“torn” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “torn”:

+ The drop had been too long and the convict’s head was torn off.

+ The salad leaves may be cut or torn into bite-sized fragments and tossed together.

+ The scrap had been torn from the final page of a copy of “Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam”, authored by 12th-century poet Omar Khayyám.

+ He died of a torn aorta on December 13, 2010.

+ Most of the Domus Aurea was torn down.

+ One of the most typical literary devices in Tasso’s poem is the emotional conflict suffered by characters torn between their heart and their duty; the depiction of love at odds with martial courage or honor is a central source of lyrical passion in the poem.

+ A woman is torn between her current boyfriend and an unexpected arrival of an old boyfriend.

torn some example sentences
torn some example sentences

Example sentences of “torn”:

+ Burlingame's Fort was torn down after the war.

+ The Polo Grounds was torn down in 1964, and apartment buildings are now on the site.

+ Burlingame’s Fort was torn down after the war.

+ The Polo Grounds was torn down in 1964, and apartment buildings are now on the site.

+ In about 50 million years, Phobos will reach the Roche limit, where it is likely to be torn apart.

+ It is close enough to Neptune to be locked into a synchronous orbit, and is slowly moving into Neptune and will one day be torn apart when it passes the Roche limit.

+ The church was later torn down.

+ The hymen can also, however, be worn away naturally by riding a horse, playing sports, or other recreational activities; it can also heal over time just like torn human tissue can.

+ A torn frenulum is sometimes a warning sign of Human bodyphysical abuse.

+ They may also bite their prey and then spin or wildly until bite-sized chunks are torn off.

+ Demolition is a process in which buildings are torn down.

+ Many of the Follum buildings have now been torn down, or are used for other purposes.

+ His reign ended with England torn by civil war and himself on the verge of being forced out of power.

+ It was built in 1908 and torn down in 1968 to make room for the U.S.

+ The plane went into a dive and was torn apart.

+ Hopper once insulted actor Rip Torn after he said “Texans are hippie-hatting rednecks” and was sued for a total of $475,000 dollars.

+ The elevator was torn down in 1970.

+ This movie is about being torn between family expectations and following the heart of one.

+ Some passengers who were sitting at the back of the plane got out through the hole left by the tail of the plane, which was torn off in the crash.

+ Rather than ignore or accept the situation, Lincoln had to mend a broken nation or see it torn apart.

+ After the air station was closed, most of the facilities were torn down, and the area was converted to civilian use, including a prairie nature area, upscale housing, and a shopping district centered around the old Hangar One, which was preserved and incorporated into a shopping mall, Dawson, Beverly Roberts, 2007, “Glenview Naval Air Station”, Arcadia Publishing: Charleston, SC.

More in-sentence examples of “torn”:

+ Most of the camp buildings were torn down, but some of the building foundations remain.

+ The original Boston Latin School was torn down in 1745, but a statue of Benjamin Franklin marks the spot where the original school was.
+ CSN played in Berlin, Germany at the time the Berlin Wall was torn down, at the end of the 1980s.

+ Most of the camp buildings were torn down, but some of the building foundations remain.

+ The original Boston Latin School was torn down in 1745, but a statue of Benjamin Franklin marks the spot where the original school was.

+ CSN played in Berlin, Germany at the time the Berlin Wall was torn down, at the end of the 1980s.

+ He sustained a torn ACL during the 2019 ‘FA Community Shield’ match held between ‘Manchester City’ and ‘Liverpool’ on August 4, 2019.

+ The event always devolved into a massive fight between the competing students, with injuries, torn clothing, and even arrests being the norm.

+ The breach caused hoses to be torn from two rubber storage tanks, letting large amounts of fuel flow down the hill.

+ The Stadium was torn down in early 2009.

+ It moved usually west, and was later torn apart by wind shear on September 8.

+ His season ended with a torn ACL against the Chicago Bears.

+ It is set in Las Vegas, Nevada and stars Ben Stiller, Rip Torn and Vince Vaughn.

+ The Singer Building, built in 1908 and once the tallest building in the world, was torn down in 1968 to make room for One Liberty Plaza.

+ The crust is torn into sharp pieces as the hot lava underneath still moves.

+ In the last minutes, stars and planets would be torn apart, and the now dispersed atoms would be destroyed about 10 seconds before the end.

+ The flag was torn down during the battle and taken away by one of the soldiers.

+ Holmes “hotel” was partially burned by fire in August 1895; it was later used for storage until it was torn down in 1938.

+ When the plane crashed, both engines and the tail section were torn off the plane.

+ Not only can a new ray grow when a ray is torn off, but if the torn off ray has even a small piece of the central disk still attached, a whole new starfish can grow from the one ray.

+ The towers were torn down.

+ By 1978 it was scheduled to be torn down.

+ She pursued her goal of creating good connections between the Romans and the Goths, which had been torn down in the years of her father’s rule, mostly during the imprisonment of Theodoric and the killing of Boethius, a Roman political figure.

+ The seats are painted green to look similar to the Polo Grounds- another New York stadium torn down in 1965.

+ Often they will say yes, and she will remove the mask, showing them her torn face and ask again.

+ Some of the new concrete buildings near the marketplace were torn down.

+ Punk rock musicians often dressed in ripped or torn clothes, leather jackets, and black leather boots.

+ Some schools became normal day schools, and some schools were burned down or torn down by former students.

+ A flap on the front is lifted to access the matches, which are attached to the interior base in a comb-like pattern and must be torn away before use.

+ The episode showed the process of the set being torn down.

+ The Georgia Dome was a domed stadium in Atlanta that opened in 1992 and was torn down in 2017.

+ Maine Road was torn down in 2004.

+ Ten years before that, the city wall and gates had been torn down.

+ It is about a young couple torn apart by family tragedy.

+ Aang refuses to be torn away from his mentor; he writes a note for Gyatso before flying away on his bison, Appa.

+ The Bakehouse Tower was partially torn apart during that time.

+ Cooley got concussion and a torn ligament when he was taken to hospital.

+ Elmore Rual “Rip” Torn was an AmericansAmerican movie, television, stage, and voice actor who was known for his role as Chief Zed in “Men in Black” and in “Men in Black II”.

+ The story is about A king is torn apart from his lover when his mother murders her to get him married to her niece.

+ He missed most of the 2011–12 season because of a torn anterior cruciate ligament.

+ Then in 1752 Empress Elizabeth had the palace torn down.

+ Thus, many delicate creatures avoided consumption by scavengers or being torn apart by currents.

+ Goggles also have clear plastic lens covers that can be torn off or rolled off during a race so the goggle remains clean and clear while riding.

+ Samuel says, “The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today and has given it to one of your neighbors – to one better than you.

+ Fort Amsterdam was a fort on the southern tip of modern-day Manhattan that was the administrative headquarters for the Dutch and then British rule of New York from 1625 to 1790, when it was torn down after the American Revolution.

+ However, his army is torn apart by the blade-wielding fighter Future Trunks.

+ Shea was torn down during the 2009 season.

+ The girls had been out filing ripped and torn election posters in Lahore City in the aftermath of the assassination of Benezir Bhutto.

+ The story goes that both Prospectingprospectors and miners, often complaining about the easily torn cotton “britches” and pockets that “split right out” gave Levi the idea to make a rugged overall trouser for the miners to wear.

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