“things” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “things”:

– It serves as a typical example or standard for things of the same category.

– Cheat codes makes the system do things that are not normal.

– Touching some things in the game starts a full motion video in which actors give clues.

– Would you like to add categories related to the year things started? For example, for a company that started in 1968, you would add :Category:1968 establishments.

– In astronomy, cosmogony is the study of the origin of things like the universe, the Solar System, or the Earth–Moon system.

things in-sentences
things in-sentences

Example sentences of “things”:

- Other things happen less often, such as a mermaid or Lilliputian pirates coming to the island, or a seagull flying down to steal his shorts while he is bathing.

- Hindu scriptures tell many things about this symbol.

– Other things happen less often, such as a mermaid or Lilliputian pirates coming to the island, or a seagull flying down to steal his shorts while he is bathing.

– Hindu scriptures tell many things about this symbol.

– Like in Korea, the Vietnamese New Year is mostly the same as China’s, with families gathering, children saying nice things to their parents and grandparents, and older people giving gifts of money to the young.

– These include finding it difficult to control the need to use the drug and feeling the use of the drug to be more important than more normal things such as family or work.

– Robots are sometimes used to do things that humans cannot, like finding and destroying bombs, or going places that are too hot, small, dangerous or distant for humans.

– Sometimes things might be kept secret from someone because it is believed that it would upset them to know.

– Usually in nature, two things with the same charge repel or shoot away from each other.

– Many things can be added to fudge, like fruits, nuts, chocolate, and caramel.

– The video shows Rihanna as a drug abuser who searches for things that gets her excited in a relationship.

– The temperature of the universe cooled and the things inside the universe began to clump together.

– For the next year, diplomats from all over Europe met at the Congress of Vienna to decide how things were going to be now that Napoleon was gone.

– Organizations, places or other things founded or established in the United States in the 1780s.

– Many things that used to be in the palace have been returned.

– Like other things in low Earth orbit it travels at 5 miles per second.

– All other things of the same kind are made from this.

– The power supply usually has controls on it that allow these things to be changed.

– Since they had to earn money to buy food, and jobs were the only things that give money, they had no choice but to work for the rich who made the business.

More in-sentence examples of “things”:

– With $1 million in funding, Correct the Record hired a paid staff of people that used to be reporters, bloggers, public affairs specialists, designers to post good things about Clinton.

– In Njall’s Saga, men tend to say things like “Oh, you have chopped off my arm”, before dying.

– Other things that can be seen in the sky are Birdbirds, other flying animals, and aircraft.

– This of course does not mean that I would stop making/improving articles, and I would of course continue to do non-admin things as well, as these are vital for the project.

– The RIA labeled things in the blood with radioactive marks.

– He is known for saying some things that are controversial.

– He used his earlier education to explain his new faith to other people and to discuss things with people who had other beliefs.

– General relativity has predicted many things which were later seen.

– Most things that use electricity have at least one circuit board inside of them that makes them run.

– I did so because the last times he nominated himself, people made valid points things he didn’t do right, and I expected him to nominate himself for the next time when he has really learned those points.

– Typically, the current goes through a conductor and other things that can carry DC.

– For example, in ancient China string was knotted to keep count of things as a record.

– This was partly because of things like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

– After the industrial revolution, when people started making a lot of things in factories, people lived more in towns.

– Vacuoles are also important in autophagy, keeping a balance between making and getting rid of many things in cells and organisms.

– The smoke also has other things that are bad for people’s health.

– One of the last things to be done is something called conching.

– Although the play has a happy ending, some of the tragedy cannot be undone: Mamillus is still dead, and the bad things that happened in the past cannot be forgotten.

– Most of the time the family encounter horrible things like zombies, aliens, monsters, witches, or sometimes each other.

– After the Devil was thrown out of heaven, he started doing bad things on the earth.

– After Romulus, who among other things created the Senate, there were, according to legend, six more kings: Numa Pompilius, Tullo Ostilio, Anco Marzio, Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, and Tarquinius Superbus.

– This is one of the things that need to be explained.

– This is similar to what Job said when bad things happened to him.

– Finally, just a note that if this doesn’t pass it’s highly unlikely that I will bother running again – the tools aren’t a big deal and just help to speed things up more than anything else.

– It had a lot of new things such as more power plants, hills and mountains, subways, pipewater pipes, libraries, museums, and hospitals.

– No matter, in which order these things are.

– She presided over all things when the earth was created, and was said to have made the earth to provide for her children.

– They seem to have many things in common.

– So, let’s get back on track: this request is about whether they should continue be entrusted with powerful tools, given their very poor judgment in a matter of importance, and where after being called out for it on their Talk page, at first calmly, then with increasing alarm, there was no recognition or acknowledgement on their part of anything wrong; on the contrary, there was nonchalant assertion that it was all fine, accompanied by derails into things never at issue.

– According to the World Health Organization, there is not one way to measure mental health in all people, because there are many things in our environment that might make what is mentally healthy different from one person to another.

– Some things in the game costing dollars, while others donuts.

– He thought he could learn important things about psychology from them.

– They noticed that living things fitted the lives they led.

– It is known that living things have changed over time, because their remains can be seen in the rocks.

– Iceland has kept this naming system because Iceland is an island, and had little contact with the outside world for quite some time, so there was not much change in things like customs, language and naming systems.

– In the same way, aether should seem like a moving substance to things on Earth.

– This does not include bad writing, bad words, vandalism, things that are fake or impossible, or parts which are not in English.

– The stories talk about things like making software.

– They also tell more about things that did happen in the movies.

– Coasts often have many living things living there and provide habitat for many animals and plants.

– These special properties which we can only see at the nano scale are one of the most interesting things about nanotechnology.

– Ham was also used as a musician on Beatles solo records such as the “All Things Must Pass” LP by George Harrison and the single “It Don’t Come Easy” by Ringo Starr.

– In places like Mesopotamia, China, and Ancient Egypt, things were recorded from very early times and these records can be looked at and studied.

– Organizations, places, companies or other things that ended or were disestablished in century.

– They felt that Rudd left things until the last moment, and then acted quickly when things had almost became a crisis.

– Sara still keeps asking for permission to leave her country, but she is not allowed, and things are made difficult for her at work.

– It means things have happened that can’t be changed back.

– Since he was a child, Monk has been able to notice small things that others miss.

- With $1 million in funding, Correct the Record hired a paid staff of people that used to be reporters, bloggers, public affairs specialists, designers to post good things about Clinton.

- In Njall's Saga, men tend to say things like "Oh, you have chopped off my arm", before dying.
- Other things that can be seen in the sky are Birdbirds, other flying animals, and aircraft.

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