“traveled” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “traveled”:

+ He traveled to the city of Arequipa in 1908, where photography was more developed.

+ During the 1960s, he joined Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters, who traveled back and forth across the United States in a bus, holding “acid tests”, a name for LSD parties.

+ Later Sundar Singh traveled in many countries including Europe and North America.

+ Dalembert pledged $100,000 to UNICEF and traveled to Haiti to help with the relief efforts.

+ Over 40,000 gold miners had traveled to the goldfields and many of them traveled through the Chilliwack area.

traveled - sentence examples
traveled – sentence examples

Example sentences of “traveled”:

+ During May of 1816, Mary and her husband Percy Bysshe Shelley traveled to Lake Geneva.

+ Malinowski began his fieldwork in 1914, when he traveled to New Guinea to study the Mailu.

+ They then traveled to Rome in 1791 and soon ended up in Naples in 1796, home of Marie Antoinette’s sister, the Queen of Naples.

+ During the late 1950s Morath traveled widely.

+ The first COVID-19-related death was announced by health authorities on 16 March 2020, of a 47-year old Dominican woman who had recently traveled from Spain.

+ In 1873, Japanese diplomats traveled to Europe.

+ During May of 1816, Mary and her husband Percy Bysshe Shelley traveled to Lake Geneva.

+ Malinowski began his fieldwork in 1914, when he traveled to New Guinea to study the Mailu.

+ After Siddiqui traveled to Washington D.C.

+ The main tsunami traveled across the Pacific Ocean and caused great damage to Hilo, Hawaii.

+ In August 1971, George traveled to Vietnam with several other contestants from the Miss America 1971 pageant.

+ In April 1974, Keillor traveled to Nashville.

More in-sentence examples of “traveled”:

+ In 1265, Caetani traveled with Cardinal Ottobuono Fieschi to England.

+ He graduated from Beloit College in Wisconsin with a Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing and later traveled to Egypt before settling in Yemen.

+ He traveled to Germany for saboteur training.

+ He traveled to many parts of Ancient India.

+ Exactly one year later he traveled to Fatima to thank Mary, Mother of God for saving his life.

+ They are one of the most experienced Baltic bands and traveled on tours to United States.

+ He traveled extensively around the country, listening and recording details about Armenian folk songs and dances performed in various villages.

+ Siddhartha traveled for four days.

+ She performed, traveled and recorded with the Bill Gaither Trio from 1965 through 1991.

+ Mary and the other maids traveled with Mary Tudor to France, where Mary Tudor was married.

+ Then he traveled by car to Jerusalem.

+ He joined a band and traveled with them to Los Angeles, in California.

+ Francois Constantin traveled a lot and opened new markets for the company.

+ The Play plays of Commedia dell’arte were often performed by a small group of actors who traveled around and performed in town squares.

+ She traveled around the world several times with all U.S.

+ In 1985 Donoso Pareja was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship grant of $26,000 to write fiction; he then traveled several months in Spain and other European countries and spent all the money, and so returned to Ecuador, locked himself up in a borrowed apartment, and wrote 22 stories of love.

+ Oxen were easy to train, and they usually traveled at a steady pace of 2 miles per hour, even in mud and snow.

+ In 2005, he traveled around Russia, speaking against Vladimir Putin, who was President of Russia at that time.

+ Men who worked on the quarries also traveled on trains, despite those trains not being able to be used by the public.

+ Strengthened by that food, Elijah got up and traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God.

+ In 1984 at the age of 18, Peña Nieto traveled to Mexico City and enrolled in the Panamerican University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in legal studies.

+ Most of the written accounts that do exist came from Arab scholars who traveled through the region.

+ The groups crossed the Mississippi north of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, then traveled through southern Missouri and west of Arkansas.

+ She also traveled to Cannes, France, on 9 December 2009, for the Five Star Diamond awards, with Miss USA Kristen Dalton, and to Willemstad, Curaçao and Barquisimeto, Venezuela, as well, in early January 2010, for the Procesión de la Divina Pastora.

+ Cruz’s political interest developed when she traveled to Washington with her parents at age 8, and grew when she was age 12 and read an issue of Time magazine concerning the 1984 presidential election.

+ Hasekura traveled with a group across the Pacific Ocean to Mexico.

+ On May 30, 2005, immediately following Holloway’s missed flight, Jug and Beth Twitty traveled to Aruba with friends by private jet.

+ In 1502, Pizarro traveled to the New World where he joined in several expeditions to see the Pacific Ocean.

+ Márquez and his family traveled by bus to Mexico.

+ After an arranged marriage at the age of 11, he left his home and traveled a lot in northern India as a holy man.

+ Trans-Saharan trade was when people traveled across the Sahara to reach sub-Saharan Africa from the North African coast, Europe, or the Levant.

+ Paulinus also traveled to Lindsey and had a church built at Lincoln.Peter Hunter Blair, “Roman Britain and Early England; 55 B.C.–A.D.

+ Trains that carried people, called passenger trains, traveled between Abergynolwyn, Dolgoch and Pendre.

+ She lived for a year and a half in the mountainous regions of what is now Pakistan under the guidance of a Hindu sadguru, then traveled to Punjab.

+ The patient, a Russian national, had traveled from Iran.

+ They traveled 6 places in 6 days.

+ Neither of the two had traveled to areas with known coronavirus cases.

+ Usually, groups traveled almost all day, except for an hour around noon for lunch.

+ He was a merchant who sometimes traveled as far away as Louisiana.

+ He traveled to Berlin, as a result so that he can be euthanized.

+ During his reign, Hadrian traveled to nearly every province of the empire.

+ In 1945, Parajanov traveled to Moscow, enrolled in the directing department at VGIK, one of the oldest and highly respected film schools of Europe, and studied under the tutelage of directors Igor Savchenko and Aleksandr Dovzhenko.

+ Mikhail Borodin traveled to China in 1923 to help change the KMT to make it similar to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

+ After spending 29 years in the Philippines, his former commander traveled there and took him away from duty.

+ Williams-Garcia’s family traveled before they settled in Seaside, California.

+ In 1265, Caetani traveled with Cardinal Ottobuono Fieschi to England.

+ He graduated from Beloit College in Wisconsin with a Bachelor's degree in Creative Writing and later traveled to Egypt before settling in Yemen.

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