“thought” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “thought”:

+ The thought experiment was created by Max Tegmark.

+ They thought publishing more would not be seen as good to the public.

+ He was a strict conductor who thought it was very important that the players should do exactly what the composer asks for in the score.

+ European Court of Human Rights has judged the denial of COs is violation of freedom of religion and thought in 2013, as well European Union recognized the right of conscientious objector as one of fundamental rights.

+ As well as reviews and tests, his videos often include taking products apart and, with older technology, looking at the product’s history, and also what publications thought at the time, which, for audio and entertainment devices, is often Billboard magazine, which covered both consumer and trade electronics devices through articles and advertisements at the time.

+ These symptoms include agitation, aggression, Apathynegative symptoms, thought disorders.

+ These revivals are thought to be the time when Graham became a national religious figure.

+ External speech is the process of turning thought into words.

thought in-sentences
thought in-sentences

Example sentences of “thought”:

+ Bogans are often thought to be people who live in the outer suburbs of larger cities.

+ The name of lower Mesopotamia, “al-ʿIrāq”, is thought to be derived from the name “Uruk”.

+ It is thought to have got to South Africa by British Empire military bands.

+ This was mainly because people thought that the story was unrealistic.

+ The Nazis thought of the Jewish people as an ethnic group.

+ The latter are usually called ‘petrels’, although they are thought to be more closely related to the shearwaters than to the other petrels.

+ The Apicomplexa – the phylum to which “Plasmodium” belongs – are thought to have originated within the Dinoflagellates – a large group of photosynthetic protozoa.

+ When Hitler came to power in the 1930s he liked Wagner’s music and thought that it was something typically German.

+ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart thought that G minor was the most suitable key for showing sadness and tragedy, Hellmut Federhofer, foreword to the Bärenreiter Urtext of Mozart’s Piano Quartet in G minor.

+ A large, bulky herbivore, “Iguanodon” is thought by some to be in the same family as the duck-billed hadrosaurs.

+ Many people thought Lennon was trying to destroy his own public image, releasing such an album.

+ The Bokeo Nature Reserve was created as protection for the black crested gibbon, discovered in 1997, previously thought to be extinct.

+ It was thought that seppuku was an honorable way to die.

+ Bogans are often thought to be people who live in the outer suburbs of larger cities.

+ The name of lower Mesopotamia, "al-ʿIrāq", is thought to be derived from the name "Uruk".

More in-sentence examples of “thought”:

+ In popular culture, night is often thought of as a symbol of evil, possibly because of the fear of the dark or possibly because of the lack of visibility.

+ In modern physics the term “tachyon” often refers to imaginary mass fields rather than to faster-than-light particles.Lisa Randall, Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe’s Hidden Dimensions, p.286: “People initially thought of tachyons as particles traveling faster than the speed of light…But we now know that a tachyon indicates an instability in a theory that contains it.

+ Kapoor is thought of as one of the greatest and most influential actors and moviemakers in the history of Indian cinema.

+ I don’t know what policy, if any, applies, but thought I’d report here.

+ The terms have been thought to be from the webcomic “The Perry Bible Fellowship.” The shortened term has also seen increased usage on the Internet in recent years.

+ She explained that this image simply came to her when she first thought up Harry Potter, seeing him as a “scrawny, black-haired, bespectacled boy”.

+ Like Toscanini, he thought that a conductor should do exactly what the composer had written in the score, without adding his own personal feelings to the music.

+ The ballades are thought to be the best of Chopin’s compositions and of romantic music.

+ The very homely looks of his wife were thought by observers to cause the prince a visible shock when he was first presented to her.

+ She was often thought to be Victoria’s favourite granddaughter.

+ The core of Thelemic thought is “Do what thou wilt.” However, people understand and apply this in different ways.

+ Early 1600s17th-century European explorers thought that it flowed west and joined the Sénégal River.

+ Chinese Fu-Dogs, also called Lion-Dogs or Fo-Dogs, were thought of as brave dogs who were skilled at guarding, so statues of them were placed outside the temples.

+ Conant thought it was because she was a woman that he did not want her.

+ Hirsch believed that behaviors were so complex they could not be explained as the action of single genes, Benzer thought behaviors might be directed by single genes.

+ Tomberg alway thought about design from the social aspect.

+ It is thought that bald eagles mate for life.

+ Lympany had thought Heath would marry her, but when asked about the most intimate thing he had done, replied, “He put his arm around my shoulder.” “The Guardian”, 19 March 2001 Bernard Levin wrote at the time in “The Observer”, forgetting two other prime ministers who were bachelors with no known romantic interests, that the UK had to wait until the emergence of the permissive society for a prime minister who was a virgin.

+ These people are usually thought of as the voice of the team on radio broadcasts.

+ He called his machine “Sir Olivier” because he thought its voice sounded like actor Laurence Olivier.

+ From the way that he gave evidence in trials, Hopkins is thought to have been trained as a lawyer, but there is little evidence to prove this.

+ At Casaya, the women were talking about how disrespectful they thought Shane was.

+ It is usually given its own subfamily, the Dromaeosaurinae; this group is thought to include “Utahraptor”, “Achillobator”, “Adasaurus”, and possibly “Deinonychus”.

+ Angeline is devastated by the thought of being betrayed by the two people closest to her heart.

+ Until the 1990s, the species was thought to be extinct, now it is classified as vulnerable.

+ In popular culture, night is often thought of as a symbol of evil, possibly because of the fear of the dark or possibly because of the lack of visibility.

+ In modern physics the term "tachyon" often refers to imaginary mass fields rather than to faster-than-light particles.Lisa Randall, Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions, p.286: "People initially thought of tachyons as particles traveling faster than the speed of light...But we now know that a tachyon indicates an instability in a theory that contains it.

+ The Orbitron was one of the very few cars which MRoth thought was a “mistake” after he built it.

+ Bartlett thought Scotty was controlling Jumbo with a secret signal to keep him from getting into the box.

+ Blessings are often thought of as the opposite of a curse.

+ Prior to this, people thought that maggots came from rotting meat.

+ Between this and Magic Alex’s stories, the band decided the Maharishi was a him, telling the media they thought he was something other than what he proved to be.

+ They thought corruption went along with inherited aristocracy, which they hated.

+ Sullivan thought that his illness was because of ulcers.

+ Men with larger penises are often thought to be more handsome, manly and powerful.

+ The series is thought by many people to be a great situation comedy.

+ It was originally thought scandalous because couples faced each other, held each other in the ‘closed’ hold, and, so to speak, ignored the surrounding community.

+ Maud Grieve recorded that Pliny the ElderPliny and medieval writers had thought it could return hair to bald heads and that in the early modern period it had been believed to be a remedy for headaches, plague, canker, sores, vertigo, and jaundice.

+ Books thought to contain such errors included works by astronomers such as Johannes Kepler’s “Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae”, which was on the Index from 1621 to 1835, and by philosophers, like Immanuel Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason”.

+ Mao Zedong of China thought that other classes would be important to the revolution in China and other developing countries because the working classes in these countries were small.

+ In “Rise of the Cybermen”, the Tenth Doctor claims that his TARDIS is the last one in existence although at the time of his saying this, he also thought he was the last Time Lord.

+ I came across yesterday, and thought that by simplifying some of the articles from there we could get some nice articles, potentially GA/VGA.

+ This was thought to be truthful and accurate until the 20th century.

+ It might be thought that courtship only occurs in the kind of animals which have fairly complex brains, such as mammals and birds.

+ During the 20th century, Cadillacs were so highly thought of that the phrase “the Cadillac of x” was coined, meaning that something of excellent quality and better than everything else in its category.

+ Non-spherical and reddish in colour, it is thought to have of water ice with unknown amounts of other materials.

+ The government of Nevada did not want to use an electric chair, and thought hanging was cruel and inhumane.

+ At the time “Giselle” was written, people thought of Germany when they heard a waltz because the waltz was of German origin.

+ Words that are still thought to be foreign tend to keep them; for example, the only spelling of “soupçon” found in English dictionaries uses the diacritic.

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