“undermine” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “undermine”:

+ Wikileaks posted more than 20,000 emails from the Democratic National Committee to show they tried to undermine Bernie Sanders.

+ They say that these words are said only to get people to make angry responses and to undermine or challenge long-standing social norms, and say that the name of the group came from the 1992 Danish satiresatirical blaxploitation movie “Gayniggers from Outer Space”.

+ Its effectiveness may eventually undermine the security of the important RSA algorithmRSA encryption device.

+ Efforts by the Soviet state to undermine the traditional Turkmen lifestyle resulted in significant changes in familial and political relationships, religious and cultural observances, and intellectual developments.

+ Conrad, secretly resentful that he lost out on the dam-building contract to Bob, plots to undermine his rival’s reputation and sabotages the dam.

+ I do have concerns that there have been some attempts to undermine articles themselves.

+ The Know-Nothings believed a “Romanist” conspiracy was in progress, trying to undermine the power and authority of civil and religious liberty in the United States and wanted to politically organize native-born Protestants in a defense of their traditional religious and political values.

undermine use in-sentences
undermine use in-sentences

Example sentences of “undermine”:

+ The anti-Chinese sentiment at the time was trying to undermine the Fourteenth Amendment provision which made Ark a citizen in the first place.

+ If you're going to report on one of their ancestors, you must report on them all, or you undermine your objectivity and credibility.

+ The anti-Chinese sentiment at the time was trying to undermine the Fourteenth Amendment provision which made Ark a citizen in the first place.

+ If you’re going to report on one of their ancestors, you must report on them all, or you undermine your objectivity and credibility.

+ Subversion is a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working from within.

+ However, eventually, the Kingdom of FranceFrench, Portuguese, and British tried to undermine the Spanish monarchy.

+ Hitler agreed, in order to get the law signed, even though he believed that the Jews had tried to undermine Germany during the Great War.

+ Many experts question tactical voting in that it can undermine a democratic outcome.

+ Abbasid dynastic colour over time developed in white as the colour of Shia Islam and black as the colour of Sunni Islam: “The proselytes of the ʿAbbasid revolution took full advantage of the eschatological expectations raised by black banners in their campaign to undermine the Umayyad dynasty from within.

+ While there were no large scale battles, there was a good deal of guerilla warfare in attempts to undermine the new government.

+ However, auto-ethnographers should avoid some dangerous pitfalls that could undermine the credibility and usefulness of their work.

+ It is about an American marijuana kingpin in England who is looking to sell his company, setting off a chain of blackmail and schemes to undermine him.

+ His plan was to protect French trade, undermine Britain’s access to India, and to establish scientific enterprise in the region.

+ They believe Instant Runoff Voting to be the only way let voters vote their true intentions and undermine the two-party system.

+ In the movie, Bruce WayneBruce Wayne / Batman, who seeks to undermine Batman’s influence and throw the city into anarchy.

+ He is continually trying to discredit anything to do with metrication and also trying to undermine my activities.

+ Further Comment: There are words being thrown around here like “got caught”, “scrambling to try and save yourself”, “major attempt to undermine an RFA”.

+ Over the next few years, Edward I kept trying to undermine both the authority of King John and the independence of Scotland.

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