“tongue” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “tongue”:

– For example, the first row of consonants are all sounds that are made when the tongue is against the back of the mouth.

– It can be compared with the tongue of human beings but, unlike our tongue, it is used for cutting and chewing food before it enters the esophagus.

– The first sound is pronounced like the Scottish “Lo”ch” Ness”, and an example Welsh word that uses the ‘ch’ is “bach”, which means “small.” “Ll” is a voiceless ‘l,’ and is made by placing the tongue on the top of the top gum, and blowing.

– In Scottish folklore it was said that the tongue of a toad, carried by a man in his breast pocket, would let him have his way with any woman.

– The hypoglossal nerve is involved in controlling tongue movements required for speech and swallowing.

– They use these tongue teeth to eat.

tongue example in sentences
tongue example in sentences

Example sentences of “tongue”:

– Konkani is the mother tongue of a majority of the people living in South Goa district.

– People who can roll their tongue can sometimes make a high pitched sound by blowing through their rolled tongue.

– The facial nerve controls the muscles of facial expression, and helps carry taste sensations from the back of the tongue and mouth.

– This is about the speed with which the echidna uses its tongue to catch ants and termites.

– Fiji Hindi or Fiji Urdu is an Indo-Aryan languagesIndo-Aryan language which is the mother tongue of 313,000 people of Indian and Pakistani origin in Fiji.

– Humans have taste receptors on taste buds and other areas including the upper surface of the tongue and the epiglottis.

– After her divorce, Kennedy battled alcoholism and suffered from tongue cancer.

– Choonhavan died of tongue cancer in Bangkok on 11 June 2020, aged 72.

– The tongue is flicked rapidly and repeatedly into a flower, the upper mandible then squeezes liquid out when the bill is closed.

– The flowers have simple nectar guides with the nectaries usually hidden in narrow tubes or spurs, reached by the long tongue of the butterflies.

– Jamun fruit is a mixture of sweet, slightly sub acid spicy flavour that stands out even after eaten since it turns the tongue into purple color.

– Because of this, people in Ancient Greece were always buried with a coin under their tongue and one on each eye to pay Charon.

– It is felt by the tongue while eating, and is used to sense the flavor of food that is in the mouth.

– Scene starts with the witches, who are standing in a circle around their cauldron, throwing things in, like the tongue of a dog.

- Konkani is the mother tongue of a majority of the people living in South Goa district.

- People who can roll their tongue can sometimes make a high pitched sound by blowing through their rolled tongue.
- The facial nerve controls the muscles of facial expression, and helps carry taste sensations from the back of the tongue and mouth.

More in-sentence examples of “tongue”:

- The Pronunciationsound of this consonant is formed by placing the tip of your tongue against the ridge just behind the top row of your teeth.

- Freud believed all of these acts to have an important significance; the most trivial slips of the tongue or pen may reveal people's secret feelings and fantasies.
- He has a long tongue which he uses to grab enemies and eat them.

– The Pronunciationsound of this consonant is formed by placing the tip of your tongue against the ridge just behind the top row of your teeth.

– Freud believed all of these acts to have an important significance; the most trivial slips of the tongue or pen may reveal people’s secret feelings and fantasies.

– He has a long tongue which he uses to grab enemies and eat them.

– In lateral approximants, only the centre of the tongue touches the roof of the mouth.

– The cat’s tongue can act as a hairbrush and can clean and untangle a cat’s fur.

– The vascular stiffening mechanism in the tongue of the echidna.

– It is spoken throughout Nepal and is the mother tongue of more than half of the population.

– In 20% of cases, the tongue or throat may swell up, which can cause breathing problems.Limsuwan T; Demoly P 2010.

– Up to the 5th century BC, the head was shown as being very ugly, with her tongue sticking out, boar tusks, puffy cheeks, her eyeballs staring straight ahead and the snakes twisting all around her.

– The protruded tongue is stiffened by the rapid flow of blood, allowing it to penetrate wood and soil.

– In schools, students are also required to take a Mother Tongue class, where they are either taught Mandarin Chinese, Malay or Tamil.

– Piercing of the ears, nose, and tongue have a long history in many ancient cultures, and lip piercing and stretching were more common in African tribes, especially for cultural identification.

– They have a long sticky tongue which makes it easy to pick up many ants at once.

– Many schools use tongue rolling as an example of a genetic trait.

– Her somewhat slurred speech was caused in part from having had some of her tongue and her jaw removed during surgery for esophageal cancer in 1984.

– In almost all places of their present settlement the Dooma, who are all Muslims, have long since given up their original mother tongue in favour of the language of their respective host community.

– Anastasia even stuck her tongue out at Yakov Yurovsky, the head of the guards, when he turned his back and left the room.

– They ‘see’ with their tongue by collecting air particles and then putting them on an organ in their mouth.

– An alveolar consonant is a consonant with the tongue close to the :en:Alveolar_ridgealveolar ridge, which is the part just behind our teeth.

– Difficulty swallowing, and loss of tongue movement follow.

– The hyoid bone provides attachment to the muscles of the floor of the mouth and the tongue above, the larynx below, and the epiglottis and pharynx behind.

– They are mainly united by culture and under the mother tongue of Kiswahili, a Bantu language.

– It is when the teeth chew the food and the tongue mixes it with saliva to make it mushy in the mouth.

– The tongue is large and strong.

– In the past, students were not allowed to speak their mother tongue in school and were expected to speak only Mandarin.

– There are different types of bees which differ in size, tongue length and behaviour.

– When his or her head is tilted back and the mouth is open, the tongue will naturally be down in the mouth to allow the breast to go on top of it.

– Frogs have a short body, webbed digits, protruding eyes, forked tongue and no tail.

– The Komodo dragon uses its tongue to taste and smell like many other reptiles.

– One side of the tongue is quickly pulled away from the gums.

– Linguolabial sounds are made by the tongue touching the top lip.

– Multiple layers with staggered joints, ship lapped or tongue groove joints greatly reduce these problems.

– It is the most widely spoken mother tongue in the first language.

– Her Mother Tongue is Badaga.

– As of 2000, speakers of English languageEnglish as a Spanish was the mother tongue of 15.23% of the population.

– The tip of the tongue is composed of a mucus which creates a sticky end to which the prey is captured.

– The tongue can be up to 60 cm long, as long as a person’s arm.

– It is the traditional tongue of the Dóoma sg.

– One genus, “Balanoglossus”, is also known as the tongue worm.

– Finnish languageFinnish and Swedish both are the official languages of Finland; the most spoken languages is Finnish, mother tongue of about 90% of the population.

– A velar consonant is a consonant that is pronounced with the back part of the tongue against the velumsoft palate, also known as the velum, which is the back part of the roof of the mouth.

– It is not against the law to speak mother tongue during working hours.

– They have a tongue adapted for their particular food.

– These birds feed on nectar from flowers using their long tongue or catch insects on the wing.

– But in sea snakes, glands under and around the tongue let them expel salt with their tongue action.

– He began his studies in 1874 with a musical telegraph, in which he used an electric circuit and a magnet to make an iron reed or tongue vibrate.

– Further, the rural schools use the mother tongue as medium of instruction, not resorting to English in any way.

– There are receptors in our tongue which can measure four main things.

– The “x” sound is made by placing the tongue so that the back of the tongue touches the soft palate and the sides and tip of the tongue touch the gums.

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