“try” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “try”:

+ King Herod the Great, who ruled for the Roman Emperor, made the Temple larger to try and win Jewish favor.

+ Teams must try to work out the fourth item in the sequence.

+ Scientists band, or tag loons to try to understand more about them.

+ The following diagrams show what happens when we try to measure both location and momentum.

+ They are also eager to try new foods when they see them grown in their own gardens.

try how to use in sentences
try how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “try”:

+ When a strike is called, a government may try to stop it by calling in the police or the military.

+ If a seller of a good cannot supply what customers want or ask for too high of a price, other sellers may try to supply that good.

+ Since mechanical systems try to find a state of minimum potential energy, a free droplet of liquid naturally assumes a spherical shape, which has the minimum surface area for a given volume.

+ Remember, always try to be helpful and not harmful.

+ Campbell had been using his father’s boat, Bluebird K4, to try and set new records.

+ People also try not to loanlend any money during the holiday, because they think it will make them have to keep lending money for the whole year.

+ Here’s a suggestion: Work on one particular article you seem to know much about, and maybe even try to promote it to WP:GA, or even WP:VGA.

+ Each mother in the harem would try to make her own son the next Sultan, since they knew he would probably be killed if he was not.

+ It is an ancient Tamil event where participants try to embrace a bull, when the bull try to knock them off.

+ Now the guests must try to restart power for the park.

+ When a strike is called, a government may try to stop it by calling in the police or the military.

+ If a seller of a good cannot supply what customers want or ask for too high of a price, other sellers may try to supply that good.

+ Would someone please remind me where we should report software errors? I’m getting an error when I try to display new templates.

+ In functional programming, programmers try to avoid side effects when they can, so it is easier to prove that a program will always do what it is supposed to.

+ It is a game in which the player must run a business, in this case a zoo, and try to earn money.

+ Jasper and Terrence try to comfort the mother.

+ He and hundreds of these clones try to defeat Neo, but they are not very powerful and Neo beats them.

+ Upon arrival to the historical site of Vergina and wanting to try the local delicacies, Silvestri came across the plant of aubergine.

+ I wish to try once more.

More in-sentence examples of “try”:

+ Some do genealogy, some try to protect historical buildings, some focus on certain towns, countries, people, railroads, or religious groups.

+ In many countries a company or business can ask the courts for “bankruptcy protection” to try and protect the business so that the creditors cannot destroy all of the physical capital and goodwill by breaking it apart and moving it away.

+ However, sometimes, there is a need to resolve a conflict and try to forge some type of compromise to reach a true consensus, despite the difficulties involved.

+ This happened because witnesses in their cases had died or moved away, and the state of Florida did not have enough evidence to try them again.

+ Others took up his social ideas, and drew the conclusion that it was useless to try and help the poor, and that competition without limits was the way society should go.

+ Holmes has a cabman try to lift his trunk-and arrests the cabman Jefferson Hope by name as the killer.

+ She loved Tchaikovsky’s music and promised him that she would pay him a lot of money every month so long as he promised her that he would never try to meet her.

+ Certain technologies such as RAID 6 try to address this issue, but they suffer from a very high write penalty, in other words writing data becomes very slow.

+ Owners brush their cats to try to prevent a lot of hairballs.

+ Some German officers asked Paulus go against Hitler’s orders and try to escape out of the Stalingrad.

+ Amy was brought to Mars by her parents and Bender was brought to the Church of Robotology where they try to stop being robosexuals.

+ I realize maybe only a few editors here have experience with DYKs, and since I generally have the most experience, I’ll try to look over how things are going often.

+ Tommy and Chuckie then try to catch the Sandman, but end up catching Chas.

+ Monet used broad brush strokes to build up his pictures, and painted quite quickly to try and get the idea of the light he could see into his paintings.

+ However If I have not enough time, I will have delete the article, unless a wait template is visible, and I will try my best to help the editor out who made the article, and also ask them to read WP:MOS, etc, and, again, ask them to make their own sandbox, create a page there and let other editors give he feedback.

+ While they are there, some men who want to protect the Grail set the water on fire to try to kill them.

+ But if we try to do.

+ The two of them try to make Dumbo famous and get his mother free.

+ Users who get out of control, or who try to harm themselves, should be taken for medical help.

+ Anyway, this GA was from a while back, so have you done any content work recently? If not, then try doing so.

+ Percy, Annabeth and Silena try to find the rest of the body of the bronze dragon which was once one of the camp’s defenses against monsters before Thalia’s Pine Tree took its place so it can rescue Beckendorf from the ants.

+ Meanwhile, Deputy Molly Solverson of Duluth try to solve several crimes across the state that they believe may be related to Malvo and Nygaard.

+ The drivers try to get other racers out of the race by hitting their cars or using tools to get them out of the race.

+ During the last immunity challenge, Sandra fell out early, so Jon to try to convince Lil to take him to the final two.

+ She asks if she may try it.

+ Some do genealogy, some try to protect historical buildings, some focus on certain towns, countries, people, railroads, or religious groups.

+ In many countries a company or business can ask the courts for "bankruptcy protection" to try and protect the business so that the creditors cannot destroy all of the physical capital and goodwill by breaking it apart and moving it away.

+ This is when they use many patients who have had brain damage and try to figure out which parts of the brain are responsible for different cognition.

+ Aristotle where some of the first people to try out experiments on living animals.

+ Instead of working with sex, like oiran did and simple prostitutes do today, geisha try to be sexy.

+ Artemis kidnaps Holly to try and get gold from the fairies.

+ The next year, after leaving Iowa City, Cheever went to a treatment center to try to overcome his alcoholism, but Carver continued drinking for three years.

+ Sometimes companies try to find out what people think about something by asking many people their opinion.

+ However, John Bradshaw had patented a similar device and threatened to sue, so Wilson decided to try a new method.

+ Some wearers could tighten the cuffs to try to escape.

+ Scientists are doing experiments to try to make a vaccine.

+ Answer: I see only one good choice for me: To “gladly” “do things someone else’s way in order to try to keep a sense of harmony in the community”.

+ In 2013, he stated, “If you are going to be in this program, you have to punch the clock.” In late April, when Beatty starts practices for the next season, Beatty allegedly tells his players “You better pray hard, because you belong to me now.” He also stated in an interview that “We try to get more done in two hours than other teams do in two weeks.

+ Hays had to try to guess what would or would not be allowed by each board.

+ Even though both society and law try to stop homosexual activities, there is a form of bisexuality within mainstream Afghan culture.

+ If the words don’t make sense, it will try to tell the programmer.

+ After being the only one to try and save his childhood bully Katsuki Bakugo from a Villain, the world’s greatest Hero All Might gives him his own quirk called “One For All”.

+ These avatars are used to interact with the Na’vi people, to try to create peace.

+ This probably allows the sperm in the semen to move through the vagina and into the woman’s uterus and Fallopian tubes to try and fertilizationfertilize an ovum.

+ Archaeologists study things left over from prehistory to try to understand what was happening.

+ As the Omicronians try to rip out Fry’s penis, Bigfoot appeared.

+ In the British Isles, and early British colonies, this was done to try to defeat both the followers of the Roman Catholic Church and all the kinds of Protestants too by including their best ideas, traditions, and practices in the Anglican Church.

+ The babies mistake a swimming pool for a giant potty, and set out to try to find the flusher.

+ During his time as Secretary, Gober headed a delegation that traveled to Vietnam to try to find information about missing veterans there.Clinton, Bill.

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