“torch” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “torch”:

– Hercules takes the torch to Chiron’s house and asks him to step inside a circle of straw.

– One torch attaches to a spelunker’s helmet so it is with him or her at all times.

– A mechanically powered torch is a torch that is powered by mechanical movement, such as winding a spring and using the stored energy to power it for a small amount of time.

– On 12 February 2010, Coe was the 19th runner on the 106th day of the Vancouver Olympic Torch Relay.

– Starting the Olympic torch relay that will carry the flame to the host city’s Olympic stadium.

– This visually emphasizes some of the animals and allows torch light to cast shadows about the edges.

– Following this the Olympic torch is brought into the stadium and passed on until it reaches the final torch carrier who lights the cauldron.

– Nicol was also invited to carry the Olympic torch for Malaysia during the build up to the Athens Olympics in 2004 and being appointed as UNDP National Goodwill Ambassador for Malaysia.

torch how to use?
torch how to use?

Example sentences of “torch”:

- To illustrate his point, he depicted the entity as a goat-headed androgyne with wings, female breasts, a rod between its legs, and a flaming torch between its horns.

- It consists of a red torch held erect by a forearm between two branches of gold laurel.
- She then gets up and carries a torch across the sky from east to west, creating daylight.

– To illustrate his point, he depicted the entity as a goat-headed androgyne with wings, female breasts, a rod between its legs, and a flaming torch between its horns.

– It consists of a red torch held erect by a forearm between two branches of gold laurel.

– She then gets up and carries a torch across the sky from east to west, creating daylight.

– He pulls out a torch to help him see the writing on the tube, which reads “Gas Main”.

– If a player quits at Tribal Council, as was the case in “Pearl Islands” and “Palau”, that player’s torch is “laid down”.

– The torch can also refer to a flammable stick that is lit on fire to provide light and heat.

– Hercules tells Iolaus to grab the torch from the altar, Hercules cuts off the heads and burns the Hydra, preventing it from growing new heads, thus killing it.

– On Good Fridays, the Pope leads a torch lit “Way of the Cross” procession around the various levels of the amphitheatre.

– These events happened on 17 June to 19 June 1944 and were called “The Jubilee Celebrations of IOC” by Carl Diem, the man who began the modern tradition of the Olympic torch relay.

– He takes a torch and burns Jones, who comes to his senses.

– At Roman weddings, a boy carried the torch of Ceres to light the way to marital happiness.

– He planned the invasion of North Africa in Operation Torch in 1942ndash;43 and the invasion of France and Germany in 1944ndash;45.

– As part of Israel ‘s 68th Independence Day celebrations, Rona Ramon held a torch at the annual torch lighting ceremony at Mount Herzl.

– The song is a torch song.

– The woman then lights the torch of the first relay bearer.

– The oldest known cave paintings, based on radiocarbon dating of “black from drawings, from torch marks and from the floors”.

– The Beijing Olympic torch was lit on Baekdu/Changbai Mountain.

– The Ningbo Organizing Committee of Beijing Olympic torch relay stopped the relay for 3 days.

– Before placing the last stone, he drops a burning torch through the gap, but hears only the jester’s bells ringing.

– In paintings, his sign is a star or a dog holding a burning torch in its mouth.

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