“treat” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “treat”:

+ They wrote the Mayflower Compact, which made rules on how they would live and treat each other.

+ She used painkillers to treat her problems.

+ This helps the doctor to treat the patient, even if the patient has another disease.

+ There you may find properly referenced reports of well-publicised debates next to vague assertions that “Some people say X, while others think Y.” Treat everything on its merits.

+ Soon as the war in Kosovo has ended in 1999 she established the KRCT the same year, just in order to treat survivor victims of torture where she was actively involved in providing medical and psycho-social assistance for the first post-war returnees.

+ In the middle of the 20th century, new drugs were invented that made it easier to treat mental illness.

treat use in sentences
treat use in sentences

Example sentences of “treat”:

+ The main principle is that “all human rights are universal, indivisible and interdependent and interrelated.” This means that the international community must treat all matters about human rights both economic, social and cultural rights and civil rights equallly and with the same importance without exceptions.

+ Holding wanted a government team of medical specialists to treat them.

+ Not surprisingly, their 1983 follow-up “The Fucking Cunts Treat Us Like Pricks” was banned by many United KingdomBritish retailers.

+ Anemia can happen in kidney failure, or from chemotherapy to treat cancer.

+ If the answer to all four questions is “yes” the place needs to let the miniature horse in, and treat it like a service animal.

+ They can be used to treat repetitive behaviour, aggression, hyperactive behaviour and outbursts of anger.

+ It made it really hard for surgeons to treat wounded soldiers because Minié balls shattered bones often.

+ It is commonly used to treat Acne vulgarisacne and rosacea.

+ The main principle is that "all human rights are universal, indivisible and interdependent and interrelated." This means that the international community must treat all matters about human rights both economic, social and cultural rights and civil rights equallly and with the same importance without exceptions.

+ Holding wanted a government team of medical specialists to treat them.
+ Not surprisingly, their 1983 follow-up "The Fucking Cunts Treat Us Like Pricks" was banned by many United KingdomBritish retailers.

+ There are certain drugs that can treat the effects of narcolepsy.

+ He began speaking publicly as part of a tour sponsored by a manufacturer of medications used to treat MS.

+ Anastasia and her sisters were told to treat Rasputin as “Our Friend” and to tell him their secrets.

+ Dermatologists are doctors who diagnose and treat diseases and tumors of the skin, hair, and sweat glands.

+ Since cross products are usually only defined for three-dimensional vectors, the calculation of cross product in two dimensions treat the vectors as if they are vectors on the xy-plane in three dimension.

More in-sentence examples of “treat”:

+ Antibiotics by mouth, rest, and simple analgesics and fluids, are usually enough, to treat uncomplicated pneumonia.

+ Hypnosis is used to treat fears, addictions, emotional trouble, pain control, stress, and so on.

+ It was designed to treat Ebola.

+ Prednisone is an important man-made steroid medication, used to treat inflammation.

+ The Japanese did not treat the people very well during their occupation.

+ The best way to treat it is to not get it! Some people develop atherosclerosis faster than others.

+ They found that people think of and treat women as less important than men all over the world.

+ It is used as a drug to help treat Depression depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder and other mental illnesses.

+ There are other kinds of medicines to treat hypercholesterolemia.

+ They treat her to an amazing cabaret show.

+ Some linguists treat it as a distinct language.

+ Zedoary has been used to treat coronary heart disease, liver cancer, anemia, chronic pelvic inflammation and helps prevent leukopenia due to cancer therapies.

+ Healthcare workers treat cracked nipples with 100% lanolin.

+ If this had happened, many doctors would have refused to treat government patients and the government would have become very unpopular.

+ It would be easier to treat these topics from scratch and under more accurate titles.

+ Today, the only treatments for CJD are medicines that treat the disease’s symptoms and help patients be more comfortable.

+ Rooftop ponds are another kind of green roof which are used to treat greywater.

+ Elsewhere, seeds were ground into a powder and used to treat tuberculosis.

+ He may always use the same kind of weapon to kill his victims, or may treat them in a certain manner, such as tying them up with the same kind of rope or adhesive tape.

+ Doctors recommend antiviral drugs, steroids, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and topical agents to treat shingles.

+ Medications that have been studied to treat cocaine withdrawal include acetylcysteine, and vigabatrin.

+ The hospital, run by AWO can treat over 500 people plus outpatients and day-care therapy in the clinics in Wolfsburg and Peine.

+ There are drugs to treat wet-tail which can be bought from pet shops.

+ You want to act like a self-righteous asshole, expect others to treat you like one.

+ Kant elaborated on these ideas by saying that we should treat other persons as persons and not as tools who can help us in some way.

+ People in London tried many different things to try to treat the plague and stop it from spreading.

+ Antibiotics by mouth, rest, and simple analgesics and fluids, are usually enough, to treat uncomplicated pneumonia.

+ Hypnosis is used to treat fears, addictions, emotional trouble, pain control, stress, and so on.
+ It was designed to treat Ebola.

+ They also follow the patient from birth to death and are trained to treat an individual as a whole, in the context of their social setting and also their family situation and mental health.

+ Doctors of internal medicine, also called “internists”, are required to have included in their medical schooling and postgraduate training at least three years dedicated to learning how to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases that affect adults.

+ Unlike family doctors and emergency doctors, although their training is diverse and they have broad knowledge in many organ systems, they do not treat or manage children, babies, or pregnant women.

+ Some doctors try to learn “some” about all of the different subjects of medicine and how to treat all patients.

+ Although tomatoes are botanically fruits, many people consider them vegetables and treat them as such in cooking.

+ Certain medicines can make priapism happen, including some used to treat ED such as alprostadil.

+ Macquarie believed that the best way to treat Aboriginal people was to civilise them.

+ Up until the middle of the 19th century, there was no organized army nursing for casualties and no safe place to house and treat the injured soldiers.

+ Usernames change what people think about other people and how they treat each other.

+ He was best known for his hit record “Treat Her Right Treat Her Right”.

+ It was used as as a sedative, to treat sleeping problems, and anxiety.

+ He said that the Constitution is “color blind” and that the law should not treat any group better than any other group.

+ The small tree “Cinchona pubescens” is a source of quinine used to treat malaria.

+ So, to help treat sickness, he advocated for the draining of swamps and the cooling of sickrooms.

+ It is difficult and expensive to treat acne scars.

+ The third type of county-equivalent is an area that doesn’t have any county-level government and the United States Census Bureau decides to treat it as a county-equivalent.

+ So sometimes Niacin is used to treat hypercholesterolemia.

+ People with BPD can be very sensitive to the way others treat them.

+ Dai Maa treated and still treat Dev like her son when no one knew who his real parents were but since they found out that paad maa is his mother but she loves him like his mother.

+ Research shows that two SSRIs can help treat chronic pain.

+ At the time, nobody understood what caused the plague, how it spread, or how to treat it.

+ Doctors can treat hypotension by treating whatever is causing the low blood pressure.

+ Tetracycline is an antibiotic used to treat a number of bacterial infections.

+ The use of antimicrobial medicines to treat infection is known as antimicrobial chemotherapy, while the use of antimicrobial medicines to prevent infection is called antimicrobial prophylaxis.

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