“total energy” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “total energy”:

– From the standpoint of statistical mechanics, the internal energy is equal to the ensemble average of the total energy of the system.

– The US has the largest potential geothermal energy reserve in the world yet only 4% of its total energy usage is from GEP.

– About 70% of a human’s total energy use is due to the basal life processes within the organs of the body.

– The total energy stays the same because of the law of conservation of energy.

– The energy required for delivery and treatment of fresh water often constitutes a significant percentage of a region’s electricity and natural gas usage an estimated 20% of California’s total energy use is water-related.

total energy in-sentences
total energy in-sentences

Example sentences of “total energy”:

- The law means that the total energy of the universe is a constant.

- In thermodynamics and engineering, it is natural to think of the system as a heat engine which does work on the surroundings, and to state that the total energy added by heating is equal to the sum of the increase in internal energy plus the work done by the system.
- A reaction will be more reactive if the total energy of the products is less than the total energy of the reactants.

– The law means that the total energy of the universe is a constant.

– In thermodynamics and engineering, it is natural to think of the system as a heat engine which does work on the surroundings, and to state that the total energy added by heating is equal to the sum of the increase in internal energy plus the work done by the system.

– A reaction will be more reactive if the total energy of the products is less than the total energy of the reactants.

– Florida ranks forty-fifth in total energy use, despite the heavy reliance on air conditioners and pool pumps.

– However, this total energy decreases as energy is transferred to thermal energy.

– Unlike the other sectors, total energy use in the industrial sector has declined in the last decade.

– Fats require only 0-3% of the total energy from food to get digested.

– The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but can be neither created nor destroyed.

– The energy is about a sixth of the total energy that is released from the Sun each second equal to 160,000,000,000 megatons of TNT.

– Planck said that the total energy given off by a blackbody at any particular frequency is equal to the number of the “vibrating things n, that was vibrating at a given frequency, f times a special constant, h, that turns frequency units into energy units.

– During the explosion, the total energy radiated by supernovae may briefly outshine the entire output of a galaxy.

– The value of the Hamiltonian is the total energy of the thing being described.

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