“type specimen” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “type specimen”:

+ In the episode, the head injury discovered in the type specimen was interpreted as being crushed by a stumbling “Saltasaurus”.

+ The type specimen is CPC-59, and the type species is “V.

+ The type specimen was a nearly complete, articulated skeleton.

+ The type specimen had been sitting in the Nairobi National Museum for many years until two American palaeontologists took an interest in it.

+ The type specimen of “Sinovenator changii” was described in 2002.Xu “et al” 2002.

+ He was named the type specimen for this new species.

type specimen how to use?
type specimen how to use?

Example sentences of “type specimen”:

+ But the type specimen is the most famous kind of type.

+ This may happen if the original type specimen is lost or destroyed.

+ A type specimen can be assigned when a name is first published, or it can be assigned later.

+ This type specimen has a nearly complete skeleton with traces of feathers, including long tail feathers and large wings.

+ The type specimen was discovered in East Kirkton Quarry, Bathgate, Scotland, in 1984.

+ The type specimen is “Ceratonia siliqua”.

+ The type specimen was found alongside a specimen of the lagerpetidaelagerpetid dinosauromorph “Ixalerpeton”.

+ In 1850 zoologists realized the species was still living, when Paul Gervais compared the type specimen to a whale stranded at Aresquiès, Hérault.

+ The type specimen was found in the Tendaguru Formation in Tanzania.

+ In biology, a type specimen is a particular specimen to which a scientific name is formally attached.

+ But the type specimen is the most famous kind of type.

+ This may happen if the original type specimen is lost or destroyed.
+ A type specimen can be assigned when a name is first published, or it can be assigned later.

+ A type specimen is only one of several possible kinds of type.

+ The type specimen of Ingentia, PVSJ 1086, was discovered in the Quebrada del Barro Formation of northwestern Argentina.

+ The type specimen of “Coloborhynchus” is known only from a partial upper jaw.

+ Preferably a type specimen should be kept where researchers may have a chance to study it.

+ This survives as the concept of a type specimen in taxonomy.

+ One particular type specimen may have any number of scientific names attached to it.

+ The use of this term is similar to that of the type specimen in biology.

+ The type specimen was found in the Turonian-age Moreno Hill Formation of the Zuni Basin in western New Mexico.

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