“trying” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “trying”:

+ An example of chunking would be trying to remember a long sequence of digits.

+ In September 2017, Fox accused EU of trying to blackmail UK over Brexit deal.

+ The overall story of the show was to show how Drake Josh, two people with completely different ways of life, come together through their parents’ marriage, and trying to avoid getting pranked by their little sister Megan Parker.

+ If someone who isn’t that good at writing articles in Simple English or simplifying advanced English, like myself for an example, may have a hard time trying to figure out minor mistakes/errors in sentences that we believe is correct, until proven wrong.

+ At Simple English Wiktionary, we’re trying to have 2000 pages of word definitions by Aug.

+ One final memory shows Voldemort trying to apply for a job at Hogwarts.

trying example in sentences
trying example in sentences

Example sentences of “trying”:

+ On the night of 16 January 1549, Thomas was caught trying to break into the King’s apartments at Hampton Court Palace.

+ The mayoral election was scheduled for 2000, and in 1999, Labour began the long and trying process of selecting its candidate.

+ This is because the show is about seven women trying to change.

+ But at the same time an evil raven is trying to find the gems too, because they had belonged to his kingdom a long time ago.

+ Some of these wristbands are copied by criminals and sold to people without the money going to the organization they are trying to help.

+ He thought it would look more interesting if the oil was thick enough to form shapes, and spent 10 years trying to make it good.

+ The other approach tries to counter this: Rather than trying to get an “abstract idea” of religion, it looks at the use or function religion has in the live of people or societies.

+ On some vases, Apollo is seen trying to forcibly take the hind from Herakles.

+ This problem has become so bad that the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario is trying to decide how to improve Highway 24 at this part.

+ The filter works much like trying to put a playing card through a comb – only if the card is turned the right direction will it fit.

+ This means she is trying to tell the world’s technology companies to take serious measures to actively prevent the internet’s social media from promoting terrorism and violent extremism.

+ On the night of 16 January 1549, Thomas was caught trying to break into the King's apartments at Hampton Court Palace.

+ The mayoral election was scheduled for 2000, and in 1999, Labour began the long and trying process of selecting its candidate.

More in-sentence examples of “trying”:

+ The CIA later stated they were trying to get local Libyan militia to go help the consulate.

+ On July 15, 2019 at 3:00 PM the Default judgement entered on June 18, 2019 was used as collateral for trying to help Hahnemann Hospital stay open case # 19-11466 Delaware Bankruptcy Court.

+ In trying to catch criminals and other bad people, the government often offers money to people.

+ Doctors suggest that women who are trying to get pregnant should also drink no alcohol.

+ O’Donnell, was trying to apply for a position with an Army band, but members of the Royal Marines were not allowed to become members of the British Army.

+ According to the story, the seven sisters stopped at Kuru Ala while they were travelling through the area in the lustful man who was trying to catch them.

+ Some Californians were trying to leave Mexico and to form their own country, as had happened in Texas.

+ Sorry for the potential OT-ness, just interested if anyone else is going and trying to get the word about SEWP out there some more.

+ Science makes progress by using one theory until it fails, trying to understand why that theory failed, and then making a better theory.

+ He spent much of his later life trying to find a “unified field theory” that would include his general relativity theory, Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism, and perhaps a better quantum theory.

+ They also are searching for a rare monster that Artemis was trying to hunt down when she went missing.

+ After Microsoft notification people can trying installing Windows Mobile 7 build 7100 beta, has been on 8GB disk space support from LG and Vodafone, in May 11, 2009, Microsoft can released for Windows Mobile 6.5 in officially from Microsoft Corporation, has been 10 device can launch for LG, HTC and Vodafone.

+ Ernest’s seemingly pointless conversations with Vern – which were actually a monologue due to Vern never responding – inevitably rambled around to a favorable description of the sponsor’s product, followed by his signature close, “KnowhutImean?” While Vern is never shown to ever say anything, it is implied that he finds Ernest to be an unwelcome pest due to him trying to slam his door in Ernest’s face on a few occasions.

+ Three 12-year-old kids, McGee, Gretchen and Squirt board the wrong summer camp bus and have all sorts of adventures in a camp called Camp Lakebottom, while trying to protect the camp from McGee’s nemesis Jordan Buttsquat at Camp Sunny Smiles.

+ Both of these problems can be fixed by trying different parameters for the username.

+ Researchers are still trying to figure out why only the Desi Cows can resist succumbing to the disorder.

+ Lenihan denied he had pressured the President but then a tape was produced of an ‘on the record’ interview he had given to a postgraduate student the previous May where he talked about trying to apply pressure.

+ I was trying to add 112332, but was disabled by abuse filter.

+ He decides to send for Sextus first, trying to get further details about the plot.

+ In 1979, the FBI officially closed its investigation, saying that the men drowned in San Francisco Bay, while trying to reach land.

+ Some scientists are trying to invent a new vaccine which would stop people from getting sick with COVID-19.

+ At the same time, Black was trying to find a treatment for stomach ulcers.

+ Then, the person will be treated by trying to go back to how they were before psychosis.

+ The anti-Chinese sentiment at the time was trying to undermine the Fourteenth Amendment provision which made Ark a citizen in the first place.

+ In an ethnic cleansing, the perpetrators are trying to get rid of other groups in specific areas.

+ The CIA later stated they were trying to get local Libyan militia to go help the consulate.

+ On July 15, 2019 at 3:00 PM the Default judgement entered on June 18, 2019 was used as collateral for trying to help Hahnemann Hospital stay open case # 19-11466 Delaware Bankruptcy Court.

+ The strategy of the game play involves mainly trying to guess which of the opponent’s ghosts are which by their movement patterns and trying to fool the opponent with confusing movement patterns.

+ Sharing and trying to understand the significance of women’s stories gives these stories importance when they might not have been heard, lets people understand what makes different women happy and what problems different women face, uncovers and helps explain similarities and differences in people, and might make it easier for people who don’t know each other to help each other out.

+ As mayor, Fetterman became known for trying to modernize the economy in Braddock, with an article in “The New York Times”, an appearance on Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report”, and a Levi’s jeans ad.

+ It is the time when hundreds of smaller automobile manufacturers were trying to compete for attention and sales.

+ When Harry was a baby, Lord Voldemort, the most powerful dark wizard in history, killed Harry’s parents but was mysteriously defeated after unsuccessfully trying to kill Harry, though his attempt left a lightning-shaped scar on Harry’s forehead.

+ Don’t worry about trying to fill in all the fields — even if you can only get one or two, that still can be useful.

+ He is trying to survive the grey days by analyzing his environment, especially people’s behaviour.

+ On 24 December, Mukoko appeared in court in Harare on charges of trying to get young people to fight the government., accessed 19 January 2011 She had to go to the police station every week.

+ After he took office, Bucaram tried to fix the state, which included trying to fix the stock process started by Osvaldo Hurtado.

+ Frieza is always trying to get more power.

+ If that’s going to be true of this group also, then they’re going to have an even harder time trying to construct prose in simple English.

+ When Matrix matrices are used to express quantum mechanics, frequently two matrices have to be multiplied to get a third matrix that gives the answer the physicist is trying to find.

+ The dance that gets faster and faster and the audience clap along, trying to keep up with the orchestra.

+ In trying to escape the Scottish schildrons, many were drowned in the Bannockburn and the River Forth.

+ A rival is a person or group of people who are trying to do the same thing as someone else, and trying to do it better.

+ Since the early 2000s, both countries are trying to resolve them.

+ That case reads to me more like the church trying to protect sexual abuse of a child, than anything.

+ Hi, I’m trying to find the exact name/script for the watchlist notifier which can be added under “my settings” – “gadgets”.

+ I was recently trying to add a category label on a page I created, but could not see if I correctly added it, resulting in multiple attempts.

+ In July 1792, Prussia’s Duke of Brunswick wrote “We will destroy Paris into the ground if anything happens to our royal majesty, the king and queen.” He was trying to help the king and queen, but instead it did the opposite.

+ From the Mann Ranges, he went west to the Tomkinson Ranges, but turned back rather than trying to cross the Great Victoria Desert.

+ People had been trying to get the colonies to join together in a federation of Australia during the 1850s and 1860s.

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