“turbine” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “turbine”:

– Since the turbine is spinning, the force acts through a distance and the diverted water flow is left with diminished energy.

– If the mechanical energy is instead converted to electricity, the machine may be called a wind turbine generator, or aerogenerator.

– Centrifugal compressors are used in small gas turbine engines or as the final compression stage of medium-sized gas turbines.

– This turbine is connected to a generator, which makes the electricity that is then sent out on the National Grid.

– This turbine is connected to an electrical generator.

turbine how to use in sentences
turbine how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “turbine”:

– Old turbine runners may have a significant amount of stainless steel added this way by the end of their lifetime.

– Water pressure decreases to zero as it passes through the turbine blades and gives up its energy.

– Flowing water is directed on to the blades of a turbine runner, creating a force on the blades.

– When the turbine spins around, magnets inside the turbine make electricity.

– As it leaves the engine it spins a turbine which turns a gas compressor at the front which sucks in more air and compresses it.

– The turbine hall is located inside Ben Cruachan.

– They can reverse flow and operate as a pump to fill a high reservoir during off-peak electrical hours, and then revert to a turbine for power generation during peak electrical demand.

– The first CD made was “The Second Stage Turbine Blade”, the second part in the story, the third and fourth parts came out next.

- Old turbine runners may have a significant amount of stainless steel added this way by the end of their lifetime.

- Water pressure decreases to zero as it passes through the turbine blades and gives up its energy.
- Flowing water is directed on to the blades of a turbine runner, creating a force on the blades.

– One turbine drives both the compressor and the load, such as an electric generator.

– Several types of gas turbine locomotive have been developed.

– This additional component of motion allowed the turbine to be smaller than a water wheel of the same power.

– This is the modern form of the Pelton turbine which today achieves up to 92% efficiency.

– The water is heated until it turns into steam, rotating a turbine using a large steam piston.

More in-sentence examples of “turbine”:

– Combined cycle gas turbine plants are driven by both steam and gas.

– Reaction turbines are acted on by water, which changes pressure as it moves through the turbine and gives up its energy.

– This causes the turbine to turn, which turns a generator which makes electricity.

– The heat is used to boil water into steam, which turns a steam turbine to generate electricity.

– The modular structure of a wind farm also means that if one turbine is damaged, the overall output of the plant is not significantly affected.

– Francis improved the inward flow reaction turbine to over 90% efficiency.

– Phase I uses 50 Vestas V-90 wind turbine generators, each with a rated capacity of 3 MW.

– No pressure change occurs at the turbine blades, and the turbine does not require a housing for operation.

– He also conducted sophisticated tests and developed engineering methods for water turbine design.

– A wind turbine is a rotaterotating machine that transfers kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy.

– Positive pressure ventilators work by blowing air from the outside or from an oxygen tank or air tank through a pneumatic reservoir which holds and compressed aircompressing the air, or through a turbine which turns around and forces the air through a mask or breathing tube and into the patient.

– The turbine then turns a generator which creates electrical energy.

– The turbine is usually connected by a gearbox to help control the speed it turns the generator at.

– Segner worked with Euler on some of the early mathematical theories of turbine design.

– The potential for power generation by an individual tidal turbine can be greater than that of similarly rated wind energy turbine.

– They thought that by adding a turbine to turn the supercharger, it would yield a “turbosupercharger”.

– A turbine is an engine that turns fluid movement into energy.

– When natural gas is burned in a power station it boils water into steam that spins a steam turbine that turns a generator to make electricity.

– A surface condenser is a device in a power station that changes the steam used by a steam turbine back into water.

– A turbocharger is a type of turbine – something used to move a lot of air very quickly.

– There is a wind turbine and the motor house.

– These superalloys are used in industrial gas turbine Engineengines like the GE 7FA.

– Now, four albums have been released: “The Second Stage Turbine Blade”, “In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3”, “Good Apollo I’m Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness”, and “Good Apollo, I’m Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow”, and “Year of the Black Rainbow”.

– The turbine is a heat engine.

– The word turbine was coined by the French engineer Claude Bourdin in the early 19th century and is derived from the Latin word for “whirling” or a “vortex”.

- Combined cycle gas turbine plants are driven by both steam and gas.

- Reaction turbines are acted on by water, which changes pressure as it moves through the turbine and gives up its energy.

– They generate power by burning natural gas in a gas turbine and use residual heat to generate additional electricity from steam.

– Some geothermal power plants use the steam from a reservoir to power a turbine / generator, while others use the hot water to boil a working fluid that vaporizes and then turns a turbine.

– A steam turbine is a machine that gets thermal energy from Pressurepressurised steam.

– A turbocharger consists of a turbine and a compressor.

– Texas farmers may lease their land to wind developers for either a set rental per turbine or for a small percentage of gross annual revenue from the project.

– The driven turbine can deliver high torque at low speed.

– Ján Andrej Segner developed a reactive water turbine in the mid-1700s.

– Nickel-based superalloys of rhenium are used in the combustion chambers, turbine blades, and exhaust nozzles of jet engines.

– It was an evolution of the Francis turbine but revolutionized the ability to develop low-head hydro sites.

– The biggest ones use a steam enginesteam turbine or hydroelectric water power.

– FFC Turbine Potsdam is a German peopleGerman women’s association football club from Potsdam, Germany.

– The Canadian company Blue Energy has plans for installing very large arrays tidal current devices mounted in what they call a ‘tidal fence’ in various locations around the world, based on a vertical axis turbine design.

– Approval has been given for the 303 turbine Shepherds Flat Wind Farm near Arlington, Oregon.

– Boyden developed an outward flow turbine that improved on the performance of the Fourneyron turbine.

– The most efficient, the combined cycle gas turbine burns natural-gas to heat air to nearly 1530 degrees Celsius, a large temperature difference of 1500 degrees Celsius, and so the efficiency can be very large when the steam-cooling cycle is added.

– This type of turbine is usually a Deriaz or Francis in design.

– As of 2013, it is the biggest wind turbine maker in the world.

– Around 1890, the modern fluid bearing was invented, now universally used to support heavy water turbine spindles.

– The plant also has machines which remove heat from the reactor to operate a steam turbine and generator to make electricity.

– The steam flows to a steam turbine which spins an electric generator.

– The turbine is driven by the exhaust gas from the engine.

– Wind power stations use the wind to turn a turbine which turns a magnet inside a coil.

– The steam engine’s turbine turns a machine called a ‘generator’.

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