“thoroughly” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “thoroughly”:

– It is thoroughly detailed, very long, has many references, and is quite simple and easy to read.

– They were armed with much longer spears and were drilled more thoroughly in more complex tactics and manoeuvres.

– The approach is thoroughly scientific; the command of basic information amazing”.

– Between the matches Botvinnik thoroughly analyzed Tal’s style, and turned most of the return match’s games into close manoeuvres and endgames, rather than the complicated tactical melées which were Tal’s preference.

– I try to leave a review of each article submitted, but the more submissions there are, the less time I can give to review them as thoroughly as I might have wanted.

– I’ll answer it thoroughly so I can get a good response on how I should edit.

– I thoroughly accept.

thoroughly in sentences?
thoroughly in sentences?

Example sentences of “thoroughly”:

– If you must pop a pimple yourself, it is advised to apply warm water to the area before popping it and to wash your hand thoroughly before beginning so as to avoid spreading bacteria via the hands.

– This bastide, which was thoroughly restored from 1853 by the theorist and architect Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, was added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 1997.

– Archbishop Paris of Lodron led Salzburg to peace and prosperity during the Thirty Years’ War in which the rest of Germany was thoroughly devastated.

– Able to do nothing more than breathe, Frieza floated in the planet’s debris, kept company only by his thoughts of how the universe’s conqueror had been thoroughly beaten by a Saiyan.

– Because of the hugely wonderful, over-the-top positive wording, those spins have a second benefit of laughing away the insults, which were not just undone, but thoroughly trounced, beaten down 100 times, by the overly-positive wording of the enthusiastic spin.

– If its leaves have wilted from lack of water, it will recover if watered thoroughly and placed in a sunny location.

– She is known for her role as Millie Dillmount in “Thoroughly Modern Millie Thoroughly Modern Millie” and Reno Sweeney in “Anything Goes”.

– It is thoroughly detailed, very long, has many references, good pictures, and seems quite simple and easy to read, considering that it is a scientific subject.

– For the Ormen Lange natural gas field, the incident has been thoroughly investigated.

– They process Sensessensory data much more deeply and thoroughly because their biologically different.

– I’ve created most of the red links and simplified it thoroughly to the best of my ability.

– Cain was first and thoroughly a devout and faithful man of god, until his weakened mind was manipulated by Satan.

– The leg skeleton of “Hesperornis” was so thoroughly adapted to diving that their mode on land, and their egg-laying and parental care, is a matter of speculation.

– Commonly, the program concentrates on Oswald’s experiences with friends, acquaintances and neighbors, including Henry, a penguin, and Daisy, a flower, among others – and his patient methods of coping with or tolerating different situations and dilemmas, along with his thoroughly optimistic outlook on life.

– Whilst I’ve tested this template as thoroughly as I can, I suspect it could be further improved.

– Henry VIII considered himself a thoroughly Catholic King, and in 1521 he defended the papacy against Luther in a book he commissioned entitled, “Defence of the Seven SacramentsThe Defense of the Seven Sacraments”, for which Pope Leo X awarded him the title “Fidei Defensor”.

– Not every misled conclusion can be avoided, but in the case of wild claims, then reader suspicions would be obvious, and so an article should have the extra text to thoroughly offset those claims, based on all aspects noted in the sources.

– If skin irritation is encountered, the affected area should be rinsed thoroughly with cold water.

– Pemberton, and Price, who had become thoroughly disgusted with Van Dorn and was eager to return to Missouri, obtained a leave to visit Richmond, the Confederate capital.

– Discussing an article is a promise to the community that you have thoroughly read the criteria and the article in question.

- If you must pop a pimple yourself, it is advised to apply warm water to the area before popping it and to wash your hand thoroughly before beginning so as to avoid spreading bacteria via the hands.

- This bastide, which was thoroughly restored from 1853 by the theorist and architect Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, was added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 1997.

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