“thus far” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “thus far”:

+ The only source of information of him thus far is when he is seen as being manipulated and tricked by Loki, and therefore accidentally killing his brother Baldr by throwing a shaft of mistletoe and piercing him in the heart.

+ In summary, there appears to be no consensus thus far on whether or not Hoot/Kennedy should be allowed to return…

+ The album has thus far sold over 3.1 million units in the United States and has been certified RIAA certificationtriple platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America.

+ Frankly I resent the assertion that what has been published about my book thus far represents “just puffs from people with vested interest in her side of a complex issue” simply because my book was reviewed in union newspapers and in outlets like Labor Notes and Jacobin.

+ It is the strongest tropical cyclone observed worldwide thus far in 2020 and one of the most intense tropical cyclones on record.

+ Matkari’s 98 works thus far include 33 plays, 8 collections of his one-act plays, 18 books of his short stories, 3 novels, a book of poems for children, and 14 plays and three collections of plays for children.

+ It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.

thus far how to use in sentences
thus far how to use in sentences

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