“understanding” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “understanding”:

– NOAA warns people for dangerous weather, charts seas and sky, guides the use and protection of ocean and coastal resources, and conducts research to help understanding and stewardship of the environment.

– It will bring in an expert who have detailed knowledge and understanding of the issue, to clearly present both side’s arguments clearly.

– The other area Wernicke’s area was found to control understanding of language.

– When astronomers started understanding the kinds of planet they extended the term to include our nearest rocky neighbours: Mercury Mercury, Venus and Mars.

– However, they allow an understanding of the physics of waves, and have become an important concept in quantum physics.

understanding how to use in sentences
understanding how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “understanding”:

– I’m writing this with complete understanding that articles created by IPs are less likely to be maintained or fixed; nevertheless, that is how I think.

– The understanding of crystal structures is needed to understand crystallographic defects.

– The Wikimedia Foundation’s Fundraising team have begun our ‘User Experience’ project, with the goal of understanding the donation experience in different countries outside the USA and enhancing the localization of our donation pages.

– Wookiees are capable of understanding English languageEnglish but cannot speak it.

– Evans-Pritchard, unlike his teachers, saw anthropology as less of a natural science and more about understanding culture and explaining history.

– Medical understanding of hormones began in the 19th century with Graves’ disease, caused by a swelling of the thyroid gland.

– On 11 April 2006, MTRCL signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding with the Hong Kong government, the owner of Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, to merge the operation of the two railway networks in Hong Kong in spite of the strong opposition by the KCRC staff.

– Prospecting for energy sources and valuable minerals depends on understanding the geological history of an area.

– Cuts to the original were made almost immediately because the singers were not capable of understanding and thus acting their roles.

– For many years work on the study of Stonehenge had overshadowed any real breakthroughs in the understanding of Woodhenge.

– Other tests have to do with words or the understanding of language.

– Molecular biology chiefly concerns itself with understanding the interactions between the various systems of a cell, including the interrelationship of DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis and learning how these interactions are regulated.

– Schafer was elected chair of the Republican Governors Association in 2000 and that same year he co-founded and co-chaired the Governors Biotechnology Partnership to increase public understanding and support for the benefits of agricultural biotechnology.

– Their findings have created an understanding of the brain and how humans learn and do things.

- I'm writing this with complete understanding that articles created by IPs are less likely to be maintained or fixed; nevertheless, that is how I think.

- The understanding of crystal structures is needed to understand crystallographic defects.
- The Wikimedia Foundation's Fundraising team have begun our 'User Experience' project, with the goal of understanding the donation experience in different countries outside the USA and enhancing the localization of our donation pages.

More in-sentence examples of “understanding”:

- Tetley´s work made a great impression on Kylián, namely Tetley’s understanding of movement, and its relation to space, was a revelation for Kylián.

- Frankly, I am having a hard time understanding your concerns.
- Thirty years later, chroniclers read the accounts of these processions and translated "pueri" as "children" without understanding the usage.

– Tetley´s work made a great impression on Kylián, namely Tetley’s understanding of movement, and its relation to space, was a revelation for Kylián.

– Frankly, I am having a hard time understanding your concerns.

– Thirty years later, chroniclers read the accounts of these processions and translated “pueri” as “children” without understanding the usage.

– On April 11, 2006, MTR Corporation Limited signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding with the Hong Kong Government, the owner of Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, to merge the operation of the two railway networks of Hong Kong.

– Many important archaeological discoveries have been made that improve our understanding of that era.

– It provides a framework for understanding and researching human social interaction.

– This is the basis for understanding logarithms.

– Sadly, she was beaten for not understanding the commands of her owners John and Sally Dumont.

– And he’s not, not as understanding of my pettiness about that.

– It is meant to improve understanding of biology, engineering, physics, chemistry and many other fields.

– An understanding of how computers are organized, how they seem to work at a very low level, is needed to understand how an assembly language program works.

– According to Dunst, neighbors would never readily accept them and the newcomers were accused of not understanding “the Christiania lifestyle” despite Dunst claim that they introduced a democratic management form and established open workshops for photography, art, music, dance, video.

– As cladistic understanding of the vertebrates has improved over the last few decades a monophyletic Rhipidistia is now understood to include the ancestor of the whole Tetrapoda.

– An acquaintance of the literature of a society or a country is of prime importance for the understanding of that society or country, because the consciousness of the soul of a society or country, because the consciousness of the soul of a society gets reflected in its literature also.” History is witness to the authenticity of the above statement.

– After the Second World War twinning was a way to bring European people into a closer understanding of each other and to promote cross-border projects and peace.

– An important task in creating a software program is understanding the requirements.

– He discussed the importance of the unconscious mind in understanding conscious thought and behaviour.

– Page Previews provide a preview of any linked article, giving readers a quick understanding of a related article without leaving the current page.

– Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it.

– Oort made significant contributions to understanding the Milky Way, Oort J.H.

– Both Gay-Lussac and von Liebig had a purely chemical understanding of the fermentation process: in their view, the process can be optimized with Catalysischemical catalyzers; neither of them was interested in seeing it with a microscope.

– The pipe codes function exactly the same as HTML table markup, so a knowledge of HTML table code will help in understanding pipe code.

– It has always been my understanding that before you reverse another administrators action, you either attempt to talk to them, or talk to the community.

– Advances in understanding the interrelations between leptin resistance and obesity.

– Arabic is widely studied in Madrassas and Islamic institutions around the country for better understanding of the Qurān, Hadith and any other Islamic texts.

– In English language, the term was originally applied only to females, but increasingly is applied to males as well, as common understanding of reproductionreproductive mechanisms increases and the importance of the male role is better known.

– In 2017, Georgina Stewart published a criticism “The Gift”, specifically on Mauss’s understanding of Hau.

– He made up a way of understanding how atoms work by inventing an atom sized thing called a skyrmion which is not an atom but helps to understand the way atoms work.

– These tools are not given to every user, because people may mess up with them if they don’t have the experience and understanding in the first place.

– The study of Noncovalent bondingnon-covalent interactions is crucial to understanding many biological processes from cell structure to vision that rely on these forces for structure and function.

– One common understanding of norm is: something that is regarded as normal or typical.

– Members of a subculture often signal each other through the use of fashion style, stereotypical behaviors, and use of a secret language created to prevent outsiders from understanding them.

– Events such as the Investiture Controversy in medieval Europe led to people wanting “free” elections, with a medieval understanding of free.

– Olduvai Gorge is one of the most important prehistoric sites in the world and has been instrumental in furthering understanding of early human evolution.

– Work on understanding the Enigma, and on breaking German military signals, was of vital importance in the Battle of the Atlantic, the greatest threat to Britain during the war.

– I have a pretty good understanding of how this wiki works now.

– Protestants, however, often use each member’s own understanding of the Bible to determine beliefs.

– In algebra, when letters, numbers, and arithmetic symbols occur together, the understanding is that the letters stand for variables, which are either symbols of their own, numbers not yet known, or numbers that change during the course of the problem.

– I haven’t have time to look deep into this current case but there are suggestions in the oppose column that this is a very new user making such requests w/o understanding our culture etc.

– The rediscovery of the scientific work of Gregor Mendel in 1900 led to modern genetics, and an understanding of how heredity worked.

– He had difficulty understanding the character in rehearsal and asked Benois for guidance.

– His last words were “I hope that this execution is the last act of the tragedy of the Second World War and that the lesson taken from this world war will be that peace and understanding should exist between peoples.

– Important elements of modern materials science are a product of the space race: the understanding and engineering of the metallic alloys, and silica and carbon materials, used in the construction of space exploration vehicles.

– I have a deep understanding of the privacy policy and can demonstrate when to check, and when not to check.

– Often, the distinction between vectors and pseudovectors is overlooked, but it becomes important in understanding and exploiting the effect of symmetry on the solution to physical systems.

– Ceasefires may be declared as part of a formal treaty, but they have also been called part of an informal understanding between opposing forces.

– It is worth noting that at this period Americans still followed a British understanding in which laws could be “unconstitutional” without being illegal.

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