think we need something which goes in that direction, unrelated talk on talkpage occurs fairly often.

– The first news update interrupted a program of dance music to report that a series of odd explosions had been spotted on Mars, which was followed soon thereafter by a seemingly unrelated report of an unusual object falling on a farm in Grover’s Mill, New Jersey.

– In order to keep the movie division alive during this difficult time, the studio released four package films including this one, made up of various unrelated segments set to music.

– Chili peppers are completely unrelated to the “Piperaceae” genus, which Black pepper is from.

– So, the fig wasps are a polyphyletic group: they include several unrelated lineages whose similarities are based upon their shared association with figs.

– Fine, no problems so far, but I then noticed an anon editor making what I considered an unrelated to one of the teacher’s sub-pages, so I rolled it back.

– Scientists say there are fewer Davies’ tree frogs because human beings have changed their places where they live from forests, because of predators, and because there are not enough Davies’ tree frogs in one place for them to find unrelated partners and make healthy offspring.

– The difference between a human and a chimpanzee was about ten times greater than the difference between two unrelated humans.

– Because of the high background density of asteroids in this part of space, one might expect that a great number of asteroids unrelated to the collision that made the family would be present.

– The network is unrelated to the Galavisión earlier Mexican channel of the same name, though both broadcast Televisa produced programming.

– It starts with a plot in which two apparently unrelated stories alternate chapter by chapter.

– Where the use of “same district number” is used for determining “predecessor” and “successor” in any office, but where the area is so altered as to make such a “predecessor” or “successor” of little or no biographical value, the word “redistricted” should be used rather than using names of officeholders whose connection is accidental by virtue of district number, but unrelated to any election contests between officeholders.

– Commonly known as ‘wrens’, they are unrelated to the wrentrue wrens of the Northern Hemisphere.

– The template is not only used to specify the language of foreign words, but can also be used to specify a single symbol or character in a script, unrelated to any specific language.

– These pleiotropic effects often seem to be unrelated to each other.

– Martin asserted for decades that birds were unrelated to maniraptorans, but in 2004 he changed his position, and now he agrees that the two are the closest of relatives.

– Some of these will be split off in time because “Microdon” has been used as a catch-all for various unrelated species.

– It is not clear if he was the son of Tiglath-Pileser III or a usurper unrelated to the royal family.

– Among unrelated men, women must cover the parts of the body that are awrah.

– On an unrelated note, I asked earlier on Auntof6’s talkpage, about a way to move the ‘mark this page as partolled’ bar into a different menu, so I don’t accidentally click on it when viewing a page.

– It was at first called The Chronic 2000 as a sequel to his first album The Chronic, but was changed to 2001 after Death Row released an unrelated album called “Chronic 2000: Still Smokin” in 1999.

– The new team was unrelated to the old Team Lotus.

– The series is one of three unrelated shows about rural characters created by Paul Henning.

– Quarks and antiquarks also have a different kind of charge called “color”, unrelated to electromagnetic charge.

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