“thereby” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “thereby”:

+ The man crew of the HSV created it thereby as an only soccer association, 43 years long continuously in the German BundesligaBundesliga to play and was always first-class since the establishment union in the year 1919 as only German association.

+ Spurred by a catalyst, favorable chemistry causes the hydrogen to oxidize into hydrogen protons and give up its electrons to the neighboring electrode, which thereby becomes the anode.

+ With key events specified, the animation software will then automatically fill the intermediary motions between key points, thereby creating continuous motion throughout the timeline without requiring additional works by an animator.

+ Without any difficulty, the narrator creates a tomb in n the plaster wall, thereby hiding the body and all traces of his murder.

+ In extraordinary circumstances a higher court may overturn or overrule mandatory precedent, but will often attempt to distinguish the precedent before overturning it, thereby limiting the scope of the precedent in any event.

+ The people thereby began the tradition of giving the biscults patterns.

+ Other animals, usually but not always predatory animals, have their two eyes positioned on the front of their heads, thereby allowing for binocular vision and reducing their field of view in favor of stereopsis.

+ The actor Boris Karloff plays a dying Egyptologist who possesses an occult gem, known as The Eternal Light, which he believes will grant immortality if he is buried with it, and thereby able to present it to Anubis in the afterlife.

thereby how to use?
thereby how to use?

Example sentences of “thereby”:

+ It may align thereby final games of the UEFA champions League and the UEFA cup.

+ The rationale for the tonic immobility test is that the experimenter simulates a predator thereby eliciting an anti-predator response "death feigning".

+ It may align thereby final games of the UEFA champions League and the UEFA cup.

+ The rationale for the tonic immobility test is that the experimenter simulates a predator thereby eliciting an anti-predator response “death feigning”.

+ Princess Yue then becomes the new moon by giving her life energy to the moon spirit, thereby restoring the moon in the sky and the abilities of the waterbenders.

+ She has done many horror movies, dramas and small television roles, thereby earning the reputation of a scream queen.

+ To get to the 2004 World Series, they beat the Yankees in the 2004 American League Championship Series; they lost the first three games to the Yankees, but then, facing elimination, they won the next four games and thereby won the ALCS.

+ For instance, birds fly south in the winter to find food and warmth, and mammalian mothers nurture their young, thereby having more surviving offspring.

+ But she went on to sign Mahesh Bhatt’s “Aashiqui 2” instead, thereby cancelling the three-movie contract with Yash Raj Films.

+ In nuclear physics, spallation is the process in which a heavy nucleus releases many Nucleonnucleons because it has been hit by a high-energy particle, thereby reducing its atomic weight.

+ Later, in 1912, a group of football players who were in conflict with Estudiantes de La Plata joined Club Independencia, which later merged with Gimnasia y Esgrima in 1914, thereby returning to the practice of football.

+ More commonly, every major album, as released by a recording artist, is given a separate article, and thereby avoids cluttering the text of the musician’s bio-page article.

+ Such an object might also be orbiting at a bit different inclination to the F ring, thereby not actually passing through the ring material even though it was being seen both radially inward and outward of it.

+ In the “Pocket Veto Case the Supreme Court held that “the determinative question in reference to an ‘adjournment’ is not whether it is a final adjournment of Congress or an interim adjournment, such as an adjournment of the first session, but whether it is one that ‘prevents’ the President from returning the bill to the House in which it originated within the time allowed.” Since neither House of Congress was in session, the President could not return the bill to one of them, thereby permitting the use of the pocket veto.

+ Supplemental request – against these other accounts, could you please also checkuser as being a potential sock of these users and thereby of the globally locked Parissa Official from enwp? Another “Movaghar” from the family has appeared tonight and is up for RFD, and so far, all of the Movaghar’s which have made it here, have all been from Parissa Official’s socks, doing a bit of family self promotion.

+ The dancer serves as an Alter ego to the singer and thereby illustrates the emotions of the character he or she impersonates.

+ A well known story is that of Elijah on Mount Carmel, when he calls upon God and a miracle occurs, thereby showing that the God of Israel to be the one true God.

+ He lost the Democratic primary to Ed Feighan in 1982, thereby losing his seat.

+ If fed, the alligators will eventually lose their fear of humans and will learn to associate humans with food, thereby becoming both a greater danger to people, and at greater risk from them.

+ He advised modern art collectors, such as Peggy Guggenheim and other prominent figures, thereby helping to shape the tastes of Western art during this period.

+ On 2 December 2007 the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation of the KCR network to MTRCL, in return for making annual payments to KCRC, thereby merging the railway operations of the two corporations under MTRCL’s management.

More in-sentence examples of “thereby”:

+ Each part of the footnote coding is placed on a separate line, thereby allowing each part to be indented from the lefthand side.

+ Ferruccio sold Rossetti 51% of the company for US$600,000, thereby relinquishing control of the automaker he had founded.

+ Training – but also on how to gain a deeper understanding of involvement with the movement, community and projects – thereby encouraging ongoing participation.

+ If the President neither signs nor returns the bill within the ten-day limit, the bill becomes law, unless the Congress has adjourned in the meantime, thereby preventing the President from returning the bill to the House in which it originated.

+ Japanese bombing in Imphal took place several times in the history of Manipur, thereby creating high casualties to the people of Manipur.

+ The thereby caused damages amounted to EUR 135 million.

+ The following year, however, saw a Greek army decisively defeat the Persians at the Battle of Plataea, thereby ending the Persian invasion.

+ The SB system enables high-level stable gene transfer and sustained transgene expression in multiple primary human somatic cell types, thereby representing a highly attractive gene transfer strategy for clinical use.

+ When a muscle is activated it contracts, making itself shorter and thicker, thereby pulling its ends closer.

+ On 20 February 2004 he visited Suriname, thereby completing his visit to all sovereign nations of the world.

+ Banned Concensus is to block, thereby I am implementing a ban of this person.

+ Afterwards, the hand can slide up and down, thereby changing the pitch.

+ The tag is intended to inform people that someone is currently working on the article, thereby reducing edit conflicts.

+ It thereby removes ambiguity when doing “other” things with template pagenames.

+ It has also been found that medical anthropologists have played a large role in helping locals better understand the objectives of epidemiologists and thereby helped them become more receptive of their investigations.

+ The Tentative List is an inventory of important heritage and natural sites that a country is considering for inscription on the World Heritage List, thereby becoming World Heritage Sites.

+ As standing place grandstand the south grandstand seizes 25,000 spectators and is the largest thereby in Europe.

+ She then starts sucking the life breath out of the man, thereby consuming his life.

+ The necessary and proper clause has been interpreted extremely broadly, thereby giving Congress wide latitude in legislation.

+ First, the procedure delegated legislative powers to the President, thereby violating the nondelegation doctrine.

+ The need for this road was due to local coffee farmers’ demands to deliver their beans to the Limón harbor on the Atlantic for exportation, thereby shortening the cargo journey to their main European markets.

+ The empire was put under the management of a regent named Perdiccas in 323 BC, and the territories were divided between Alexander’s generals, who thereby became satraps, at the Partition of Babylon.

+ However, post-Vedic texts such as the Mahabharata and the Puranas state the Nandi bull, the Indian zebu, in particular, as the vehicle of Rudra and of Shiva, thereby unmistakably linking them as same.

+ They fell 3 games to 1 to the Indians, but then, on the brink of elimination, won the next three games, and thereby won the series.

+ On October 31, 2007, the Islamic nationalists news agency Chechen-press reported that the President of Ichkeria Doka Umarov had proclaimed an Emirate in the Caucasus and declared himself its Emir, thereby abolishing the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria and its presidency.

+ Each part of the footnote coding is placed on a separate line, thereby allowing each part to be indented from the lefthand side.

+ Ferruccio sold Rossetti 51% of the company for US$600,000, thereby relinquishing control of the automaker he had founded.
+ Training - but also on how to gain a deeper understanding of involvement with the movement, community and projects - thereby encouraging ongoing participation.

+ The ISO 3166/MA therefore reserves them, so that they are not used for new official ISO 3166 codes, thereby creating conflicts between the standard and those applications.

+ Also that night, Stone Cold and Kurt Angle faced off for the WWF Championship, and William Regal, who sat at ringside to ensure a fair match would take place, hit Kurt Angle with the championship, thereby backstabbing the WWF and costing Angle the title.

+ Ampère’s equation was extended by including the polarization current, thereby remedying the limited applicability of the original Ampère’s circuital law.

+ Even the narrator acknowledges the “wild” nature of the tale, attempting thereby to separate his mental condition from the events of the plot.

+ It is thereby the largest standing place grandstand of Europe.

+ Germany could now act as “the spokesman of the whole German cultural community” and thereby provoke the German minorities in Czechoslovakia and Poland.

+ Like practically all blood-feeding parasites, they inject biochemicals that inhibit blood clotting, plus some that stimulate host mast cells to produce histamine; this distend capillary vessels, thereby promoting blood flow.

+ Modern x86 processors also decode and split more complex instructions into a series of smaller internal “Micro-operations” which can thereby be executed in a pipelined fashion, thus achieving high performance on a much larger subset of instructions.

+ Changes to the track in 2002 that included separation of the drag strip from the frontstretch, removal of the main drag strip grandstand, and new control tower for road racing led to the pit road being expanded by extending pit road into the main straight and moving the pit exit up past turn 1, thereby expanding it to 43 cars, and Gilligan’s Island was abandoned.

+ Their main contributions in recent years have come from modifying and helping develop epidemiological surveys by taking into account word choice and the “social suitability” of questions, so that responses would be more accurate and thereby helping to increase the validity of the questionnaires.

+ The transistor can be programmed to either connect a signal or not, thereby giving the FPGA the ability to very specifically connect logic elements together.

+ Often, one of the scrolls is fixed, while the other orbits eccentrically without rotating, thereby trapping and pumping or compressing pockets of fluid between the scrolls.

+ Despite Reigns touching the floor first, the referee awarded the win to Lesnar, thereby retaining the Universal Championship.

+ The commonwealth armed forces were also augmented with enough armies and air force units, thereby making their primary healthcare, the general hospital utilitarian in late 1944.

+ The Pall filter makes blood transfusions significantly safer by filtering out white blood cells, thereby reducing the incidence of transfusion reactions and viral infections.

+ Another basic expectation is to document, archive and share all data and methodology so they are available for careful scrutiny by other scientists, thereby allowing other researchers the opportunity to verify results by attempting to reproduce them.

+ Popular legend holds that all of the radio audience may have been listening to Edgar Bergen and tuned in to “The War of the Worlds” during a musical interlude, thereby missing the clear introduction that the show was a drama, but research beginning in the 2010s suggests this only happened in rare instances.In the days following the adaptation, widespread outrage was expressed in the media.

+ Visual stimuli may be quickly flashed before an individual can process them, or flashed and then masked, thereby interrupting the processing.

+ Religions teach that purifying the soul also involves purification of the body which thereby enables connection with the Divine and the cultivation of inner peace.

+ To combat this social problem, the Sikh community kitchen, or “langar”, requires everyone to sit side by side and eat together, thereby teaching the concept of equality by shattering all barriers of caste and class.

+ Ratnasambhava’s blessings allow us to overcome pride and miserliness, thereby developing inner calm.

+ Chiburdanidze finished 2nd in the Tbilisi Women’s Interzonal, thereby qualifying for the 1977 candidates matches.

+ Solvents usually have a low boiling point and evaporate easily or can be removed by distillation, thereby leaving the dissolved substance behind.

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