“unlikely” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “unlikely”:

+ I’m not actually expecting this to pass, and if it doesn’t, I’ll understand; it seems unlikely that the community would be able to trust a user enough in less than a month to give them the administrator tools.

+ Extremely proud of her unlikely heritage, she feels personally compelled to over-explain every chance she gets.

+ My view at the moment, as I said before, is that Assuming Good Faith and leaving unblocked is unlikely to greatly harm this or other projects.

+ It is extremely unlikely that two different molecules will behave in the same way in both a gas chromatograph and a mass spectrometer.

+ During warm weather, the cock is unlikely to set on the keets during the night, but may help the hen keep them warm at night when temperatures drop below freezing.

+ After the investigation was over, French said it seemed very unlikely that Trump had actually done it.

+ However, he argued in 1999 that it is very unlikely that an earlier bridge existed.

unlikely in sentences?
unlikely in sentences?

Example sentences of “unlikely”:

+ It is highly unlikely that North Korea would ever fire against the US, Japan or South Korea.

+ Park, who also went by the alias Pak Jin Hek, is unlikely to see the inside of an American courtroom.

+ In an unusual situation, the track reached #6 on the Hot Rap Tracks, an unlikely supporter of the song.

+ Although it is unlikely that “Pistosaurus” was a direct ancestor of the plesiosaurs, the mixture of features suggests that it was closely related to that group.

+ If the same place was in Germany or in France, it would be unlikely to have an article, unless it was historically important.

+ Will seek a second review of the result as this may lead to precedence of unlikely typos redirects flooding the site.

+ Thus, decisions are very unlikely to lead to the best outcome they want.

+ A popular but unlikely legend said that couques came from from the sacking of Dinant in 1466.

+ He had to spend a lot of his time writing unimportant music for the king which was unlikely ever to be performed more than once.

+ However, Lee eventually realised the party was unlikely to win mass support, especially from the Chinese-speaking working class.

+ Venom has launched a full-scale symbiote invasion of Manhattan, forcing Spider-Man to join forces with a number of unlikely allies in order to stop him, while being faced with difficult choices that could change his life forever.

+ As a rule of thumb, if the length of the infobox exceeds the length of the article’s text, adding the infobox is unlikely to be an improvement.

+ It’s unlikely that most of these templates will be used on SEW.

+ Based from my experience and interaction with Razor, he is a decent user and is unlikely to abuse the tools.

+ Schlechter was a modest man, who was generally unlikely to win the major chess tournaments by his peaceful inclination, his lack of aggressiveness and his willingness to accept most draw offers from his opponents.

+ It is perhaps unlikely that the accused women would have failed to draw the examining magistrate’s attention to their suspicions concerning Grace Sowerbutts’ motivations when first examined, only to do so at the very end of their trial when asked by the judge if they had anything to say in their defence.

+ For instance, new shops are unlikely to open in an area where crime and poverty levels are very high.

+ Template:Valid is typically used at upper levels of other templates, so it is unlikely to trigger expansion-depth problems.

+ Natural fibers such as wool, cotton, and silk of lighter colors should not be left in dirty or soiled condition for long amounts of time as they absorb dirt in their texture and are unlikely to be restored to their original color and finish.

+ If this glove is right-handed, then one enantiomer will fit inside and be bound, whereas the other enantiomer will have a poor fit and is unlikely to bind.

+ It is highly unlikely that North Korea would ever fire against the US, Japan or South Korea.

+ Park, who also went by the alias Pak Jin Hek, is unlikely to see the inside of an American courtroom.

More in-sentence examples of “unlikely”:

+ Based on its size, Brown lists it as nearly certain to be a dwarf planet, however, its low albedo may imply the opposite: dark, mid-sized bodies such as this, less than about 1000 km in diameter and with albedos less than about 0.2, have likely never collapsed into solid bodies, much less differentiated or relaxed into hydrostatic equilibrium, and thus are unlikely to be dwarf planets.

+ What did it mean for a commune member to defend another? Obviously if a commune member was attacked outside the city it was too late to call for help as it would be unlikely anyone would be around in time.

+ So it would be unlikely that she did become a pharaoh without royal blood.

+ To me this means that if they aren’t being expanded at ENWP, it is highly unlikely they will be expanded here before.

+ He liked plot twists and unlikely coincidences.

+ The third edition of the dictionary will probably only appear in electronic form; Nigel Portwood, chief executive of Oxford University Press, feels it unlikely that it will ever be printed.

+ This, and the faunas’ overlap in time, makes it unlikely that they represent evolutionary stages.

+ No administrator has unblocked, and it seems unlikely that a consensus for unblocking will occur.

+ Jails may also hold key trial witnesses for criminal cases, known as “material witnesses”, who have been found by a court to be unlikely to appear to testify if not detained, and people who have been charged with crimes in other states who are being held for extradition proceedings.

+ Money-value estimates are a useful form of measurement where income-distribution effects are factored into the analysis or seem unlikely to change the analysis.

+ If the article has not been looked at in 2 months, it is unlikely to be looked at.

+ These people are very, very unlikely to find the ENWP articles complex, as the reality is most communes on ENWP are also very short stubs.

+ But that he might want to think about what he was doing, because almost all of them qualify for speedy deletion under the unlikely typo speedy criteria.

+ SSI warned that the mutation could reduce the effect of COVID-19 vaccines under development, although it was unlikely to render them useless.

+ Likewise, amicability is an important part of popularity, as a person who does not like others is unlikely to be liked by others.

+ Since the process is incomplete those pages are not listed in RFD page so they are unlikely to be noticed.

+ This inverse nature of interpersonal popularity is often overlooked by people who are attempting to become popular: being loud may be successful in gaining attention, but is unlikely to provide mutual respect.

+ Pillai has claimed that the Nambudiris from the 1100s enforced matrilineal polyandry on the previously patrilineal communities of the area, sociologist Randall Collins thinks it is unlikely that such a change could be imposed and says that “more probably it was the result of a process of marriage politics spread by emulation in the decentralised situation of status competition.” Some other scholars believe that the matrilineal customs predate the period entirely and cite the queens of the Pandyan dynasty as evidence for this.

+ For example, it is unlikely that there are absolutely no barriers to entry and exit as there are always costs involved in setting up a new firm.

+ Newly emboldened, Bhumi seduces an unlikely target.

+ That same year “The New York Times” described her as “a sometime hermit who is fast on her way to becoming the most unlikely and famous art critic in the history of television”.

+ The possibility of sudden rip singularity occurs only for hypothetical matter but it is unlikely to occur in physical properties.

+ The current vaccine against the seasonal influenza strain H1N1 is thought unlikely to provide protection.

+ It is the result of a community decision that the user is unlikely to productively edit, and is a permanent matter.

+ Closed as demoted: To be totally honest, there’s little point dragging this one out any longer, as it’s clear where it’s headed! If anyone desperately disagrees please feel free to revert, but there’s little point letting it run another week as it’s unlikely anyone is going to fix it when it’s already been here for some time.

+ Based on its size, Brown lists it as nearly certain to be a dwarf planet, however, its low albedo may imply the opposite: dark, mid-sized bodies such as this, less than about 1000 km in diameter and with albedos less than about 0.2, have likely never collapsed into solid bodies, much less differentiated or relaxed into hydrostatic equilibrium, and thus are unlikely to be dwarf planets.

+ What did it mean for a commune member to defend another? Obviously if a commune member was attacked outside the city it was too late to call for help as it would be unlikely anyone would be around in time.

+ It is unlikely GM will offer a V8 engine for Lambda.

+ One of the two disambiguated page simply links to Wiktionary, and the other does link to temperature, but “cool” seems like it would be an unlikely redirect for that.

+ Many researchers think that a fetus is unlikely to feel pain until after the seventh month of pregnancy.

+ The sorcerer gives his unwilling accomplice a crash course in the art and science of magic, and together, these unlikely partners work to stop the forces of darkness.

+ The asteroid belt is sparsely populated and most asteroids are very small, so that an observer situated on one asteroid would be unlikely to be able to see another without the aid of a telescope.

+ They might be notable; however, it is highly unlikely that they will ever evolve to something better than stubs since we do not have the number of users required to accomplish this.

+ It is unlikely that the planet’s rings can be seen from its surface, as they are very thin and dark.

+ Former Godfather Joe Massino had wanted to change the name of the Bonanno Family to the Massino Family but since his arrest and defection it is unlikely to happen.

+ List of extinct volcanoes includes volcanoes which scientists consider unlikely to erupt again.

+ He concluded that it would have been unlikely for a person in such a powerful position in the government to not know about the Dirty War.

+ It is now thought by some unlikely that the masks actually belonged to Agamemnon and other heroes of the Homeric epics.

+ Articles unlikely ever to grow beyond stubs should be merged to articles about an artist or album.

+ It seems unlikely that supernumeraries would survive in a species unless there was some positive advantage.

+ Finally, just a note that if this doesn’t pass it’s highly unlikely that I will bother running again – the tools aren’t a big deal and just help to speed things up more than anything else.

+ NOINDEX isn’t really necessary at all because in the length of time an Rfd is up it generally isn’t going to matter, our traffic is such that being indexed for a week is very unlikely to help someone at all on the off chance that google even manages to index it in that week.

+ Some people have even guessed that he was just pretending, but it seems unlikely that he could have kept that up for several years.

+ Obviously tiny birds like European robinrobins or finches choose safe places to nest, and if they cannot, then their brood is unlikely to survive.

+ Nevertheless, until about 1960, most scientists dismissed the greenhouse effect because they thought it was very unlikely to happen.

+ However, the legs and even feet and toes of “Anchiornis” were covered in feathers, making it unlikely that “Anchiornis” was a capable ground runner.

+ They were very unlikely to be as well-adapted to the open ocean as living cetaceans, so they probably got to North America along coastal waters.

+ A doctor or psychiatrist may say that a delusion is false, because it “seems” to be unlikely or bizarre.Psychiatrists rarely have the time or resources to check the validity of a person’s claims; this means that some true beliefs are erroneously classified as delusional.

+ While an Internet meme is unlikely to destroy a political career, lots of memes targeting a candidate might.” Many memes attacked Ted Cruz.

+ Given that the Sami are a relatively small group, it is unlikely there were many.

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