“tradition” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “tradition”:

– Catholic and Orthodox theologians have also stressed the importance of Church tradition for the faith.

– In many religions, it is the tradition for people to meet for a celebration on one day in every week.

– The tradition says that when entering a house or any other building, the samurai has to leave his katana with a servant, but the wakizashi could be worn at all times and places.

– SEFA is a direct descendant of a long tradition of state involvement in helping to light aviation.

– It represents the club’s tradition of being the oldest football club of Curitiba.

– The Shinto Temple in Kamifukawa has a tradition of accepting a 17-year-old boy as a member of a religious organization that carries out religious ceremonies at the temple.

– This symbolises the long tradition of cooperation and general closeness between the two Commonwealth countries.

– Every ethical tradition including the medical view of the body has some ritual surrounding death.

tradition some example sentences
tradition some example sentences

Example sentences of “tradition”:

– Another Christmas tradition is the sending of cards to friends and relatives.

– Kaleta is known for creating the hat trick tradition in hockey when he went into a Toronto shop to buy a hat but when he found one he liked he could not afford it.

– Before this the child’s parents have the responsibility that the child follows Jewish law and tradition and, after this age, children have their own responsibility for Jewish ritual law, tradition, and ethics and have the right to take part in all areas of Jewish community life.

– In New York her tradition has passed to third generation Duncan dancer Lori Belilove.

– Belgian breweries have a tradition of providing custom beer glasses.

– EDICIONES ATENEO 1970 It is also a paratrooper tradition to lace jump boots in a ladder or cobweb style which increases ankle support during a parachute jump.

- Another Christmas tradition is the sending of cards to friends and relatives.

- Kaleta is known for creating the hat trick tradition in hockey when he went into a Toronto shop to buy a hat but when he found one he liked he could not afford it.

– Greenock Morton are popularly known as “The Pride of the Clyde” – a tradition which pre-dates the club’s renaming in 1994 to celebrate the links with its home town of Greenock.

– This tradition dates back to the Babylonian.

– The use of parables by Jesus was hence a natural teaching method that fit into the tradition of his time.

– The tradition is that people who meet under the mistletoe must kiss.

More in-sentence examples of “tradition”:

– Mass is the term used to describe celebration of the Eucharist in the Western liturgical rites of the Roman Catholic Church, Old Catholic Churches, in the Oxford MovementAnglo-Catholic tradition of High Church Lutheran regions: in Baltic countries the Lutheran Eucharistic service is also known as “the Mass”.

– After the Emperor made offerings to the gods, the disasters subsided and a tradition was begun.

– This version seems to follow a tradition before Hesiod, which was preserved by 2nd century writer Babrius.

– She expresses the socio-political life of pre-independent India and makes a zealous attempts to reform the tradition ridden society.

– Many churches have fragmentary remains which are by tradition alleged to be those of the “True Cross.” Their authenticity is not accepted by all those of the Christian faith.

– In Finland, the survivors, friends, and families of Detachment Törni formed the Lauri Törni Tradition Guild.

– The tradition takes its name from the belief that followers of Jesus Christ should be placed in water to show their faith.

– After that, the Kaaba has been covered with the most valuable materials following the tradition of showing respect.

– Following a tradition of preserving royal hearts, his heart was taken out.

– A concert given by a solo solo performer or small group of performers is more likely to finish with an encore than a concert with an orchestra, but a lot depends on the tradition from one country to another.

– The comédie en vaudeville grew from the tradition of these simple songs.

– According to Jewish tradition this wall is a remnant of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.

– He worked closely with the Florentine Camerata, a famous group of people who met at the home of Count Giovanni de’ Bardi, and tried to bring the tradition of Greek dramatic music back to life.

– Among other things, he is also credited for starting the Royal Christmas Broadcast tradition in 1932.

– Thus, the tradition of designers sketching out garment designs began as an economy.

– It is an accepted tradition in almost all Islamic sects and among most Islamic scholars and theologians.

– Taft also started the tradition of the president pitching the first ball of the baseball season.

– It is both tradition and law that the ambassador and many embassy officials have diplomatic immunity.

– Although there had been a substantial Islamic mystical tradition prior to Rumi, it is fair to comment that his poetry transformed both thinking and ritual in this regard.

– In line with the common law tradition in Australia, the law on the interpretation and application of the Constitution has developed largely through judgments by the High Court of Australia.

– Christian tradition says Saint Peter was the first leader of an early apostolic community for at least 34 years.

– It is an important festival particularly to the Vaishnavism tradition of Hinduism.

– Empoli has a long tradition as an agricultural centre.

– Although it has a long tradition the Cup never played an important role in Austrian football.

– As a painter of women, it has been said that “Renoir is the final representative of a tradition which runs directly from Rubens to Watteau”.

– The heterodox Christians remain in the tradition and attempt a constructive dialog around issues with which they disagree.

– Allentown also had a strong tradition in the making of beer and was home to many breweries people knew, like the Horlacher Brewery.

– The increasing global awareness of American English as well as other versions of English may lead to localised versions of English continuing the English language tradition of absorbing new words.

– It is not a tradition reference site like Britannica that has an editorial board, but it is also not what some people are suggesting.

– He was buried in the Imperial Tomb in Vienna, but his heart was buried at an abbey near Budapest, Hungary, as part of a tradition that goes back to medieval times.

– The tradition was born in Rome in the first half of the 17th centuryseventeenth century and had been adopted in the localities of the Alban Hills probably due to the close ties of this territory by Benedetto Drei, head of the Florerian Vatican, and of his son Pietro, who had used “leafless flowers, minced to emulate mosaics” June 29, Peter and Paul, the patrons of Rome.

– These paintings continue a tradition of songs, ceremonies, rock art and body art that is thousands of years old.

– He was one of the few Westerners to be ordained as a Theravadin Bhikkhu in the period following World War II though he later left that tradition to study with other Buddhist teachers, including some from the Tibetan and Chan schools.

– British pantomime has preserved the tradition of women in male roles.

– In Scotland a pastry biscuit called shortbread is made and has become a popular tradition in many countries.

– Rituals are an important part of the tradition of many religions.

– There was a medieval tradition that had claimed that a woman, Pope Joan, had succeeded him by disguising herself as a man but she is believed to be fictitious.

– This tradition continues today.

– Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans was trained in the French neoclassical tradition of portraiture.

– There were also a few games played against local teams, a tradition which continues today.

– The club claims to preserve the tradition of SV Austria Salzburg.

– These two universities have a strong tradition in rowing and a strong rivalry between them.

– Since 1941, the USO became the soldier’s “home away from home” and began a tradition of entertaining the troops with live performances called “Camp Shows” that continues today.

– This conducting from the concertmaster’s chair had been the tradition in the 17th and 18th centuries.

– He was buried on a Sunday since Jewish tradition does not allow such services on a Saturday.

– He was ordained in the Baptist tradition in 1948.

– One tradition has governed the selection of two most senior posts of IMF.

– Tyldesley, Hatchepsut, p.148 Hatshepsut’s 18th dynasty successors, such as Thutmose III and Amenhotep III also continued the Egyptian tradition of trading with Punt.

– A similar tradition is found with blacksmiths who use their “touchmark” on whatever they made.

– They are Catholic festivities in honor of the Patron saints of the towns and villages; it is a Spanish tradition to associate every town with a Catholic saint.

- Mass is the term used to describe celebration of the Eucharist in the Western liturgical rites of the Roman Catholic Church, Old Catholic Churches, in the Oxford MovementAnglo-Catholic tradition of High Church Lutheran regions: in Baltic countries the Lutheran Eucharistic service is also known as "the Mass".

- After the Emperor made offerings to the gods, the disasters subsided and a tradition was begun.
- This version seems to follow a tradition before Hesiod, which was preserved by 2nd century writer Babrius.

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