“touched” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “touched”:

– The light brown areas are the tracks left behind, and show where the body of the snake touched the ground.

– The first tornadoes touched down between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m.

– In total, 41 tornadoes touched down between 3 p.m.

– Two hairs must be touched to make the leaves close.

– Knights and Dames receive the award from the Grand Prior when they are touched on the shoulder with a sword and are given their robes and insignia.

– Haptic feedback might also be used to help make it seem more real – haptic feedback uses special gloves that make it feel like you touched something in real life.

touched how to use in sentences
touched how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “touched”:

– When a man is stimulated, for example by seeing another naked person, masturbationmasturbating or being touched by someone else sexually, the inside of his penis fills with blood.

– Later, a chancre usually appears at the place on the body that touched the infected wounds.

– That is, it does not meet #4, as only three other people have touched it, and TRM has written it entirely himself.

– Overcoming his dejection, Robinson dutifully observed Thomson’s feet to ensure he touched all the bases.

– People were finally created when the wind touched the bugs on his skin.

– However, she does not like to be touched or come close to any black person as a human being.

– This can happen if he is touched sexually, or even if he is not touched – for example, if he sees a naked person or thinks about having sex with someone else.

– When Eve touched the tree of knowledg, the Angel of Death talked to her, and she thought:”Now I shall die, and God will create another wife for Adam”.

– He says that the war should have been over when The One touched the source.

– Craig in “Theodor Fontane: Literature and History in the Bismarck Reich” observes that this work gave few indications of his promise as a gifted writer: “Although the theme of incest, which was to occupy Fontane on later occasions, is touched upon here, the mawkishness of the tale…

- When a man is stimulated, for example by seeing another naked person, masturbationmasturbating or being touched by someone else sexually, the inside of his penis fills with blood.

- Later, a chancre usually appears at the place on the body that touched the infected wounds.

– Adkins also appeared in the television series CSI: Miami and Touched by an Angel, Judging Amy, NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and Crash.

– The cherubim statue or bronze casting of cherubim in the Temple of Solomon depicted them as two four winged creatures whose wings touched at the peak of the ark that they were making.

– In a very small number of cases, people have experienced allergic reactions when they touched semen.

– This is called “decontamination.” Removing clothing that the VX touched is also part of decontamination.

– Once the specimen is physically irritated or touched by another creature, it will release the slime automatically.

– In April 2019, Tara Reade said that Joe Biden touched her in a way that made her “feel uncomfortable” during his time as a Senator for Delaware.

– Having anniversaries for sad incidents can be for remembering someone special, like a famous person that touched many peoples lives or to remember a tragic incident, so that it doesn’t happen again.

– The band touched in 1994 in the Woodstock FestivalFestival of Woodstock entering to his new member, Eric Bobo, ancient percusionista of Beastie Boys.

More in-sentence examples of “touched”:

- When touched or heated, it folds its leaves.

- In March 2019, Flores wrote an op-ed for "New York New York" magazine's "The Cut" alleging then Vice President Joe Biden "inappropriately kissed and touched her after he offered to help her with her 2014 campaign" while the two were at a Las Vegas campaign rally.

– When touched or heated, it folds its leaves.

– In March 2019, Flores wrote an op-ed for “New York New York” magazine’s “The Cut” alleging then Vice President Joe Biden “inappropriately kissed and touched her after he offered to help her with her 2014 campaign” while the two were at a Las Vegas campaign rally.

– However, no tornadoes touched down on March 27.

– He received two balls of AK-47, one touched his arm and the other touched him on the level of the right thigh, where he was wounded for life.

– Lennon’s music is still played everywhere, and people are still touched by it.

– At 6:37 a.m., a F3 tornado touched down and struck a mobile home park, killing eight people including a 6-year-old boy and a 13-year-old boy and 20 people were injured.

– Most species lie on sandy beds, and swim off when touched by a starfish or other predator.

– Second base, or “2B”, is the second of four places on a baseball field which must be touched in order by a base runner before he can score a run for that player’s team.

– His work in natural history is interesting in relation to modern science, since he touched on aspects of heredity and the struggle for life.

– Mass’s car touched Baldi’s, both went off the track and Mass hit the barrier and was then catapulted into grandstands full of people.

– During the Middle Ages people made pilgrimages to churches and shrines where pieces of the cross were kept, and touched the wood in the hope of being cured of a sickness or infirmity.

– It is a creeping annual or perennial herb often grown for its curiosity value: the compound leaves fold inward and droop when touched or shaken, re-opening minutes later.

– Some were touched with glue and sprinkled with flakes of mica for a glittering appearance.

– Rajah, a Sri Lankan elephant with tusks that nearly touched the ground, was declared a national treasure in 1985.

– Just before landfall, it weakened, but Carla was still a very strong and unusually large Saffir–Simpson Hurricane ScaleCategory 4 hurricane when it touched the shore between Port O’Connor and Port Lavaca, Texas, on the 11th.

– The first tornado touched down around 5:30 PM in Koontz Lake, Indiana.

– K7 was a three-point hydroplane, meaning that when going quickly the boat only touched the water in three places, one point near the back of the boat and one point at the back of the two sponsons.

– The accusation said he watched boys take showers and then touched a boy.

– A fall occurred when a wrestler’s back or shoulders touched the ground.

– His later solo work has also touched on glam rock influences and was particularly influenced by David Bowie and Iggy Pop.

– There are two international borders touched by Assam: Bhutan and Bangladesh.

– If a player passes the ball after being touched a penalty occurs for forward pass.

– For most levels, there is a midway flag that if touched will return the player to that point after dying and being sent back to the map screen.

– The assassination was seen as the work of the government and touched off massive antigovernment protests.

– Apart from that, if a piece is touched it must be moved if possible.

– Starting the scale at the next white key, will need to be touched to get the same scale, the first one for the third note, the second for the seventh note: “D”, “E”, “F♯”, “G”, “A”, “B”, “C♯”, “D”.

– However, the associated American Revolutionary War was an important war that touched all corners of the region.

– A man’s penis becomes erect when he is aroused, for example when he sees a naked woman or is touched by her.

– Two adults touched her in a sexual way.

– However, his paws, where they touched the priest, remained white as a symbol of purity.

– Several tornadoes touched down in Indiana, many of them fatal.

– Typhon was a giant that was so tall that his head touched the stars.

– In the next game Schiavone broke her opponents serve but touched the net after hitting the winner, meaning the point went to Kutznetsova, when holding three break points.

– A tornado touched down in Crystal Lake, Illinois, destroying several subdivisions and a junior high school.

– At 10:00 AM, “Andrea Doria” was tilted so far to the right that its windows touched the ocean.

– Fuzon touched the heights of popularity with their first album “Saagar” which featured 12 tracks, with a common strain of pop melodies blended with Pakistani classical and folk vocals.

– However, all four of the land masses in the original problem are touched by an “odd” number of bridges.

– The same goes for when the ball touches a fielder who is in the air who touched the boundary or the ground beyond the boundary immediately before going in the air, if the fielder had not legally touched the ball before.

– The Virgin Mary asked how it would be possible for her to become pregnant when no man had touched her.

– If a person or an animal touched a bare wire carrying current, they could get hurt or even die depending on how strong the current was and how much electrical energy the current is transmitting.

– It allows any part of body to be touched and must use minimum force.

– A point was scored when a wrestler’s back or shoulders touched the ground.

– She was nominated for both a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Motion Picture Drama and a Razzie Award for Worst Actress for her performance in Touched by Love in 1981.

– I haven’t touched them because they raise a question that I’ve never seen before.

– Hortencio has been sober all his life claims to have never touched a bottle of alcohol.

– Article was tagged as “uncategorized” in April 2017, and hasn’t been touched since then.

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