“truly” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “truly”:

– You can never truly win The Game and everyone you announce “I just lost The Game” or “You just lost The Game” to also loses The Game in turn.

– For reasons mentioned above, the GA count will never truly reflect the amount of quality content on the wiki, whilst the full article counts are also relatively useless as they also don’t give a good count of the comprehensiveness of the wiki either.

– I truly and humbly apologise for the activities I have done and hope to clear of my past and contribute as I did with one sockpuppet, which, you have to admit, did contribute constructively.

– From its beginning, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Library began to develop of a truly national collection.

– Jeremy and Jeremiah Potts got captured by the child catcher, who was disguised as an ice cream man They, along with their father, the toymaker and Truly Scrumptious finally capturing the Child Catcher.

– Once the amniotes were truly land animals, there followed a huge adaptive radiation.

– Despite his manipulations, Thomas does truly love Bea while only hating the animals, even feeling guilty when Bea decided to end their relationship after learning of his plot to blow up Peter’s burrow.

– Fuelling its popularity the online casino industry has developed various versions of the game which has truly revolutionized it.

truly use in-sentences
truly use in-sentences

Example sentences of “truly”:

– A option adds text to the end; note that this should be only used when truly necessary, and the other hatnote templates listed below don’t suffice.

– In contrast, Przewalski’s horse has never been successfully domesticated, and remains a truly wild animal today.

– When you undo vandalism that contains profanity or other truly offensive things, feel free to drop us a line to ask us to use revdel.

– Holt, in his 1964 best-seller “How Children Fail said schooling does more harm than good to a child’s desire to truly learn.

– Santos-Dumont tried several times before he truly managed to fly in the “14-bis”.

– In the Incarnation, normally defined, the divine nature of the Son was joined but not mixed with human nature in one divine Person, Jesus Christ, who was both “truly God and truly man”.

– There are truly “wild” horses that have never been tamed, most notably Przewalski’s Horse.

– This seems to be an argument against Gnostic beliefs, which said that Christ only seemed to become a man, and that he did not truly suffer and die, but only seemed like he did.

– The film stars Dick Van Dyke as Caractacus Potts, Sally Ann Howes as Truly Scrumptious, Lionel Jeffries as Grandpa Potts, James Robertson Justice as Lord Scrumptious and Robert Helpmann as the Childcatcher.

– The first truly modern humans seem to have appeared between 200,000 and 130,000 years ago.

- A option adds text to the end; note that this should be only used when truly necessary, and the other hatnote templates listed below don't suffice.

- In contrast, Przewalski's horse has never been successfully domesticated, and remains a truly wild animal today.
- When you undo vandalism that contains profanity or other truly offensive things, feel free to drop us a line to ask us to use revdel.

More in-sentence examples of “truly”:

- It startles the predator, and the display truly indicates the prey is bad to eat.

- Although Pyongyang makes the country look like it is richer and more prosperous than it truly is, life looks extremely different throughout the rest of the country.

– It startles the predator, and the display truly indicates the prey is bad to eat.

– Although Pyongyang makes the country look like it is richer and more prosperous than it truly is, life looks extremely different throughout the rest of the country.

– She is also, according to Watterson, the only person Calvin truly fears— certainly she is his equal in sneakiness, and is willing to play as dirty as he does.

– Physicists widely doubt that quantum particles are truly 0D points as represented in Standard Model, which offers “formalism”—mathematical devices whose strokes predict phenomena of interest upon input of data—not “interpretation” of the mechanisms determining those phenomena.

– Beyond Europe and the USA, Westlife’s fan base is truly global, including Canada, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Australia.

– After Sirius’s death Harry noted that Luna was the only person that could truly comfort him about it, because, like Harry, Luna had also lost someone close to her, her mother.

– My short childhood living in Africa exposed me to how people in my country truly lived their culture in their day to day endeavors.

– Coconut milk and fried plantains are added to the dishes to create a truly tropical taste.

– In concert with the Portuguese Empire, the Spanish Empire laid the foundations of a truly global trade by opening up the great trans-oceanic trade routes.

– Many hideous problems truly are merely 1-minute syntax fixes.

– And as for deleting truly small articles, we have QDA1.

– So basically, TaaS may be a very new concept to people at this point, specifically because it is “very new”, but that does not merit the article’s deletion but instead its promotion so that more and more trading as a service providers can build better and broader and more inclusive platforms that can truly help economies grow faster and include more of their non-participating SMB counterparts.

– Commercially produced cigars are rolled and packed using machinery, and quality control and smokeability cannot be truly verified.

– Motors, Planes, Radios, and GPS ensured that following expeditions were never truly “unsupported”.

– It truly captures the free-spirited love and chemistry between the protagonists – Abir and Shaluk.

– China’s entry into the WTO signalled the end of truly isolated nations entirely managing their own currency and affairs.

– Nevertheless, it is truly disruptive.

– Barbara was truly a wonderful figure skater for Canada in ladies’ singles.

– Clarisse encourages Mia and Peter to follow their hearts, something they have never done and has now cost her Joe, the only man she truly loved.

– This is different from a truly alphabetic script, in which the vowels and consonants have the same status, and an abjad, whose vowels are left out.

– After he learns that he is truly dead, he finds out he has supernatural powers and decides to use them to help people.

– After King Arthur’s many adventures his son, Mordred, seized his kingdom and queen, forcing Arthur to fight for what was truly his.

– However, Chinese script requires a large number of characters to be learnt before a person is truly literate.

– She has a quick temper that scares human boys, but she is not truly cruel-hearted.

– We cannot be truly happy without becoming everything that we want to become.

– He further believes that thoughts are the only concept that truly exist since reality is defined through the act of thinking.

– It was previously believed that Java mouse-deer were nocturnal, but more recent studies have shown that they are neither truly nocturnal nor Diurnalitydiurnal, but instead crepuscular, meaning they prefer to be active during the dim light of dawn and dusk.

– He also said the Civil War was a fight not simply for the United StatesUnion, but “a new birth of freedom” that would make everyone truly equal in one united nation.

– Wen became regarded as the first truly distinctive writer of “Ci ci”, the song-verse style of poetry that dominated Chinese poetry during much of the late Tang dynasty and the Song dynasty.

– So he decided to compose music that was truly American.

– This means they truly are helium, because an element is defined by the number of protons, but they are not normal helium, either.

– If you are certain that a non-conforming ISBN truly corresponds to the published work, then you can add to the citation in order to suppress the error message.

– I truly believe the mistakes I’ve made here are as important as my contributions.

– There is a story that the birds will come alive if a truly pure woman walks between them.

– Animation is a relatively new art form, and though the concept of moving images has been a theme throughout ancient civilizations, it was not until late into the 19th century that experimental animation truly began.

– Stage hypnotists get truly amazing effects from good subjects: they can make them forget their names, believe they are someone else, make them see people who are not there, make them forget letters or numbers, and so on.

– Epistemological relativism is explained as the view that a person cannot truly understand another culture in a useful or meaningful way, which is similar to Boas’ ‘historical anthropology’ now identified as historical particularism.

– Fefolt would quit the band in the spring of 2012 stating, “I’ve been a Christian most of my life and I feel the time is right for creating music that truly glorifies God.” Fefolt quit the band a second time citing a lack of passion for creating more music and wanting to focus on his family.

– Later, he shows that he is truly a hero.

– The word gospel came from the Old English word “gōdspel”, which literally means “good news”, since it narrates Jesus Christ’s life and teaching to invite anyone to believe that he was born to save the world from sin and make humans truly know God as a Father.

– All roads have to be paid for somehow, and so are never truly “free”.

– However, he felt that trying to fulfill the treaty’s terms was the only way Germany could demonstrate that the reparations bill was truly beyond its capacity.

– They tell her that, far from being truly human, Lillith is actually a Succubus-like demon who feeds on emotion, and that they had tried to kill her in an attempt to save themselves.

– They are the first ones to be truly punished in Hell.

– The Holy Eucharist is the most important of the sacraments, because Catholics believe that Jesus Christ becomes truly present in the form of bread and wine.

– However, the ideology was not recognized and truly followed until the 1840s and 1850.

– The fossil record of cockatoos is even more limited than that of parrots in general, with only one truly ancient cockatoo fossil known: a species of “Cacatua”, most probably subgenus “Licmetis”, found in Early Miocene deposits of Riversleigh, Australia.

– By overcoming suffering, he taught, a person will be truly happy.

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