“triumph” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “triumph”:

+ He composed “The Triumph of Neptune” in 1926 for Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes.

+ This symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness.

+ Her triumph was to be short lived.

+ The Olympians triumph in it, each on his side, over Giants most of which are transformed into savage beasts: serpents, birds of prey, lions or bulls.

+ Chapters 12 to 14 tell about the glories that await Israel in “the latter day”, the final conflict and triumph of God’s kingdom.

+ On the peninsula, Buras is higher, with Triumph southeast of Buras.

triumph use in sentences
triumph use in sentences

Example sentences of “triumph”:

+ After a few more raids across the Rhine, which resulted in the recovery of two of the three legion's eagles lost in 9, Germanicus was recalled to Rome and informed by Tiberius that he would be given a triumph and reassigned to a different command.

+ The Senate granted him a Roman triumph for his efforts: in the Roman Empire only members of the imperial family were allowed such honors.

+ After a few more raids across the Rhine, which resulted in the recovery of two of the three legion’s eagles lost in 9, Germanicus was recalled to Rome and informed by Tiberius that he would be given a triumph and reassigned to a different command.

+ The Senate granted him a Roman triumph for his efforts: in the Roman Empire only members of the imperial family were allowed such honors.

+ Rangoni is pleased, because it will be a triumph for his church.

+ He entered the city in triumph together with his son Ramesses II and erected a victory stela at the site.

+ The fighting started with the French bombardment of Haiphong Harbor in November 1946 and ended with a triumph of the Viet Minh at Dien Bien Phu.

+ It was a triumph of 19th century biology to discover the real nature of the siphonophores.

+ To quote Rudyard Kipling, “”If you can meet with triumph and disaster.

+ The double sided cross altar shows, on the western side, Christ, the predella and the cross of triumph and on the eastern side the shrine of relics, an altar and the cross shaped “Good Tree of Mary”.

+ He now appears on “Conan Conan”, and Adult Swim’s “The Jack and Triumph Show”.

+ A newspaper report about India’s triumph said, “This is not a game of hockey, but magic.

+ In May 2009, Alexei Shirov achieved the greatest triumph of his career by placing 1st in the high Category 21M-Tel Masters 2009 tournament, a double round tournament held in Sofia, Bulgaria.

+ I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.

+ This was a triumph for its stylized modernism, and a scandal.

+ The treaty was considered a triumph of American diplomacy.

+ Round the outside, a little lower than the roof, there is a big mosaic frieze with pictures of “The Triumph of Arts and Sciences” and some writing in terracotta letters.

+ After being recalled from Germania, Tacitus, “Annals” II.26 Germanicus celebrated a triumph in Rome in AD17, the first full triumph that the city had seen since Augustus’s own in 29BC.

+ Titus’ triumph in Judaea, celebrated on the “Arch of Titus” in Rome.

+ This war ended with the triumph of the great dukes and abbots, and the falling apart of the German empire in the end.

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