“unanimously” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “unanimously”:

+ I was voted unanimously into admin and I would be sorry to lose everyones trust, I decided to run a de-rfa to allow everyone to have their say.

+ On 13 February 2011, the Israeli government unanimously approved Gantz to be the next IDF chief of staff.

+ Mia and Peter propose the law on royal marriages be abolished, and the Parliament unanimously gives its assent.

+ He was elected to these posts unanimously in 2013 after local elections of that year.

+ In June 2018, Herzog was unanimously elected chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel, for which he left the Knesset and Israeli politics.

+ Thant began serving as Acting Secretary-General from November 3, 1961, when he was unanimously appointed by the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the United Nations Security CouncilSecurity Council, to fill the unexpired term of Dag Hammarskjöld.

unanimously - some sentence examples
unanimously – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “unanimously”:

+ The Bill unanimously passed the Pakistani Senate in early March 2018.

+ On February 13, 2017, the Senate unanimously confirmed Shulkin as the U.S.
+ It looks like the community has voted unanimously in support of Nifky?'s adminship.

+ The Bill unanimously passed the Pakistani Senate in early March 2018.

+ On February 13, 2017, the Senate unanimously confirmed Shulkin as the U.S.

+ It looks like the community has voted unanimously in support of Nifky?’s adminship.

+ He was confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate on May 7, 2012, and was sworn in on May 14, 2012, for a five-year term.

+ Washington was unanimously elected president in 1789.

+ His appointment was unanimously confirmed by the Senate.

+ After the number of patients in the country had reached 23, the Bulgarian Parliament voted unanimously to declare a state of emergency from 13 March until 13 April.

+ Clapper was unanimously confirmed by the Senate for the position on August 5, 2010.

+ I was voted in unanimously to both positions and my abilities as an admin and crat here were never in question.

+ After the resignation of Stuart Dunnings III as the result of a scandal, Whitmer was unanimously chosen as his successor in the position of Prosecutor of Ingham County.

+ In what was an epochal year for the country, in 1907 Ugyen Wangchuck was unanimously chosen as the hereditary monarch of the country by the people at Punakha, the old Capital of Bhutan.

+ Ptasynski, the Court concluded unanimously that any tax in which the subject is defined in non-geographic terms satisfies the Uniformity Clause.

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