“tilting” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “tilting”:

– Many forest birds are expert at getting up speed by flapping and then gliding steadily among the trees, tilting to avoid things as they go.

– A pendulum is a move where a wrestler does a tilting sequence, similar to that of a pendulum, in between the ropes to gain momentum to perform either an attack or counterattack.

– These buttons can be used be used in combination with tilting the analog stick in different directions to use different variations of these abilities or different attacks entirely.

– Because a stylus can be used to measure pressure, tilting and other factors, it is useful for use in digital art.

– The Class 221 “SuperVoyagers” are similar to the Class 220 “Voyager” units, but they are built with a tilting mechanism offering up to six degrees of tilt to allow faster speeds on curved tracks.

– Helicopters can move by tilting their rotor blades, which causes the aircraft to fly in the direction the blades are tilted.

– British Rail’s Class 370 tilting trains, also referred to as APT-P, were the pre-production Advanced Passenger Train units.

tilting in-sentences
tilting in-sentences

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