“unchanging” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “unchanging”:

+ The electron configurations fill up with electrons in an unchanging order.

+ He was able to establish the plant in the field, and after 39 years of field trials found that the tetraploid was not as successful as its diploid parent in an unchanging environment.

+ As cartography requires exact and unchanging coordinates, the average positions of the geographical poles are taken as fixed.

+ Although Heraclitus argued for eternal change, his quasi-contemporary Parmenides made the radical suggestion that all change is an illusion, that the true underlying reality is eternally unchanging and of a single nature.

+ The Mahabharata declares the unchanging Ultimate Reality to be identical to Shiva and to Vishnu, that Vishnu is the highest manifestation of Shiva, and Shiva is the highest manifestation of Vishnu.

+ Just as in mechanics, the system will tend towards lower values of potential and at equilibrium, under these constraints, the potential will take on an unchanging minimum value.

+ He even changed his equations to include a “cosmological constant” in order to allow a mathematical model of an unchanging universe.

unchanging use in-sentences
unchanging use in-sentences

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