“the same as” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “the same as”:

– However, unconstitutionality is not the same as being declared illegal.

– If an observer “Y” were to sit on the radius of the rotating disk, he will measure the radius to be the same as he would measure it to be if the disk were stationary, since the radius is not affected by the Lorentz contraction.

– The sixteen voivodeships that make up Poland are further divided into “powiaty second-level units of Local governmentadministration, which are about the same as to a county, district or prefecture in other countries.

– The movie was directed by Richard Lester, the same as their first movie, “A Hard Day’s Night”.

– The crescent moon is the same as the one on the flag of Pakistan, except the colours are inverted.

the same as - sentence examples
the same as – sentence examples

Example sentences of “the same as”:

– Processual archaeology continues to be used today, however it is not the same as it was when it started.

– The TCP/IP model is not the same as the OSI Model, however it was influenced by the model, which is why many names of the different layers are the same.

– In Catholic folklore, Mary, the sister of Lazarus, is seen as the same as Mary Madgalene.

– Citizens band not the same as the Amateur Radio Service which has a much longer range.

– This result is the same as if the template had been used.

– He concludes that quantum suicide kills some of these future selves, which is a bad thing the same as if there were no other worlds.

– Francis was already used, so they changed the name to be the same as the nearby Burns train station.

– Lactose intolerance is not the same as milk allergy, which is an Immune systemimmune reaction to some of the proteins in milk.

– They in total weigh the same as the single lead sphere which just fits the barrel.

– The MG1 was nearly exactly the same as the MG 42.

- Processual archaeology continues to be used today, however it is not the same as it was when it started.

- The TCP/IP model is not the same as the OSI Model, however it was influenced by the model, which is why many names of the different layers are the same.
- In Catholic folklore, Mary, the sister of Lazarus, is seen as the same as Mary Madgalene.

More in-sentence examples of “the same as”:

– The gameplay in the first 4 levels is the same as the first “Donkey Kong” game, but then it becomes more like the “Mario vs.

– The natural minor scale is the same as the 6th mode of the major scale.

– The name is the same as the mythologymythological ash after it dies.

– Breeding in captivity is probably the same as in the wild.

– Most of the time, the number of candles is the same as the age of the birthday person.

– Dividing a fraction is the same as multiplying its reciprocal and vice versa.

– Earth’s longitude is the same as the variable phi, which can be written as either to be at the north pole instead of at the equator.

– Should be the same as the article’s title, except with no disambiguation.

– If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

– The Common Anti-Air Modular Missile would have some components the same as the ASRAAM missile which is in service with the RAF.

– From 1998 to 2009, the winners of this award were the same as those of UEFA goalkeeper of the season award but in 2009, ESM became the giver of the award and the two awards were given separately until 2016.

– Sometimes the names are changed to keep them the same as in other countries.

– The list is the same as the 2008 list except for Gonzalo, Isaias, and Paulette because Gustav, Ike, and Paloma were damaging and deadly storms in 2008, and their names were retired.

– Being an admin here isn’t the same as what it was when I was promoted.

– Higher groups which only include the article subject should also list authorities unless those are the same as for the taxa in question.

– This position is the same as the Speaker of the House in other Legislatures.

– Physical chemistry is not the same as chemical physics.

– It is the same as Aeolian, but the D is treated as the “keynote”.

– It is not the same as cubic zirconia, which is man-made zirconium dioxide.

– Baker,June 1995 The term layer 3 switch often is used the same as ‘router’, but it is a general term without a technical definition.

– The name and cultures that Europeans recorded for the natives were not necessarily the same as the ones they had used a few generations before, or the ones in use today.

– The game is very much the same as “New Super Mario Bros.

– Because its history is almost the same as modern Taiwan, it has great symbolic value.

– Measles is sometimes also called “rubeola”, but it is not the same as rubella.

– For example, a man from a place near London may not pronounce his “r”s the same as a man from Scotland or a man from Northern Ireland.

– Also a lot of the people in the tribe had family names that were the same as the names of the colonists’.

– Each is roughly the same as an election district.

– It means the same as the Jewish Tanakh and the Protestant Old Testament, but does not include the deuterocanonical portions of the Roman Catholic ChurchRoman Catholic Old Testament and is meant for the text only, not for naming, numbering or ordering of books.

– However, while newer features are added during each release, the timing of the Spring release stays the same as the first release, so as to ensure the stability each year.

– However, people want to know about the opposite: Are there any NP problems other than P problems, or are all NP problems just P problems? If NP problems are really not the same as P problems, it would mean that no general, fast ways to solve those NP problems can exist, no matter how hard we look.

– The college claims its founding as 1860, the same as its Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois..

– These oval spots are cyclonic storms, the same as cyclones seen on Earth.

– It is not known how long gestation is for Gilbert’s potoroo, but it is thought to be the same as the long-nosed potoroo; about 38 days.

– He first used it in 1829 by calling scepticism the same as nihilism.

– Next in descending order would be recent precedent in jurisdictions whose law is the same as local law.

– The world of “Guild Wars 2” is the same as the world in “Guild Wars”, but many changes has been made to it.

– The special wards are not the same as the special cities of Japan.

– The relative isotopic mass of an isotope is roughly the same as its mass number, which is the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

– A smaller number may be ordered by asking for a “silver dollar” pancake is the same as a pancake about 7cm in diameter – these pancakes are usually served in groups of five or ten.

– As rendered, the non-breaking-spaced and thin-spaced versions may look similar or the same as the templated version, but they improperly mix content and presentation.

– The Australian website “Australian Flavour” gives an even earlier date, 1926, when “Home Cookery for New Zealand” by E Futter had a recipe for “Meringue with Fruit Filling.” The recipe was almost the same as a pavlova.

– The vowel system is the same as most Spanish-speakers and has five pure vowels,.

– His finished album was listenable, and showed none of the troubles that affected the band during the sessions, but it did not sound the same as other Beatles albums.

– This is not the same as being transgender.

– The opera ends with an epilogue in which the scene is the same as the beginning of the opera.

– However, the harpsichord player’s left hand notes are the same as the cello’s notes.

– The principle is the same as that of a punched card, except that the length is variable.

– Even if a comfort animal is a dog or a miniature horse, being a comfort animal is not the same as being a service animal.

– Logarithms can make multiplication and division of large numbers easier, because adding logarithms is the same as multiplying, and subtracting logarithms is the same as dividing.

- The gameplay in the first 4 levels is the same as the first "Donkey Kong" game, but then it becomes more like the "Mario vs.

- The natural minor scale is the same as the 6th mode of the major scale.
- The name is the same as the mythologymythological ash after it dies.

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