“undergo” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “undergo”:

– Performers also had to undergo two years of hard training at Takarazuka Music School, based on its motto, “Purity, Honesty, Beauty.” This is the fundamental difference between Takarazuka Revue shows and western operas and musicals, which hold auditions for each new production.

– The thermoplastics and metals have moderate elastic deformation ranges while ceramics, crystals, and hard thermosetting polymers undergo almost no elastic deformation.

– A star must have at least 8 times, and no more than 40–50 times, the mass of the Sun to undergo this type of explosion.

– Students undergo strenuous physical conditioning while learning the basics of the wrestling industry, proper performance techniques, and character development.

– Most jellyfish undergo two distinct life history stages during their life cycle.

– Herakles’ first step was to undergo the Mysteries of Eleusis.

– Many metal ions are strong Lewis acids, and in water they may undergo hydrolysis to form “basic salts”.

– Many cells can completely undergo interphase without centrosomes.

undergo some example sentences
undergo some example sentences

Example sentences of “undergo”:

– Carbon steels which can successfully undergo heat-treatment have a carbon content in the range of 0.30% to 1.70% by weight.

– All the new officers and soldiers had to undergo military training.

– Karthi wanted to undergo the training like the real cops and that’s why he is getting trained now.” Shooting of this film is commenced in Jan 2017.Cinematographer of this movie is Sathyan Sooriyan, stunts by Dhilip Subbarayan, art department is handled by Kathir, music is scored by Ghibran and editing is by Shivanandeeswaran.

– These materials continue to undergo radioactive decay for minutes, days or centuries.

– The function of the reaction center chlorophyll is to use the energy transferred to it from the other chlorophyll pigments to undergo a specific redox reaction.

– Carbocations undergo rearrangement reactions from less stable structures to equally stable or more stable ones with rate constants in excess of 10/sec.

– It has been found that the ebola-infected cells do not undergo normal apoptosis, but exhibit vacuolization and signs of necrosis.

– The Axolotl shows neoteny: the larvae do not undergo metamorphosis, so the adults stay aquatic, with external gills.

– However, other people added to this, and said those considered “bad stock” would need to undergo compulsory sterilization, Prenatal diagnosisprenatal testing and killed.

– Both land- and water-living animals can undergo aestivation.

– This Zou community has a plethora of rituals and customs, both religious as well as social, undergo sea change to keep up with the trend of present day modern trends.

– He had to undergo emergency plastic surgery at Morriston Hospital, Swansea.

– In “Drosophila melanogaster”, for example, the chromosomes of the larval salivary glands undergo many rounds of endoreduplication.

– A protein compound was then chemically formed ready to undergo still more complex changes”.

– Well I’ve got several positive reviews from other editors as well as having the article undergo a few peer reviewing so I was wondering if we could vote now on the article since nothing else seems to be needed.

– Then, if the species were to undergo neoteny, the feature would appear suddenly in the fossil record, despite having evolved gradually.

- Carbon steels which can successfully undergo heat-treatment have a carbon content in the range of 0.30% to 1.70% by weight.

- All the new officers and soldiers had to undergo military training.

More in-sentence examples of “undergo”:

– When these undergo substitution the stereochemistry will be inverted for many of the reacting molecules but a few may show retention of configuration.

– Seared steaks, pan-fried dumplings, cookies and other kinds of biscuits, breads, toasted marshmallows, as well as many other foods, undergo this reaction.

– These reactions are rarer than sigmatropic shifts, but this is mainly a function of the fact that molecules that can undergo shifts are rarer than molecules that can undergo shifts.

– They do not undergo cell division.

– Aside from aesthetic reasons, many women choose to undergo breast reduction surgery to help reduce back strain, skin irritation, or breathing problems caused by large breasts.

– Diapause may occur in a completely immobile stage, such as the pupae and eggs, or it may occur in very active stages that undergo extensive migrations, such as the adult Monarch butterfly, “Danaus plexippus”.

– They also want to undergo more privatization.

– But if we could conceive in some warm little pond, with all sorts of ammonia and phosphoric salts, light, heat, electricity, c., present, that a protein compound was chemically formed ready to undergo still more complex changes, at the present day such matter would be instantly devoured or absorbed, which would not have been the case before living creatures were formed”.

– They had to undergo an unpleasant experience.

– For example, new peaks appear and existing peaks undergo changes.

– As they develop from eggs, insects undergo metamorphosis.

– However, white dwarfs usually explode before they undergo collapse.

– Alkyl groups undergo shifts very poorly and usually require high temperatures.

– Cancerous cells do not undergo apoptosis, which is why they are such a problem.

– Unstable nuclei may undergo alpha decay, in which they emit an energetic helium nucleus, or beta decay, in which they eject an electron.

– Cinfuentes suffered from male breast cancer in 2008, which he had to undergo chemotherapy.

– The mechanisms of which the bacteria undergo to become antibiotic resistant are via genetic mutation and horizontal gene transfer.

– In reality, many materials which undergo large elastic and plastic deformations, such as steel, are able to absorb stresses which would cause brittle materials, such as glass, with minimal elastic and plastic deformation ranges, to break.

– Some plants also undergo what is called sex-switching, like “Arisaema triphyllum” which express sexual differences at different stages of growth.

– When Roma people arrived in the camp, they did not undergo selection, because they were all scheduled to be killed.

– Some drugs undergo extensive first pass metabolism such that only about 10% of the administered dose enters the circulation: “10% bioavailability”.

– Vaccination has proved difficult because there are so many viruses involved and the viruses undergo rapid change.

– The people keeping such dogs may need to undergo tests to determine whether they are allowed to keep them.

– Sometimes a wrestler may undergo a complete change of on-screen personality from one week to the next, an example which is currently used by Charlie Haas.

– Histones undergo changes which alter their interaction with DNA and nuclear proteins.

– Thermosets, or thermo-setting plastics, burn up before they reach their melt temperature, but most thermosets also undergo glass transition.

– She is also known as one of the first British people to undergo sex reassignment surgery, after racing driver and World War II fighter pilot Roberta Cowell, and the ninth in the world to have the surgery.

– People suffering this condition pick at their flaws out the outside and undergo a variety of plastic surgery to achieve the look they prefer.

– It is also the only one of the older provinces of South Africa not to undergo border changes, not counting the incorporation of the Bantustans.

– Couples were urged to undergo sterilisation after their second child.

– In this token, a man from the Dark Ages living in the Classical Antiquity, or the opposite, would undergo a gulping sadness and agony.

– Calderón’s administration sought to maintain moderate positions on social policy and supported Mexican legislation guaranteeing abortion for rape victims, when pregnancy endangers a woman’s life or in cases of severe fetal deformity; has publicly advocated the legalization of small quantities of cocaine and other drugs for addicts who agree to undergo treatment; and has approved a right-to-die initiative for ill patients to refuse invasive treatment or extraordinary efforts to prolong their lives.

– This included a recommendation that local Garda superintendents undergo refresher training for one week every year as scene commanders and a similar refresher course for ERU officers of the rank of inspector or superintendent.

– These undergo meiosis, and produce pollen grains, which contain the male gametes.

– After a woman has a baby, her breasts undergo lactation — the production of natural milk.

– Metals undergo different phase changes, the particular position and type of crystal structure inside the metal will determine if a metal is brittle or flexible.

– The reactants undergo a violent chemical reaction which gives off heat.

– Also, it can happen that hybrids between two close plant species undergo polyploidy, and the polyploids continue as a new and distinct species.

– They typically take hormones and often undergo surgeries to support this process.

– Women who undergo a hysterectomy can no longer bear children.

– As this is occurring, amoebae undergo chemotaxis towards the giant cell surface.

– Malleable materials do not undergo elastic deformation.

– They are both relatively stable in solutions but ionic enough to undergo reactions.

– Most nuclear fuels contain heavy “fissile” elements which to undergo a nuclear fission chain reaction in a nuclear reactor.

– Heavy nuclei such as uranium and thorium may undergo spontaneous fission, but they are much more likely to undergo decay by alpha decay.

– In some Christian movements, to be a born-again Christian is to undergo a “spiritual rebirth” by believing in the Bible’s teachings about Jesus and choosing to follow him.

– In species which lay eggs, the eggs may undergo metamorphosis before they hatch.

– After a statistically sufficient quantity of time, an electron in an excited state will undergo a transition to a lower state.

– Naiads live in the water for weeks and undergo a series of moults to grow.

- When these undergo substitution the stereochemistry will be inverted for many of the reacting molecules but a few may show retention of configuration.

- Seared steaks, pan-fried dumplings, cookies and other kinds of biscuits, breads, toasted marshmallows, as well as many other foods, undergo this reaction.

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