“theoretical” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “theoretical”:

– The other is a theoretical physicist from Texas.

– In theoretical computer science, a distribution is considered to be pseudorandom if it is similar enough to other sets.

– An important part of theoretical chemistry is quantum chemistry.

– The Calabi–Yau manifold’s properties, such as Ricci flatness, have applications in theoretical physics.

– He came up with a theoretical explanation of the Superfluiditysuperfluid properties of liquid helium in 1949.

– This theoretical position grew out of the discovery of uncertainty, and was not just some personal preference on what to believe.

theoretical use in-sentences
theoretical use in-sentences

Example sentences of “theoretical”:

- It is based on the theories of Kip Thorne, a theoretical physicist who is known for his theories in Gravitationgravitation physics and astrophysics and for having trained a generation of scientists.

- Barricelli published in a variety of fields including virus genetics, DNA, theoretical biology, space flight, theoretical physics and mathematical language.
- Before the age of Theoretical chemistrytheoretical and scientific discovery in the chemical field.

– It is based on the theories of Kip Thorne, a theoretical physicist who is known for his theories in Gravitationgravitation physics and astrophysics and for having trained a generation of scientists.

– Barricelli published in a variety of fields including virus genetics, DNA, theoretical biology, space flight, theoretical physics and mathematical language.

– Before the age of Theoretical chemistrytheoretical and scientific discovery in the chemical field.

– A degree of level IV requires more theoretical knowledge than the previous level.

– Michio Kaku is a Japanese-American theoretical physicist and a performer on the Science Channel, particularly for Sci-Fi Science.

– ENAC provide theoretical training for pilot students in eight months in its campus of Toulouse.

Theoretical chemistry is the art of applying theoretical reasoning to chemistry.

– Lipscomb and his students created many important ideas in the field of theoretical chemistry.

– Being holistic, liberal arts education aimed at bringing the theoretical and practical together.

– He held the Gibbs Professorship of Theoretical Chemistry at Yale University.

– He is the Brown Theoretical Physics Center Director, the Ford Foundation Professor of Physics, Affiliate Professor of Mathematics, and Watson Institute for International Studies Public Affairs Faculty Fellow at Brown University.

– Chemists are interested in electrocyclic reactions because the geometry of the molecules confirm a number of predictions made by theoretical chemists.

– A-sharp minor has the Theoretical key#enharmonic equivalenceenharmonic equivalent of B-flat minor.

– The theoretical possibility of a brute force attack is recognized by the cryptographic system designers.

– A false vacuum is an idea from theoretical physics: In quantum field theory, such a vacuum might exist for a very long time, before it changes its state.

– It is about the life of the Theoretical physicstheoretical physicist Stephen Hawking.

– Some linguists are theoretical linguisticstheoretical linguists and study the theory and ideas behind language, such as historical linguistics.

– Typically, Yield chemical yields are expressed as a weight in grams or as a percentage of the total theoretical quantity of product that could be produced.

– Freedhoff was the first woman appointed as a physics professor at York University in Toronto, and is believed to have been the only woman professor of theoretical physics in Canada at the time.

– Skumin examines the culture of health as the specific science, that develops the theoretical and practical tasks of harmonious development of the spiritual, mental, and physical human force, forming of optimum environment, which provides a higher level of creativity of life.

More in-sentence examples of “theoretical”:

- The theoretical and flight training parts are conducted at the airfield of Grimbergen in a building which no longer exists.

- IPSA wants to be close to other universities with a strong theoretical training for research and development jobs in order to graduate engineer in aeronautical and space engineering with a good general knowledge in aerospace.

– The theoretical and flight training parts are conducted at the airfield of Grimbergen in a building which no longer exists.

– IPSA wants to be close to other universities with a strong theoretical training for research and development jobs in order to graduate engineer in aeronautical and space engineering with a good general knowledge in aerospace.

– However, in theoretical discussions in behavioural ecology, the term “herd” is used for all these kinds of assemblage.

– This theoretical field is believed by many scientists to be responsible for why some gauge bosons – like W and Z bosons – have mass, while others – such as photons – do not have mass.

– The papers that had been published drew hardly any interest until the first CT scanner was built by Hounsfield and colleagues in 1971 which took Cormack’s theoretical calculations into a real application.

– Green writes social and political history from “the bottom up.” He writes from a leftist theoretical standpoint.

– Lenard retired from Heidelberg University as professor of theoretical physics in 1931.

– Since this double layer capacitance happens at both electrodes, the theoretical capacitance of the entire device can be raised substantially.

– Since the Second World War, both theoretical and experimental fields have advanced at a rapid pace.

– Schinkel, however, is famous as well for his theoretical work and his architectural drafts.

– Hahn is known for his research on Early Christianity during the Apostolic Age and many theoretical works about the early Church Fathers.

– Because of the geometry of the molecules involved in cheletropic reactions, they confirm a number of predictions made by theoretical chemists.

– He created the theoretical Turing machine in 1936.

– Since this is a theoretical field of study, no real computers are used.

– Even though he was mostly working on particle physics, he had a side interest in x-ray technology which led him to develop the theoretical underpinnings of CT scanning.

– Schawlow Prize in Laser Science, Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics, Lars Onsager Prize in theoretical statistical physics, and more.

– According to Duhem, an experiment in physics is not just an observation, but an interpretation of observations by means of a theoretical framework.

– By the end of the 19th century Cherubini’s music was almost forgotten, and he was only really remembered for his theoretical writing.

– At Yale he produced brilliant theoretical research, but could not teach or explain ideas to students. He was also unable to direct the research of graduate students, except for the occasional outstanding one.

– The concept of world lines is used widely in theoretical physics, for it shows some interesting facts about high-speed motion.

– He thought that this practical experience was more important than the theoretical views of the various radical groups.

– Ludvig Dmitrievich Faddeev was a USSRSoviet and Russian theoretical physicist and mathematician.

– The theorem itself is also very important for theoretical use.

– Peter George Oliver Freund was a Romanian-born American professor of theoretical physics.

– Numerical optimization: theoretical and practical aspects.

– Hermann Klaus Hugo Weyl, ; 9 November 1885 – 8 December 1955 was a GermanyGerman mathematician, theoretical physicist and philosopher.

– At the age of 26 Heisenberg became professor of theoretical physics at the University of Leipzig.

– Stanley Mandelstam was a South African-born AmericansAmerican theoretical physicist of Jewish descent.

– Extending the definition of remainder for real numbers, as described above, is not of theoretical importance in mathematics; however, many programming languages implement this definition—see modulo operation for more.

– The American Statistical Association described him as one of the most influential and prolific theoretical statisticians in the history of the field.

– They report successful tests of theoretical predictions related to such topics as infanticide, intelligence, marriage patterns, promiscuity, perception of beauty, bride price and parental investment.”Despite this difficulty, there have been many careful and informative studies of human social behaviour from an evolutionary perspective.

– Naturalists developed some theoretical ideas which were valuable.

– Fluid mechanics provides the theoretical foundation for hydraulics, which focuses on the engineering uses of fluid properties.

– Bruce Schneier responds in a 2005 blog entry that this paper does not present a full cryptanalytic attack, but only some hypothesized differential characteristics: “But even from a theoretical perspective, Twofish is not even remotely broken.

– Alfred Freddy Krupa is also known for his theoretical works related to the contemporary practice of the Modern Ink painting.

– He worked in theoretical chemistry, scattering theory, atmospheric physics atmospheric chemistrychemistry and astrophysics.

– The question of whether such an algorithm exists is called the P versus NP problem and it is widely considered the most important unsolved problem in theoretical computer science.

– In 1906 he became professor for theoretical physics in Munich, were he stood for his lifetime.

– Quantum chemistry, a branch of theoretical chemistry, deals with the application of quantum mechanics to questions in chemistry.

– Until the theoretical developments in the 1980s no one had an explanation for why this seemed to be the case.

– Capra is aiming for a theory of living systems, a theoretical framework for ecology.

– Philosophy, Epictetus taught, is a way of life and not just a theoretical discipline.

– Vadim Alexeevich Kuzmin was a Russian theoretical physicist, meaning he worked on using mathematical processes to develop the theories used to explain data.

– Since top quarks are so Massmassive, scientists have been able to make predictions about the theoretical particle known as a Higgs Boson.

– His main focuses were theoretical chemistry, chemical physics and quantum chemistry.

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