“try to” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “try to”:

– In 1984, Brian Mulroney led the Progressive Conservatives to victory nationally, having committed during the campaign to try to find a way to accommodate Quebec’s objections to the constitution.

– In 2013, Bobonazarova was the first woman to try to run for president in Tajikistan.

– This lets the brain prepare itself when we try to tickle ourselves.

– If we try to pair them up, we always leave out one animal.

– People sometimes try to make laws, treaties, and international agreements to try to control weapons because they are worried about all the killing done with them.

– It stars POD who gives make-unders to people to try to show their natural beauty without makeup or fake tan.

– When a person is ill or injuryinjured, a doctor may make a medical diagnosis and then recommend a therapy to try to make the person well.

try to how to use in sentences
try to how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “try to”:

– So anyone good with group theory, ring theory, should step forward and try to simplify these.

– Protesters filed seven different petitions with the court to try to get Nancy’s feeding tube put back in, but the court refused.

– It also ensured that France and other European countries would not try to take the land.

– Then they try to shoot down ducks or clay pigeons.

– He went to warmer countries to try to get better.

– Females that do not want to mate will try to escape from males by flying high in the air and then quickly flying downward.

– And the child will not be afraid to try to make friends with new people, because it will expect people to be nice.

– Local governments try to get the Blue Flag for their beaches and marinas, to show people that they have high environmental and quality standards.

- So anyone good with group theory, ring theory, should step forward and try to simplify these.

- Protesters filed seven different petitions with the court to try to get Nancy's feeding tube put back in, but the court refused.
- It also ensured that France and other European countries would not try to take the land.

– Movie directors making art films try to make them very different from blockbuster movies.

– To try to take over Protestantism in Germany, the Nazis formed the National Third ReichReich Church: an official state church that taught a state religion based on Nazism.

– When the player does a crime and the police see it, they will start to follow the player and try to catch him.

– Doctors working at the USC Medical Center were recruited to play the doctors who try to save E.T.

– Bishara was the first Arab citizen of Israel to try to become Prime Minister.

More in-sentence examples of “try to”:

- In navigation, the word bearing is used for different methods that try to find out the angle between an object used for this purpose, and a reference direction.

- Sometimes they are used by Supreme Court justices to try to say what the founders were thinking.
- Pediatricians also try to prevent other diseases and injury before they happen.

– In navigation, the word bearing is used for different methods that try to find out the angle between an object used for this purpose, and a reference direction.

– Sometimes they are used by Supreme Court justices to try to say what the founders were thinking.

– Pediatricians also try to prevent other diseases and injury before they happen.

– If they can, male chimpanzees try to kill the male members of neighbouring groups.

– I guess I’ll just try to do as much as I can in a few hours getting to 1000! But that won’t work an I know it…

– It was said that Shelties were sheep dogs so they try to please their master and have a strong sense of responsibility.

– Remember, always try to be helpful and not harmful.

– This changed BC’s demographic makeup so much, that to try to stop it, the government passed several acts, to try and limit the number of immigrants.

– Rolli and Rita try to make food at home.

– In poor countries, such as many in Africa, there are regular power cuts as more people try to use the electricity than there is to go around.

– As some of the largest players on the field, defensive tackles try to make it hard for the quarterback to throw the ball by blocking offensive linemen and tackles who protect the quarterback.

– Since the 1990s people try to move part of the population of the Eurasian lynx to Germany.

– Another way to proceed would therefore be to scan through the article, and anytime there is a comma, try to start a new sentence.

– Peter does not try to catch the criminal, as revenge for not getting paid as much as he wanted to be.

– If I try to pull the names together it looks like this.

– A sexual orientation change effort is a plan that will try to change a same gender sexual orientation.

– The goal is to try to dilute the sugar in the blood, and decrease the high levels of hyperglycemia.

– Some myths try to explain the natural world.

– He writes an exposé on himself and wants to have it published, but all the women that used to work at his “No” magazine have all quit to try to get jobs at Novak’s new “Now” magazine.

– They tend to try to gain balance and agreement with everyone that is involved.

– Some infantilists are not obvious and try to blend in, while others wish they could be free of all guilt and responsibilities.

– It might be tempting to try to reform the difficult users.

– Nathan Fielder had planned to open another Dumb Starbucks in Brooklyn, New York City, but he did not try to open one, even with health documents.

– In either case, as with any “nervous habit”, it is more helpful to consider the causes of the boredom or of the stress, rather than try to repress the behavior itself, in this case masturbation.

– If somebody could take a look at that and try to make something of it, that would be great.

– Most of the time they will try to avoid it.

– World peace is an idea of a world without violence, where nations try to work with each other.

– The organization has also worked with auto manufacturers to try to change the off-road images used in TV commercials.

– Mike Enzi who was the senator was not going to try to be reelected so the seat was left for a new person.

– Conservation, also known as conservation and restoration or simply conservation, is a job where people try to protect the important parts of a culture for the future.

– Using their hands, legs backs, they try to make the other person fall.

– If the police see CJ doing crimes, however, they will chase him and try to stop him.

– They will try to grasp fish or inanimate objects and often mount on the backs of other males.

– This means they try to make their tickets as affordable as possible for passengers.

– During these “boxing” contests, they would lock arms and try to push each other over.

– If we sort by class, people can go to GA or, an example of a class, Start, and try to promote it another level up.

– Sometimes computers try to fix this and end up sending it twice.

– Although the Latimores try to stop him, Norbit arrives at the church and tells Kate about Deion’s gold-digging, but his proof of Deion’s divorce settlements were destroyed after he fell into a pond.

– According to Dewan, ethnographers do not try to find generalized results.

– If we try to make the wave of a thing like a proton narrower and taller, that would make its position clearer, but then the momentum would get less well defined.

– I’d offer to write it myself but I don’t even know where to begin to try to understand the topic, which is how I got here in the first place.

– Verdins occasionally try to get tidbits of dried sugar water from hummingbird feeders.

– Programmers who write compiler code try to make it as perfect as possible.

– For example, female models may try to appear alluring.

– His wife also had bad health, so they often went to spa towns to try to get better.

– They are all about a group of three friends who try to defeat the evil Shadow Lord and his friends.

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